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Name: Tian Lawrence, Shaniqua Salmon, Rishanae Whitehead, Tianna Graham, Davia Ennis

Subject: Mathematics

Year: 2024

Candidate Number:

Teacher: Mrs. T. Panton



Project title


Method of Date Collection

Presentation of Data

Analysis of Data

Discussion of Findings


An investigation to determine the preferred type of vehicle used for public transportation in
my community.
Our group chose to investigate the preferred type of public transport in our community due to

its relevance and direct impact on the daily lives of residents. Studying the preferred type of

public transport in our community is a crucial investigation, as it directly influences the daily

lives of residents and plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall rural experience. This

investigation goes beyond mere transportation choices; it delves into the accessibility,

efficiency, and convenience that residents seek in their daily commutes. Understanding the

preferences of the community in terms of public transportation not only addresses the

practical aspects of commuting but also holds implications for environmental sustainability,

traffic management, and the overall quality of life for residents. As we embark on this

investigation, we aim to unravel the intricate factors that contribute to the selection of

specific modes of transportation, ultimately contributing valuable insights for urban planners,

policymakers, and the community at large to enhance the functionality and efficiency of

public transport in our communities.

By undertaking this SBA, we aim to:

1. Identify the most preferred and effective modes of transportation based on

community preferences.

2. Identify the factors that influence the most preferred type of transportation

amongst residents.

3. Contribute valuable information to local authorities and transportation

planners for them to undertake the necessary steps to improve the public transport

A survey was used as our data collection tool as one of our group members travels to Spanish

town daily.

We utilized a survey to find out which transportation people would prefer when traversing

from Spanish town to Linstead. Adolescents and adults were asked the relevant questions to

which they prefer, which we got 20 responses in total. Since everyone is rushing to get into a

bus or car that was the number of responses we received.

Our group agreed to do this once since answering the questions would be hard when

everyone is sprinting to get into a bus/car.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3

Figure 4
Figure 5

We conducted a survey to find out which type of transportation people would prefer when

traversing from Spanish town to Linstead. We got 20 responses in total.

Figure 1 shows 11 out of the 20 prefer going with a coaster bus, 5 persons preferred going

with a mini-bus while 4 preferred going with a car/taxi.

Figure 2 shows the comfortableness of the 3 different vehicles in which 12 out of the 20

chose the coaster bus, 6 chose the mini-bus and only 2 chose the taxi.

Figure 3 shows how often people take the different public vehicles. 10 out of the 20 take

public transportation every day, 4 take it often and 6, occasionally.

Figure 4 shows how much money travelers spend on fare on a daily basis. 9 out of the 20

spend $200, 7 spend $400 on fare and 4 spend around $540.

Figure 5 shows how satisfied with the amount of money for fare travelers are which 18

said yes and 2 said no.


The cost of fare when traveling from Spanish town to Linstead for students is $100 and adults

200 when taking either bus and $270 when taking a taxi. Most prefer to go to the coaster bus.

Most people chose the coaster as the most comfortable because it has more leg room and

more room overall. Some mini-buses are spacious but hard to come by. Some chose the taxi

because it fills faster. One of our group members asked these questions to people who were

going to or from work and school so most of the people travel every day. On a daily basis

most chose $200 which they would be students on the buses. Most are satisfied with the total

amount of fare they have to spend. Determining all of our calculations and observations, we

concluded that Uncle Antonio should get a coaster bus, not only to benefit him but his


In conclusion, the investigation was to find out the most preferred and least preferred way of

transportation from Spanish Town to Linstead. The most preferred way of transportation was

by the coaster bus which was cheaper and more comfortable for passengers and the least

preferred way was by taxi which was more expensive and least comfortable for passengers.

Most passengers were satisfied with the fare for transportation from Spanish Town to

Linstead while others were not satisfied.

Our group chose this topic to investigate and determine the preferred type of vehicle used for

public transportation in my community so we could collect valuable information to contribute

to local authorities and transportation planners for them to undertake the necessary steps to

improve the public transport sector so that passengers can travel comfortably at a more

affordable price.

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