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DUDHPUR WOMENS SHG-II Village, Dudhpur Pt-I, P.O. Dudhpur, Bank - Canara Bank, Gobindapur Block - Katigorah Development Block

A leading NGO of Dudhpur named Dudhpur Development Society inspired some Manipuri women to form a group in the year 1997, when the SGSY scheme was not introduced. The women came forward and 13 nos. of members formed a group on 22.12.1997 named as Dudhpur Womens SHG-II. As per group decision they opened SB A/c at Canara Bank, Gobindapur under joint signatory of President and Secretary. They started to create habit of saving among members and thus accumulated some fund from which sometime borrowed money for their personal need. They run the group in full swing. The Manager, Canara Bank, as per the provision of Bank loan to SHG, extended help and sanctioned an amount of Rs. 10,000/- directly which encouraged all the members. The Manager of the bank used to visit in regular intervals. Fortunately, SHG concept was approved under SGSY scheme of Central Govt. in the year 1999 which took 6 months to be familiar to the people. As per procedure, the group was graded on 25-07-2001 by the Block, Bank and DRDA and as found eligible their case was sponsored to Bank. They got Revolving Fund of Rs. 25,000/-, comprising of Rs. 10,000/- as Subsidy and Rs. 15,000/- as Loan. In the meantime, the group members repaid the direct loan of Rs. 10,000/- availed from Bank earlier. The Revolving fund then disbursed by the Bank on 22-12-2001 total amount of Rs. 25,000/- by which they purchased yarn and 2 nos. of Looms for group as per the decision of group members.

All the members used to work at least 4 to 5 hours daily and manufactured and stitched various cloths like Gamocha, Chadar, Laisampee, bed-sheets, table-cloth etc., which have good demand and sold hand to hand. They also got scope to sell products at Gandhi Mela, Silchar which is held every year during January & February. The DRDA, Cachar also arranged a sale-cum-exhibition show at District Library, Silchar during 2003-04 and Siddeswar Baruni Mela, Katigorah a local market which is very potential for these items. By selling the products they got a good profit and paid

the monthly installment at Bank regularly and were able to clear the Revolving funds bank share alongwith interest at the end of one year. Besides, their monthly saving subscription also accumulated a handsome amount from which the group members tool loan for their emergent need. The group members realized the benefit of group effort, sort out problems of groups in the meeting itself, extends help to fellow old ailing persons of the village, educate people for availing Govt. grants, safe drinking water, child care, fight against torture to women and several settlement of domestic misunderstanding between husband and wife in the village. As soon as the Revolving fund is cleared in the Bank there is no outstanding. The authorised members applied for 2nd Gradation and the joint team of Grading, namely Bank, Block and DRDA conducted 2nd Grading on 07-12-2002, In the grading process they were passed by all three members and their loan proposal sponsored to respective Bank Branch for sanction. The scheme was prepared by the Handloom & Textile Deptt. of Silchar with an amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- comprising of Rs. 50,000/- as Subsidy and Rs. 50,000/- as Bank credit in the package. The Bank on receipt of their proposal sanctioned and disbursed as amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- to the SHG in two phases. By this amount the SHG members purchased improved Looms 10 nos. and good quality of yarn of various colours. The group members had to work hard in their looms to produce quality clothes to survive in the competitive market and to repay loan to Bank. Moreover, they also have thoughts of extra income in order to support their family head. They became successful in producing lots of better quality clothes, chadar, laisampee, bed-sheets, gamocha etc. and sold them locally in the Gandhi Mela, Silchar, Baruni Mela, Katigorah and Silchar Wholesalers.

The Bank loan of Rs. 50,000/- has been completely recovered in 25 months @ Rs. 2,000/- per month alongwith interest. Now, they have own improved looms, corpus fund of Rs. 62,000/-, finished products worth Rs. 22,000/-. Now as nothing to be paid to Bank, each group members can earn Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1,000/- per month by using their looms and support their family head to cross the poverty line keeping the concept of SHG in mind for the socio economic development of the village. The SHG was praised by the Assam Assembly Employment Review Committee, National Level Monitor from New Delhi, Evaluation & Monitoring officers of P&RD Deptt., Govt. of Assam, Dispur during the last 2

years. Next year the 2nd dose of credit linkage will be given to the group with a subsidy of Rs. 50,000/, which will also give them extra financial support and they can achieve more and more and also earn a record profit, setting an example of ideal Self Help Group (SHG).


LOKNATH SHG Vill. Gorerbond Borkhola Dev. Block.

Leburbond area is one of the most naturally potential area for Pisciculture. The village Gorerbond is in Leburbond area under Borkhola Dev. Block. Keeping the potentiality and demand of local fish in mind a women folk of this village consisting 12 nos. decided to be self reliant through Fish rearing. On 28.8.07, in the fine morning the enthusiastic women folk formed a Self Help Group under name and style Loknath SHG. The SHG opened a SB A/c in UBI, Dalu Branch. The Group was graded properly after six month from the date of opening Bank Account and received an amount of Rs. 25000/- as Revolving Fund out of which Rs. 10,000/- is subsidy. The Group utilized the whole amount in income generating activities through the process of internal money lending amongst the members of the Group and capable of repaying all Bank loan portion in time.

After eight month from the date of receiving Revolving fund the Group was graded for the second time & eligible for taking up Fishery activity for changing their livelihood. The UBI, Dalu Branch disbursed an amount of Rs. 2.45 Lakhs of which Rs. 1.20 Lakhs is subsidy. With the amount the Group constructed 4 (four) nos. of Fisheries tank measuring 4 bighas and introduced 2800

fingerlings in to 4 nos. tanks. The Group is now capable of harvesting 800 Kg. of Fishes, like Rahu, Katla, Mirga, Common Carps, Grass-Carp and Silver Carps from 4 nos. Fisheries and earned Rs. 80,000/- by selling Fishes on Local Market as well as at Silchar town with handsome profit. The Group is repaying yearly Bank installment regularly. At present the per capita income of the members of the group is increasing day by day. It is hoped that the all members of the Group will be self reliant within project period and also able to change their standard of living.


PELADHAR MOON LIGHT SHG Vill. Paladhar, P.O. Niz-Joy nagar, Salchapra Dev. Block.

The village Paladhar which is situated 25 k.m. away from the Silchar town is one of the most economically back-ward village under Salchapra Dev. Block of Cachar District. The main livelihood of this village is Agriculture activities. The Block and DRDA, Cachar has been conducting extensive awareness programme for the people of this Block area. As a result of which some enthusiastic educated unemployed youth came forward and formed SHG with a view to attain the goal of self reliant through increase of production with the help of Mechanised Farming.

The group created a corpus fund of Rs.6000/- within 6 (six) months. The Group received Revolving fund of Rs. 25,000/- from UBI, Arunachal Branch in the month of April 2006 after qualified in the grading test and started cultivation of vegetable in Rabi season in the year 2006-07. The group grew vegetable like Brinjal, Couli flower Cabbage,Cucumber etc. in the early season. An amount of Rs.30,000/- was spent for cultivation of 11 Bighas of land. The produces fetched a high price owing to supply of early season vegetable and they received Rs. 65,000/- by selling these products.

The amount received from UBI, Arunachal Branch was fully repaid and the group as a whole earned Rs.29,000/ after repayment of Bank loan in one crop season.

The Group has been assisted with an amount of 2.00 Lakhs in the year 2006-07 as Bank loan and subsidy for Mechanised Farming and accordingly SHG procured Agril. Machineries. Now the SHG is planning to prepare 1.00 ha. of land for growing of summer vegetables keeping in view the demand of the local people. It is hoped that the enthusiastic group members will attain their noble goal of self reliance within the project period.


MADHURBOND MAHILA SHG Village:- Madhurbond Silchar Dev. Block.

The village Madhurbond is located on the Bank of River Barak with its population of 900 (approx) and about 5 K.M. away from Silchar town. The main livelihood of this is mainly Agriculture &

allied activities and also business. The laborious people of this village are very anxious to live in better economic condition and they are in search of sustainable source of earning. On 24.06.02 a educated women fold consisting 10 nos. of this village took a valiant step and formed a Group namely Madhurbond Mahila Self Help Group. under active participation and guidance of the Officials of DRDA, Cachar and Smti. Piyali Roy, Gram Sevika of Silchar Dev. Block.

The aforesaid SHG was given an amount of Rs. 25000/- as Revolving fund on 05.09.03 of which Rs. 10,000/- is subsidy. The State Bank of India, Bazar Branch, Silchar had disbursed the said amount to the SHG. The SHG concerned utilized the full amount of Revolving fund income generating activities of the members of the SHG through the process of internal money lending and in time, the whole dues of Cash Credit along with the interest had been repaid as per SGSY norms. As the Group is good one so an amount of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs was given in the year 2003-04 for taking up Dairy activities of which Rs. 1.00 Lakh is Subsidy after qualified in the 2nd gradation test.. With the amount the group constructed a Cow shed also purchased 7 nos. of Cross-Bread Cows of which 4 nos. was pregnant. At present the SHG is getting 30 litres of Milk from 4 cows and are selling all milk at Silchar town @ Rs.30/- per litre thus earning a hand some profit. The Group is repaying the loan installment regularly It is hoped that the all members of the Group will be able to attain their goal of self reliance within the project period.


Dhanehari Pt.III Roy para Tapsili SHG Unit No. 1 Village Dhanehari Pt.-111. Sonai Dev. Block.

The scheduled caste women of Dhanehari Pt.-iii could have never thought of their economic development through the formation of SHG. The awareness and encouragement from both the DRDA and Dev. Block level field functionaries have succeeded to change their notion. One day ten women members met together and formed SHG under SGSY. They took activities of making cane and bamboo craft articles on which they are traditionally acquainted with Raw materials of their schemes are locally available and the product items can easily be sold in the nearby rural markets.

The SHG opened saving Bank Account in the nearest Cachar Gramin Bank now Assam Gramin Vikas Bank Sonabarighat Branch and thrifting are started from their meager earnings. After six months their dream came into true and the SHG have been 1st graded on 8.9.03 and amount of Rs. 25000/- was disbursed as Revolving Fund out of which Rs. 10000/- was given as subsidy assistance and the remaining amount as Cash Credit. After receiving the Revolving Fund the Group members devoted themselves to increase the business with more enthusiasm. Being satisfied the group have been graded for the 2nd times and found eligible for extending credit support. The SHG has received Bank credit amounting to Rs.10000/- on 07.11.06 out of which Rs.50000/- was given as Govt. subsidy. The SHG members are very serious in their activities. The Bank Branch is also found very pleased on the SHG for maintaining the repayment of Bank credit in regular installments. The Bank Branch, DRDA and Block level Officials are providing all possible and necessary guidance to the SHG. The economic condition of the Groups members are gradually developing after investment of whole amount received from Bank in their key economic activities each and every members of the SHG have started to dream for self reliance in the coming days.


Agragami Atma Sahayak Dal SHG Village Sildubi Sonai Dev. Block

The village Sildubi under Sonai Dev. Block is 15 K.M. away from Silchar town. The village has total population of 2900 and the majority of the people are maintaining their livelihood by Fishing. In a fine morning of 1st September 2002, 15 nos. of educated unemployed youth gathered together in the old Panchayat office and formed a SHG. The name of the SHG was selected as Agragami Atma Sahayak Dal. Keeping the demand of local fish and eggs in mind they decided to start fishery cum Duckery project in their village and opened a Bank Account at PNB, Silchar Branch.

After six months, the SHG have been 1st graded on 24.03.03 and released Rs. 25000/- out of which Rs. 15000/- was Bank loan and Rs. 10000/- was subsidy. After getting the revolving fund they have procured some Ducks and used the fishery for growing Ducks. After 3 months they have started harvesting and sell the same in the local market. Within short time production of Fish became nice

and they have also recovered the Bank loan. After next six months they have been 2nd graded and qualified for getting the benefit of Credit Linkage of Bank for implementation of Fishery. The Group received Rs. 1.50 Lakhs from Punjab National Bank, Silchar Branch out of which Rs.75,000/- is subsidy. With the amount the Group constructed 3 nos. Fisheries tanks measuring 3 bighas and introduced 2100 fingerlings into the Fisheries. The Group has harvested 300 Kgs of Fish after six month out of 3 nos. Fisheries and sold them in local market as well as Silchar town @ Rs.100/- per Kg. thus earned a good amount with handsome profit. It is estimated that the Group will have to be able to produce 600 Kgs of Fish every year from the 3 nos. of Fisheries and by selling the fishes with profit the Group can eradicate their poverty within the project period.


Biplabi SHG Village Dhanehari Pt.111 Sonai Dev. Block.

Twelve numbers of Women of village Dhanehari Pt.-iii sat together in a place and formed a SHG on 12.06.03. The SHG opened a SB Account in the name of the Group to the nearest Assam Gramin Vikas Bank at Sonabarighat Branch and started small savings out of their slender family income. In every week of the month they sit together and discussed how to associate themselves for increasing of their poor family income. After eight months their collective small savings in the Bank account stood around Rs. 5,500/-. They decided to start internal lending amongst themselves for rearing goat.

The group was 1st graded on 20.12.03 and amount of Rs.25000/- have been sanctioned by the Bank Branch as Revolving Fund out of which Rs.10000/- was provided subsidy assistance. With a corpus fund of Rs. 30,500/- the group members started goat rearing with full swing and now the


numbers of goat of the group has reached 37 Nos. In addition to that the corpus fund of the group in their Account have now increased to Rs.18000/-. The group has repaid all Bank dues with interest in time. The group passed 2nd gradation and an amount of Rs. 100000/- has been sanctioned as Bank Credit for Goatery activity. The Dist. Rural Dev. Agency has released an amount of Rs.50000 as subsidy. The disbursement of loan to SHG will be taken place very soon. It is interesting to find that other women of the village are also showing enthusiasm for formation of SHG after getting incentive from Biplabi SHG to eradicate their poverty.


Yuba Kalyan Bir Sangha SHG Vill-Chandinagar Pt VI, PO - Harinagar Pt IV Block - Katigorah

A Group of schedule caste people of village Chandinagar formed a SHG group consisting of 13 members for socio economic development under SGSY programme on 28.03.2001. They first started group with all living below poverty line some of them are agril. Labour and wage labour. The individual monthly subscription of the group members was Rs. 50/- which was deposited to their group Account maintained at Cachar Gramin Bank now Assam Gramin Vikas Bank Cheragi Branch. Considering the far distance of the Bank Branch from their village they had decided to deposit saving money once in a month at Bank. The location of the village is at the remote Border Indo-Bangladesh at Harinagar G.P. under Katigorah Dev. Block. The area is totally flood affected and low lying water submerged. The inhabitants live in on the Tilla land of the village which is natural diagram of the village. Hence the area is suitable for Duck Farming. Considering the above fact the SHG who are accustomed with rearing of Duck choose Farm activity under SGSY. Initially they have a small fund accumulated from members saving from which they had to internal lending among members and besides these they have purchased 50 nos. of Duck pullets at the end of four months of formation of the group. As soon as the group passed


six month the process of gradation started and gradation conducted jointly by the Block, Bank and APO (Cr) of DRDA on 11.03.02 for assistance of Revolving Fund under SGSY. Subsequently the application cum appraisal form dully filled up was sponsored to Bank by the DRDA. The Bank on receipt of proposal disbursed an amount of Rs. 25,000/- where in an amount of Rs. 10000/- is DRDA component and Rs. 15,000/- was Bank share. The group members after receiving Revolving fund sit together and decided unanimously to utilize the entire fund for purchase of improved quality Ducks and Feed. The Bank loan portion alongwith the interest then cleared in one year i.e. 12 installments from the sale proceeds of eggs. Then the 2nd gradation was conducted on 13.05.05 jointly by three men committee Block, Bank and DRDA. After verifying all records and their activities the group was passed for assistance of Credit and Subsidy for Duck farming activities. The schemes and project report was prepared by the E.O (Vety) of Kalain State Vety. Dispensary for an amount of Rs. 1.50 Lakhs comprising of Rs. 75,000/- as DRDA subsidy and Rs. 75,000/- was Bank credit. The Vety. Officer extended technical know how for rearing the Ducks in scientific way to the SHG members at their village. The loan was sanctioned on 20.01.06 and disbursed by the Bank on 23.02.06. The members purchased improved quality of 700 Nos. of Ducks as advice of Vety. Doctor and feed was brought from nearby town. The vaccination part was taken by the V.F.A. of Vety. Dept. from next month the group received 3600/per month by selling 1200 eggs @.200 eggs per bird per year @Rs.3/- each egg. The repayment of loan was made in regular installments at the rate of Rs.3000/- per month and as on May 2007 they have deposited a sum of Rs.45000/- towards their loan account against Rs.75000/- total loan. The group has now accumulated a fund of Rs.1,25,000/ from members individual saving, Bank interest, interest on internal lending etc. Besides these the Ducks worth of Rs.75000/ is available in their farm.

The SHG members are found actively participating in socio economic upliftment of the village. They sometimes assist in SAFFAI ABHIYAN in the village, arrange health camp, collect money from door to door for marriage of helpless girl who have no one to look after. They involved themselves for relief and rescue operation of the flood affected people. They also fight against age old custom and educate people for taking benefit of Govt. grants from various Depts.

Thus the group having good intention in mind actively participating in social works and took economic activity for eradication of poverty and become successful in group formation, liquated Bank loan in regular installments. The group is also conquer the mind of the local people by way of producing and supplying local eggs of Ducks which atleast meet a part of total requirement of eggs of this locality.



SIBPUR PT-I SHG Village - Sibpur., Binnakandi Development Block.

Sibpur Pt-I is naturally one of the most potential areas under Cachar District for dairy activities. Moreover, other infrastructural facilities for the said activity are available. Keeping the potentiality and demand 10 numbers of educated members of Sibpur formed a group namely Sibpur Pt-I SHG. After six months the group received Revolving fund of Rs. 25,000/-, out of which Rs. 10,000/- as Subsidy and Rs. 15,000/- as Cash Credit. With the revolving fund and the corpus fund, the group purchased 3 nos. of local cows and constructed a cowshed in the land of SHG.

As the group is a very good one and after six months the group was again graded and passed in the 2nd grading test. The group unanimously decided to take up dairy activities and accordingly the DRDA, Cachar sponsored a loan proposal under this activity with a unit cost of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs, out of which DRDAs Subsidy is Rs. 1.00 Lakh. The Cachar Gramin Bank, Banskandi Branch disbursed the loan of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs in the name of the said SHG under dairy activities in the year 2003-04. With the amount, the group purchased 8 nos. of cross-breed cows, out of which, 4 nos. are at present giving milk and the rest 4 nos. are pregnant.

The lactation period of these 4 nos. of cows will be started after one year. The group is now getting 30 litres of milk per day from the 4 nos. of cows and are selling all the milk @ Rs. 20 per litre, thus earning a handsome profit.

Now, the group is repaying their loan installment regularly and after three years they will be self-reliant.




Bam Ancholik Nari Jagoron Mohila S.H.G., which was established on 22nd July 2004, with 12 (twelve) Nos. of members under the Presidentship of Lugailin Rongoran and the Secretaryship of Momtaj Begam, key activities of the named group is piggery for which they received Revolving Fund of rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) on 03-08-2006 and 2nd gradation done on 21-022007. Credit linkage of which is under process. Most of the group members are of ST and they have got fare idea of piggery farming, they are getting production out of their schematic activity.

Market potentially is quite satisfactory as Mizoram State is very adjutant to their location, every now and then they are selling pig to the purchaser of that state and also has got local potentiality.


The group members are intending to make a bigger unit of piggery firm after availing the fund of credit linkage from D.R.D.A., Cachar. Also Bank is extending their helping hand towards the group for development of their financial status. This group is also appreciated from our end.



The Lakshmi Mohila Samity S.H.G. formed on 6th September 2002. It is a homogeneous group having 12 (twelve) members. President :Secretary :Aberun Nessa Mema Singha

The attitude of the members of the S.H.G. are a clear manifestation of socio-economic empowerment interventions yielding relatively for quicker result and the aims and object of the group is to develop their financial condition by the contribution of their endeavor plus skill.

The group received Revolving Fund on 02-03-2004 for sum of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) and after a very good dealing with the Bank (A.G.V.B.) it has been observed that they are producing weaving materials which they are selling in the local market. They have got their market facilities near by.


Further, the group received credit linkage on 10-04-2007 for sum of Rs.1.50 Lakhs which was deposited in Bank A/c. No.SB-3622/7 (A.G.V.B.) Bagha Branch.

After receiving credit linkage they are manufacturing weaving materials up to the mark and which are marketable. They are able to make out profit out of their production quite satisfactory. In fine it may be very much appreciated that the group is a successful one with their aims and objectives.



Shilposhree S.H.G. was formed on 08-07-2002, with 10 (ten) Nos. of members of same locality and which is an homogenous, with an intension to eradicate unemployment problem among their group members by their own skill and endeavor. The name of President is Smti. Rita Sinha and Secretary is Smti. Laima Sinha who are expert in manufacturing all the weaving materials and floriculture. The group itself has an intension to make out a showroom in the proper market at Kabuganj. The group has an experience of making fine finished products which are easily saleable. The group Shilposhree is fair, as it is called, for its excellent finished products. The Shilposhree received their revolving fund for sum of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) on 5th October 2004, but they are so busy with their works, they cannot spare time to attend Block. The group intending towards the credit linkage facilities at an early date which they applied for.


The concerning Bank is satisfied by spot verification and promising for their financial help towards the group Shilposhree, Pakoipar, P.O.- Kabuganj. Activities :- (1) By dint of the group activities, local other labourers are able to mean out of their livelihood by rendering their skill under the Shilposhree group.


The group established a training centre with the collaboration of other two S.H.Gs viz- Chetona S.H.G. and Gandhinagar Charukola S.H.G. at where Shilposhree S.H.G. organised various training programme on weaving subject for the upliftment of financial status of local population and themselves.

And in fine, Shilposhree S.H.G. is an unique successful group of Narsingpur Dev. Block which is being appreciated from all corners of District Level Inspection. It is a model women members group of Narsingpur Dev. Block.



The name Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. was formed on 8th March 2001, under Narsingpur Dev. Block under the Presidentship & Secretaryship of Sunil Sinha & Konak Sinha respectively. The S.H.G. received the Revolving Fund gainst5 weaving key activities & also received credit linkage on


28-02-2004. The total member of this S.H.G. was 12 (twelve). This organization has upgraded to a society after the same name (Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G.) which was also registered on 12th February 2004, under the society act of XXI of 1860. The organisation has diversified it activities as an N.G.O. forming various S.H.Gs through micro-finance, training institute etc. Major activities of Tarunodoy Kala Bharati Organisation in the last 2 years are as follows:

Sl. No. 1. 2. 3.






Manipuri Handloom Fishery V.T.C. (1) Knitting & Cutting (2) Computer Training

06 04

26 -

18 -

50 04

25 27 22

40 32 60 30


40 57 87 52 290

4. 5.

S.H.G. 8 Nos. of Groups Micro Finance


Manipuri Handloom:The group members belong to Manipuri community & have a good quality to weave the cloths

by birth. This organization established a Manipuri Handloom Centre, where almost 41 (forty one) weavers are doing their job. As a result 45 (forty five) persons from poor families are getting their source of income.


Fishery Project :The Tarunodoy Kala Bharati Organisation started fishery project on about 4 (four) Bighas of

land where 4 (four) workers are regularly engaged in this particulars project & expected that the project will get net profit of Rs.60,000/- (Rupees Sixty thousand) only per year.



Knitting & Cutting Training Centre :To support income generating scheme the Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. has started a

Knitting & Cutting Training Centre at Puthikhal where 5 (five) Nos. of members are instated their registration under the Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. Banner. As a result the Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. established a training centre where 37 (thirty seven) Nos. of female members are taking course for 6 (six) months duration. Till date 3 (three) groups already completed their course & they started their income through establish small productive centre. Hope this year i.e. 2007-2008, the Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. will established another branch at Dholai Basti located nearby Mizoram border. (4) Vocational Training Centre :- ( Computer Institute ) The Tarunodoy Kala Bharati Organisation has started Computer Training Institute name COMPUGYAN located at Kabuganj (Market area) since 1st January 2005, where experienced instruction forwarded from NIIT. It is tremendous successive step where regularly 25 (twenty five) Nos. of student taking part for better future. So, far observed from the spot verification the group Tarunodoy Kala Bharati S.H.G. is an unique successful group of the Narsingpur Dev. Block, Cachar.


Yuva Jagriti S.H.G. Vill.- Pakoipar, P.O.- Kabuganj Dist.- Cachar (Assam)

Yuva Jagriti S.H.G. was formed on 1st July 2004, with the group of 12 (twelve) members. Subhendu Sinha wa selected as the President and Krishna Kanta Sinha became the Secretary of the group. This group is an informal association of 12 (twelve) members who have voluntarily come together for the business of saving and credit and to enhance the members financial security as primary focus and other common interests of members such as area development, awareness, motivation, leadership training and associating in other social programmes for the benefit of the entire community. Objectives :- (1) To include the savings and banking habits among members. (2) To secure their form financial, technical and moral strengths. (3) To enable availing of loan for productive purposes. (4) To gain economic prosperity through loan. (5) To gain from collective wisdom in organising and managing their own finance and distributing the benefits among themselves. So, it is a process which ultimately leads to self-fulfillment of each member of the society.


This Yuva Jagriti S.H.G. has got multipurpose objectives. Though initially they put a scheme for tailoring after availing Revolving Fund the group started to think with other activities such as :- (1) Coaching Centre, (2) Computer Coaching, (3) Tailoring Centre etc. The group members are related with an association which is a N.G.O. They have got variety of activities. Some of the members works on Mobile repairing, Video recording and editing etc.

In the year 2005 Yuva Jagriti S.H.G. secured their Revolving fund of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) as they have got variety of productive means, they like to stand on foots themselves. Their concerning Bank is S.B.I- Kabuganj with the A/c. No.01170060791. In conclusion it can be said that the group is a successful one which is implied on spot verification.


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