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_Arab and Berber forces crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from North Africa under the
command of Tariq and Muza to the Iberian Peninsula in 711. This Muslim army defeated the
Visigoth King Don Rodrigo at the Battle of Guadalete in 711, beginning the Islamic conquest
of the Iberian Peninsula. They took the Visigoth capital Toledo in the year 712

3._Were Muslim superiority, internal conflicts between Visigoths and the support offered to the
invaders by Jews and some nobles in exchange for keeping their properties

4._certain groups of Christian resistance emerged in the Northern mountainous region and the
Muslims were defeated by the noble D. Pelagious in the Battle of Covadonga (Asturias) in the year
722 and became the first Christian kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula.
This event marks the beginning of eight centuries of struggles between Christians and Muslims, of
advances and retreats called, as a whole,"The Reconquest".

5._ the Muslims turned their attention to the rest of Europe. They began to advance into France. The
Franks, under the leadership of Charles Martel,defeated the Islamic army in the Battle of Poitiers
(732) and forced them back south. From this point forward, Islamic control was mostly limited to the
Iberian Peninsula south of the Pyrenees Mountains.

TAIFAS (929 – 1031)

13._ The Muslims could take part of the government, but the highest positions were mainly
reserved for men who had arrived from Arabia.

14._The administration of the stafe

● Al-Andalus was divided into 21 provinces or coras.
● The caliph had absolute power. He was supreme judge, the highest religious authority and
general of the army.
● Below him was the hachib (prime minister), helped by various viziers (ministers). Together,
they formed the diwan (government)
● The governors of the provinces were the vaiñs. Generals or quads governed the marches
(border areas)
● The cadis dispensed justice.
● The almotacén controlled the souks (markets) and city trade.

15._Agriculture, Livestock farming, Mining, Crafts, Trade: domestic and foreign trade

18._ The Muslims brought the compass and the astrolabe from India and China; these last
instruments were too important in the development of navigation.
They were also great astronomers and mathematicians; they made catalogues of stars,
they started to use zero, they invented algebra and improved arithmetic and

19._They Developer surgery and anaesthesia techniques thanks to the works

of two doctors, Avicena and Averroes.
Based on the work of Greek Galen, it was translated to the Latin by the doctors
of the West. Herbalist became rich with numerous plants and Eastern spices (saffron).
The most important treaty of Avicena was Kitab al-Qanun (Canon of the

22._• They use cheap and simple materials to their constructions: Brick, wood,
plaster, tiles...
• The Koran prohibited the depiction of human figures, so it was used
ornamental decoration to cover the walls (stucco, paints or mosaics):
20._At this time the Mosque of Cordoba was
finished and the luxurious city of Medina Azahara or Madinat-al-Zahra was built to its
outskirts (calipha ́s residence). In the cultural land a great splendor was reached;
during the Alhaken II caliphate, the Muslims built in Cordoba the greatest library of the
world of its time.
In 716 becomes capital of the Emirate of Al-Andalus it reached its maximum demographic
apogee built Mosque of Cordoba the city of Medina Azahara or Madinat-al-Zahra and the
greatest library in Cordoba.

21._The mosque is one of the most important buildings in the Muslim world. In
the biggest cities there were several mosques but the main one was known as aljama
mosque it was where Friday for the oration of the noon was concentrated the men.
The mosque was also a school to teach the Koran, the cadi residence and sometimes
judgments were celebrated there.

● -Mosque of Córdoba: Independent Emirate and Caliphate
● -Medina Azahara (Córdoba): Caliphate
● -Aljafería (Zaragoza): Taifa Kingdoms
● -Torre del Oro and Giralde (Seville) : Almohads period
● -Alhambra (Granada): Nashrid Kingdom

7._The Umayyad prince Abd al-Rahman I reached the Peninsula, fleeing the
Abbasids took the control of Islam Empire . He proclaimed himself the independent
emir in 756. This meant hit politically Independence from the Abbasid caliphs of
Baghdad but he still recognise their religious authority
1. The Christians reconquered Zamora and the Franks took Barcelona and Girona with
Charlemagne who created the Hispanic Mark.
2. Muladis or Christians converted to Islam rebelled against discrimination by Arabs.
3. the Umayyads had regained control of Al-Andalus and named themselves the
Caliphate of Cordoba in 926

9._In the year 929, Abd al-Rahman III reorganised the army, ended the internal revolts and
conducted punitive expeditions against the peninsular Christian Kingdoms, who were obliged
to pay him taxes.It was a period of great political and cultural splendour in Al-Andalus

10._When Almanzor died in 1002, the caliphate sank into a serious political crisis due to the
lack of authority of the caliphs. Until 1031 the different provinces of the Caliphate of Cordoba
became independent and the caliphate was disintegrated in twenty eight small independent
kingdoms called "taifas" that lasted until 1086.

11._They were 28 small independents kingdoms form from 1031-1096 in Al-Andalus they do
to a serious political crisis.
Only the taifas of Zaragoza, Toledo, Badajoz, and Seville were large kingdoms. These kingdoms
were really weak: They fought against each other to conquer others territories.Some of them
asked for Christian kings’ help and they had to pay tributes (parias) in exchange.
The last taifa was the Nasrid kingdom of Granada, regained by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492,
after a decade of military campaigns that culminated in the handing over of the keys of the city
by the Nasrid king Boabdil on January 2, 1492.
12._ In Al-Andalus there were different ethnic groups, religions (islam, judaism and christianity)
and also economic and power levels.
Small groups formed by:
● Family members of the caliph
● Arab conquerors (50.000 people)
High position and extensive properties.
Made up the rest of the society including peasants and craftmen
● The old Hispanic population of the Visigoth period, in certain cases they maintained the
Christian religion and they were called Mozarabs (mozárabes)
● Sometimes they ended up adopting the Muslim religion and costumes and became the
Muladis (muladíes)
● Berber (berberes) conquerors from the North Africa.
● The Jews (judíos)
● The slaves, who were pagans or converts to Islam.

Non-Muslims, such as Jewish people and Christians, lived peacefully with the Mulsims in
Al-Andalus, but were required to pay an extra called the “jizya”

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