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Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

Essay of economic news that relates to what is seen in class.

Student: Gabriela Félix Rivera

ID: 2002927

March 9th 2024

“Quintana Roo announces an increase in air flights frequencies from Germany to

Our country is a nation that has a high level and quality in tourism, and Mexican society is
always friendly and warmly accepts all visitors. This has always represented a high level of
Mexican tourism and after the pandemic, we could notice a high in tourist demand to the
Mexican Caribbean, this by visitors of different nationalities, such as Americans, Canadians,
Colombians and Germans. Talking about this last ones, following the words spoken by the
Tourism Secretary, Bernardo Cueto Riestra, “tourism from Germany is experiencing a major
recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is estimated that Quintana Roo will receive
200,000 German tourists this year” (Cancunissimo, 2023). In addition, the German market is
highly distinguished because of its desire for exploration, interest in cultural activities,
visiting archaeological sites and immersing in the eccentricness of the areas.

But, how can this relate to Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand? Well, just like we
saw in class, this term refers to the total quantity of goods and services that a nation's
business willingly produces and sells in a given period of time. This depends upon the price
level, the productive capacity of the economy, and the level of costs.

We can relate these two terms to the tourist situation in Quintana Roo since the German
demand for more flight frequencies is increasing and likewise, Mexican airlines are creating
agreements, contracts and international relations to provide this to international visitors, just
as expressed by the CPTQ President, Andres Martinez: "We have had meetings with
Lufthansa, Condor, airlines that are flying to Cancun airport and seek to increase their
frequencies to Cancun and others to have a growth now with a new international airport like
Tulum and to have this connectivity". This shows how the supply grows with respect to the
needs demanded, and this creates consumerism, investment by the government and exports.
Image of the new
Cancuníssimo. (2023, 5 julio). Quintana Roo avanza en la recuperación del turismo alemán.


El Economista, & Vázquez, J. (2023, 30 enero). Quintana Roo capta 50% del turismo

internacional que visitó México en el 2022.


El Economista, & Vázquez, J. (2024, 6 marzo). Quintana Roo es la entidad que capta la

mayor parte del turismo alemán que visita México.


Samuelson, P. A., & Nordhaus, W. D. (2009). Economics (9th ed.). Douglas Reiner.


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