Asian Women

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I am writing this in regards to the allegation mad against me on the 3 rd of July 2022.
I take pride in my work and am very professional in the way I conduct myself when working
as Taxi Driver.
It is absolutely impossible for me to behave the way in individual describes I did.
I do not recall in this particular journey however, I can promise that I definitely do not
associate myself with that,

He joinsHe joins me now very good morning to you now you’ve got pretty angry in that
article about what you describe as the woke orthodoxy of diversity equality and inclusion
and you’re particularly aiming your fire at diversity officers and training but doesn’t diversity
benefit institutions like the civil service.?
She close close tonight 33 years after the first one after the football was officially withdrawn
its not something with any of us expected to see happening and I you know I just feel
terribly for for so long because I still remember the first days where he was able to walk
down street in New York to have lunch with me completely unaccompanied by security and
how much it meant it after nine years essentially in isolation hiding for him that normalcy
that ability just walk down the street then so much and the ability to go and stand on stage
and make a speech or something that over the last few years you must have been taking for
granted it really is is deeply distressing what has happened and it is an assault on freedom
of expression I might add it also does a great disservice to the Muslim community because
this is going to reinforce the perception of many bigots will spread of Islam as a religion of
intolerance and violence which of course the perpetrator we have we have reinforced with
his actions
Cause I’m all for meritocracy I’m all for inclusion those are good things in our society in
Britain as a real champion of those values what I’ve been very dismayed by however is the
takeover by HR teams by campaign groups which have propagated a political ideology when
it comes to identity politics and that’s what my article is about we’ve seen thousands of
hours at huge cost to the taxpayers spend Tom diversity and inclusion training an it’s been
divisive not inclusive it’s been patronising not empowering it’s based on an assumption that
me as a an ethnic Asian woman from working class roots must be a victim necessarily
oppressed that’s a misassumption an I think it creates division it creates a it’s tearing the
SoC tearing up our society breaking down the fabric of our country and I think it’s a waste of
money for the, supporters would say The fabric of our country and I think it’s a waste of
money but supporters would say that exactly what’s needed to promote the diversity you
say is so badly needed no I disagree I think the way it’s taught in the way it strained is
indoctrinating I think that it’s written the training materials that I’ve seen used in the civil
service riddled with left wing views on race and gender things like white privilege civil
servants are taught about microaggressions they’re taught about white fragility there taught
about how to be a straight ally I don’t think those are objectively impartial when it comes to
politics and I don’t think they’re good value for money and I don’t think ultimately that’s
what taxpayers want their civil servants all day government lawyers to be spending their
time on your attorney general how important do you think that equality laws and

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