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How To Test a Product

We all know it only takes ONE product to change your life. There are many
different approaches to product testing. They can be categorized under two
main methods: spraying and praying or calculated. Spraying and praying is
testing as many products as you can. Calculated product testing is testing
products based on a proven method. In this guide I'm going to break down
how we use the calculated method to find winners again and again.

Here are the rules that our team follows for all product tests

Never Get Emotionally Attached
When first beginning to test new products it can be easy to think you
know best. You see a product with amazing ads and think, “Wow this is
gonna kill it.” You test the product and after days you’ve lost money. DROP
THE PRODUCT. It's easy to get attached to a product when you see your
competitor crushing it with the same product. However, if you test it and
you get below a break even ROAS after 3 days move on. Can you continue
testing new creatives, changing your offer, until you get to a point of
profitability? Absolutely, however this will cost you time and money.

Let the Metrics Speak

When testing a product there are a few key metrics to look at. CPC,
CPM, CTR. The goal CPC to be below $1. The CPC is good; this means the
ad is good enough to grab people's attention and have them visit your
product page. Your goal CPM Is really dependent on the platform and what
country/niche your targeting. This Your Goal CTR should be 1% +
(Depending on the platform). If you are seeing your ads hitting these
metrics you may have a winner on your hands.

Give a Product 3 Days Maximum

3 days is more than enough time to know if a product will be worth
running long term. Typically a big banger will tell you Day 1. Each day when
in the testing phase we spend a maximum of $100. We typically test 3 ads
to ensure we give the product a fair test. In a matter of 3 Days we spend
$300 on the product test. By this point we should be above break even
ideally around 20-30% margins.

-Test 3 different ads
-Ensure your landing page is optimized and as good as can be
-Give a product no more than $300
-Let the test run for 3 days
-If by day three the product is at break even drop it. If you are profitable,
double down and go ham.

Last Tip - Always first test with ripped content.

These are the general rules that our team follows when product testing to
ensure we spend as little money as possible to find winners. Good luck on
all tests, remember your only one product away from a breakthrough.

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