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Lady at all village primary school that is I cook the school dinners we call it dinner but you can

also call it lunch I know the school really well because my son went there when he was little
he's 14 now so he goes to a different school but my sister's little boy my nephew is 7 so he goes
to the school it's a village school and the children are aged between 4:00 and 11:00 I I have to
wear an awful baggy blue dress for work and a white paper hat I also wear my black trainers
because they're more comfortable than shoes and I have to stand up for a long time I usually
get to work at 11:15 I live next to the school so it doesn't take me long to get here first I have to
set the tables in the school hall after that we prepare the food in the large kitchen I'm always
very busy there are 420 children at the school and 400 of them have school dinners a few of
the children bringing packed lunches but most of them eat our food we have to use the
freshest vegetables and we don't use much sugar in our desserts because we're in the middle
of the countryside we have our own field behind the school we grow carrots onions potatoes
and lettuce is and we're going to start growing tomatoes next year the food is much healthier
than when my son was here lunch is from 12:30 to 1:30 the youngest children come in first
then the older children come in at about 12:45 after lunch we never throw away the children's
leftover fruit and vegetables we keep it to reuse for the field the waste is called compost and it
helps the vegetables to grow better the children are learning not to waste food too another
advantage of going to school in the countryside finally at 20 to two we load the dishwashers
and I clean the tables I'm always very tired when I get home at about 2:30 it's not a long day
but we have to work really hard

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