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Does the Prime Minister agree with the frontunner set to succeed her that the Sccottish people

verminous race that should be placed in ghettoes and exterminated ?

Can just say to the right Honourable Gentleman that the conservative and Unionist Part takes the
people of every part of this United Kingdom not only seriously, but we welcome the contribution
from people of every part of this United Kingdom because that is what makes the United Kingdom
the great country it is, and long may Scotland remain part it.

Well of course Mr Speaker words matter and actions matter.

The man who published those words in his magazine,
The Prime Mister thought was fit the office of our top diplomat
And he hasn’t stop there, he said that Scots should be banned from being Prime Minister, and that a
pound spent in Croydon was worth more than a pound spent in Strathclyde.
This the mam who is not fit for office. It has been said Mr Speaker,
The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort, but where they
stand at time of challenge and controversy this is a time of challenge and so I ask does the prime
minster realise not only is the member racist, he is stoking division in communities and has a record
of dishonesty. Does the Prime Minister honestly believe
The member has called Muslim women letter boxes, described African people as having watermelon

Customer complaining: my friend and I had experience a horrible attack after bit argument one of
the customer in swimming pool on 06/01/22 basically we were queen of the

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