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Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime



Abstract ……………..


Part 2-childhood and adolescence…………………………………………….

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime


Mama V, a 65-year-old woman from St. Mary, Jamaica, has led a rich and vibrant

life. Born may 12, 1959; as a neighbour friend but grew thinking she was my aunt, I had the

privilege of witnessing her journey firsthand and have chosen her as the subject of this case

study to delve into the complexities of aging and human development. Mama V's story is one

of resilience, strength, and the enduring power of family bonds.

This comprehensive case study delves into various aspects of Mama V’s

development, spanning physical, cognitive, and emotional dimensions from birth to her

present day. By examining these diverse facets of her past, we gain insight into the formation

of her unique identity. The study will also explore Mama V’s home life and the pivotal

situations that have shaped her into the distinctive person she is today. Despite encountering

numerous challenges and navigating unique circumstances throughout her lifetime, the

analysis concludes that Mama V’s development has been relatively normal across all areas. In

the reflective section at the end of the case study, we delve into Mama V’s personal

experiences, drawing connections to relevant developmental theories. These insights help

illuminate the intricate journey that has contributed to Mama V’s remarkable life story.
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Part 1: Introduction

The purpose of this case study is to explore Mama V's experiences and reflections as

she navigates the complexities of aging in her 60s. Specifically, the investigation will focus

on her physical health, mental well-being, social connections, and attitudes toward aging. By

examining Mama V's life in detail, we aim to gain insights into the factors that contribute to

successful aging and resilience in the face of challenges.

Throughout the case study, we will delve into Mama V's personal narrative, drawing on

qualitative data such as interviews, observations, and personal reflections. Additionally, we

will explore relevant literature on aging and human development to contextualize Mama V's

experiences within broader theoretical frameworks. The scope of the investigation will

encompass Mama V's entire lifespan, with a particular emphasis on her current stage of life in

her mid-60s.

Mama V was born and raised in a small town in the Oracabessa, the eldest daughter in

a close-knit family of 9 siblings. Mama V also grew up within walking distance to

Extended family, giving her the opportunity to interact with both sets cousin and friends her

age. Her parents, instilled in her a strong work ethic and values of compassion and integrity.

Growing up, Mama V excelled academically and was actively involved in extracurricular

activities, demonstrating early leadership qualities. Her mother worked as a cook in a small

restaurant outside of the rural community and she did not know what job her dad worked, just

that he was often goon for long periods of time. Even though both parents worked times were

often hard, “even though wi neva have much it made us value family mor’ she recounts with

a dialect mixed with standard English and a hint of patois.

Growing up, Mama V loved to play outside with her siblings and animals. She also
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

enjoyed reading, ‘runnin up and down’, playing Ludy and climbing trees, and spending time

with her family and friends. According to her she was a big foody “mi did love meat more

than rice, an mek mi tell u bout ground food a dat mi coulda eat.. more than rice”; her

favourite foods were fry fish head, soup, oxtail, boil dumpling, roasted yams, sweet potato

pudding and just to name a few. The majority of her mother was her favourite things to eat

and it shows as Mama V was not of small stature. There was little that Mama V did not like

doing, eating, or playing while growing up.

Throughout her life, Mama V has encountered numerous significant events that have

shaped her into the woman she is today. One pivotal moment occurred during her teenage

years when her father passed away unexpectedly, leaving the family to navigate financial

challenges. Despite this loss, Mama V remained resilient, taking on additional responsibilities

to support her family while continuing her education.

After completing high school, Mama V pursued higher education, earning a bachelor's

degree in nursing from a prestigious university. Her passion for helping others led her to a

fulfilling career as a registered nurse, where she dedicated over three decades to providing

compassionate care to patients in various healthcare settings. Alongside her professional

endeavours, Mama V prioritized family.

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Part 2- Early childhood and Adolescence

Mama V's journey through early childhood and adolescence was marked by several

significant milestones and experiences that laid the foundation for her future success. As a

young child, Mama V demonstrated exceptional curiosity and intelligence, excelling in

school from an early age. At this stage Mama V development is mainly focused on

developing fine and motor skills. McDevitt et al. (2010) states that “physical movement is a

hallmark of early childhood, and dramatic changes occur in both gross motor skills and fine

motor skills” (p.159). even though she doesn’t remember much about her earliest childhood

memories, she fondly recalls her first day of basics school, where she eagerly embraced the

opportunity to learn and make new friends. By this time Mama V started school around the

age of 2 or 3 , she could, run, skip, hop, and climb with ease; and according to her, this was

when she realise was very competitive. Mama V also she first learnt responsibility outside of

the home “this was when I knew mi cah come home with mi uniform tear up tear up or my

mather would whip mi wid the bill”. At the age of 8 Mama V continued to grow and be more

active during middle childhood. For a few summers she would play football and cricket with

her neighbourhood friends and close cousin.

During her adolescence, Mama V faced challenges that tested her resilience and

determination. One notable event occurred when Mama V's family experienced financial

hardship following her father's untimely passing. At the age of 13, Mama V took on

additional responsibilities to help support her family, including working part-time jobs at a

friend’s shop after school and contributing to household chores. Despite the adversity she

faced, Mama V remained focused on her academic goals, determined to create a better future

for herself and her loved ones.

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

During Mama V's adolescence years, she underwent a myriad of physical and mental

changes as she transitioned from childhood to adulthood. Physically, she experienced rapid

growth spurts, leading to changes in her height, body shape, and overall appearance.

Additionally, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast

development in females and facial hair growth in males, occurred as a result of hormonal

fluctuations. These hormonal changes also contributed to skin texture variations, acne

breakouts, and mood swings. Alongside these physical transformations, Mama V grappled

with significant mental and emotional changes. She navigated Erik Erikson's stage of

"Identity vs. Role Confusion," pondering questions of self-identity, values, and aspirations.

This period involved exploration of different social roles, peer relationships, and personal

interests, accompanied by heightened emotional intensity, mood swings, and a heightened

sense of self-consciousness. As her cognitive abilities continued to mature, Mama V engaged

in abstract thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, becoming more introspective and

reflective. Forming deeper friendships and romantic relationships outside of her family circle

expanded her social circle, while simultaneously subjecting her to increased stress and

pressure related to academic performance, social acceptance, and future aspirations. Coping

with these challenges laid the foundation for Mama V's journey into adulthood, shaping the

person she is today.

Another pivotal moment in Mama V's adolescence occurred when she was selected as

valedictorian of her high school graduating class. This achievement not only showcased

Mama V's academic prowess but also highlighted her leadership abilities and commitment to

excellence. Her valedictory address, in which she spoke passionately about the importance of

perseverance and resilience, left a lasting impression on her peers and teachers alike. Despite

her outstanding mama V recounts at time in

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Part – young adoulthood

Mama V's transition into adulthood was marked by her pursuit of higher education

and the acquisition of valuable skills and knowledge. Drawing upon Erik Erikson's

psychosocial theory, Mama V navigated the stage of "Identity vs. Role Confusion" during her

teenage years, where she grappled with questions of self-identity and future aspirations.

Despite facing adversity in her early years, Mama V remained steadfast in her commitment to

academic excellence, recognizing education as a pathway to personal and professional


After graduating from St, Mary High School as valedictorian, Mama V enrolled in a

reputable university to pursue a bachelor's degree in nursing. Her decision to pursue a career

in healthcare was influenced by her innate compassion for others and according to her, the

death of her father. Through her educational journey, Mama V developed critical thinking

skills, honed her clinical expertise, and cultivated a deep understanding of human behaviour

and health.

At this point in her life, Mama V health and physical development history is one of consistent

well-being. Even though she loved to eat during her previous year, she said she tried adhered

to a balanced diet, engaged in regular exercise, and prioritized self-care. She also noted she

loved to be prim and tidy, ‘not a strand was to be outta place’. Her positive self-perception

and health concerns stems from her robust diabetic health history from her parents. Although

she acknowledges a family history of diabetes, Mama V manages to be somewhat diligently.

Her vitality aligns (Physical Development in Late Adulthood, 2020) with developmental

norms for early adulthood.

Throughout her career, Mama V embraced opportunities for professional growth and

advancement, taking on roles with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership. She
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

sought out mentorship and continuing education opportunities to stay abreast of

advancements in healthcare and expand her skill set. Mama V's dedication to her profession

earned her respect and admiration from colleagues and patients alike, solidifying her

reputation as a trusted healthcare professional

In the realm of interpersonal relationships, Mama V's transition into adulthood was

characterized by the development of meaningful connections with others. Using attachment

theory as a framework, Mama V formed secure attachments with family members and friends

providing her with a sense of emotional security and support. Her close bonds with loved

ones served as a source of strength and resilience, helping her navigate the challenges of

adulthood with confidence and was noted at this point in her life she was not

interested in being romantically involved with someone, “I would see all my colleagues and

cousins and siblings get married and start a life but I was just not ready… mi di prefer to

focus on myself and career”. She could now solve problems systematically, consider multiple

perspectives, and engage in deductive reasoning. For example, she remembered when faced

with a medical diagnosis, Mama V could analyse symptoms, explore potential causes, and

devise treatment plans using abstract reasoning (Piaget’s Stages: 4 Stages of Cognitive

Development &Amp; Theory, 2024). Similarly, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory emphasizes

the influence of cultural context and social interactions on her education. Mama V’s

education was influenced by her interactions with teachers, peers, and the broader

community. Within her Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)—the range of tasks she

could perform with guidance—Mama V’s cognitive growth occurred. Her teachers and

colleagues scaffolded her learning, pushing her toward higher cognitive abilities.

Additionally, cultural tools such as medical textbooks, scientific journals, and discussions

with colleagues provided Mama V with the necessary resources for understanding complex

health-related concepts
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Part 4- middle adulthood.

At the tender age of 39 Mama V met her now husband at church conference and she said it

was love at first sight. After dating for 3 years, she finally got married and was to ready to

start a family of her own. During Mama V's family-building phase, she had sadly had 5

miscarriages. The experience of miscarriage deeply impacted her emotional development

and tested the strength of her relationships. As Mama V and her partner hoped to expand their

family, each miscarriage brought about a cascade of emotions, including grief, guilt, and

despair. These losses challenged Mama V's sense of self and her beliefs about motherhood,

leading her to question her own worthiness and abilities as a parent.

Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development offers valuable insights into Mama V's

journey through this stage, particularly the concept of "Generativity vs. Stagnation."

According to Erikson, generativity refers to the desire to contribute to the well-being of

future generations and leave a lasting legacy, while stagnation represents feelings of

unfulfillment and self-absorption.

In Mama V's case, the experience of being unable to have kids triggered a period of

introspection and soul-searching, as she grappled with feelings of stagnation and despair. She

questioned her ability to fulfil her innate desire for parenthood and feared that she would

never experience the joys of raising a child. These feelings of inadequacy and loss threatened

to overshadow her sense of generativity, leaving her feeling adrift and disconnected from her

sense of purpose.

However, Mama V's journey through the stage of stagnation ultimately led her to retire early

in her mid-50’s. Through therapy and support from loved ones, Mama V learned to

acknowledge and process her grief in healthy ways, allowing herself to mourn the loss of

each pregnancy while also finding strength in her resilience. She discovered alternative
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

outlets for expressing her generativity, such as volunteering with children in her community

basics school and getting closer to her neighbour’s family, serving as an aunt.

Mama V's relationship with her partner also evolved through this challenging period, as they

navigated the highs and lows of their shared journey. The experience of miscarriages tested

the strength of their bond, forcing them to confront difficult emotions and communicate

openly about their hopes, fears, and dreams for the future. Together, they found solace in

their shared love and commitment, drawing strength from each other's support, and


Ultimately, Mama V's journey through the family-building phase exemplifies the

transformative power of resilience and the capacity for growth in the face of adversity. By

embracing the principles of generativity and finding meaning in her experiences, Mama V

emerged from this stage with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the

complexities of life and love.

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Part 5- late adulthood

As Mama V enters her 60s, she faces a multitude of changes and challenges

associated with aging, but also opportunities for growth and fulfilment. Drawing upon

developmental theories, we can explore how Mama V navigates this stage of life with

resilience and adaptability. As mama v didn’t show any signs of age related illness and didn’t

wish to state if she had any illness, she did complain a lot about her arthritis and all the

medications she had to take. According to the biopsychosocial model of aging, physical

health in later life is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social

factors. Mama V prioritizes her physical health by maintaining an active lifestyle, engaging

in regular exercise, and adhering to a balanced diet. However, she may also confront age-

related health concerns such as arthritis, hypertension, or chronic pain, which require

proactive management and healthcare support.

Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development suggests that older adults face the

challenge of "Ego Integrity vs. Despair" as they reflect on their life's accomplishments and

come to terms with mortality. Mama V approaches this stage with a sense of integrity,

finding meaning and satisfaction in the relationships and experiences that have shaped her

journey. She remains mentally engaged through stimulating activities such as reading,

hobbies, and social interactions, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment. Social

integration theory emphasizes the importance of social connections and support networks in

promoting well-being and resilience in later life. Mama V maintains a robust social network

comprised of family, friends, and community ties, which provides emotional support and

companionship. She actively participates in social activities, volunteer work, and group

gatherings, nurturing meaningful connections and combating feelings of isolation or

loneliness. She did speak about how sadning it was to see her families, friends and colleagues

die before her but through her Christion believe she stated she’s come to terms with this and
Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

that “ its apart of life, we all have to pass one day. What’s important is the influence you’ve

made to others”.

Mama V's attitudes toward aging \may have been shaped by her resilience, optimism,

and proactive approach to life. She views aging as a natural and inevitable part of the human

experience, embracing the opportunities for growth, wisdom, and connection that come with

each stage of life. Through resilience and adaptive coping strategies, Mama V navigates the

challenges of aging with grace and dignity, drawing upon her strengths and support systems

to overcome obstacles and find meaning in her journey.

Mama V is a radiant and resilient woman, embodying grace, wisdom, and strength.

Her warm smile and kind eyes reflect a life well-lived, filled with love, laughter, and

meaningful connections. Mama V exudes confidence and vitality, embracing each day with

enthusiasm and gratitude. Despite the inevitable challenges of aging, she remains steadfast in

her commitment to personal growth, physical well-being, and social engagement. With her

vibrant spirit and unwavering resilience, Mama V serves as a beacon of inspiration to those

around her, embodying the transformative power of positivity and purposeful living in every

aspect of her life.

Mama V: A Development Through a Lifetime

Physical Development in Late Adulthood. (2020, August 1). Pressbooks.
McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child Development and Education (4th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson

Piaget’s Stages: 4 Stages of Cognitive Development & Theory. (2024, January 24).
Simply Psychology.
Theories of Adult Psychosocial Development. (2020, August 1). Pressbooks.

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