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Name : Aulrelya Nandini Nur Anisa ( F123009 )

Class : 1A Sarjana Kebidanan

Lecturer : Gytta Affrilia Siswanto S.Tr.Keb., M. Keb

Chapter 1

Nurse Susan Johnson is meeting her patient Ms Anne Watson (52) for the first
time. Ms Watson has injured her back.
a. Listen and Practice!
Nurse : Good afternoon, Ms Watson. My name is Susan and I'll be
looking after you this afternoon.
Patient : Hello Susan. Please call me Anne – Ms Watson is so formal.
Nurse : OK! How are you feeling today, Anne?
Patient : Not so good actually, Susan. I had a bad night's sleep and my
back is really aching.
Nurse : I'm very sorry to hear that, Anne. Let me take your obs. and
then I'll see if I can do anything about your sore back. (later)
Nurse : There you go, Anne. I hope you're feeling more comfortable
Patient : Thanks Susan. I feel much better.
Nurse : That's great. I need to go now, but if you need me at all just
use the buzzer. See you soon.
Patient : Thanks! Bye

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. Where does the conversation take place?
The conversation takes place in a hospital or healthcare setting, likely in a
patient's room or ward.
2. What is the nurse's name?
The nurse's name is Susan.
3. What is the patient's name?
The patient's name is Anne.
4. What is Susan's last name?
Susan's last name is not mentioned in the conversation.
5. How is Anne today?
Anne is not feeling well today; she had a bad night's sleep and is
experiencing back pain.
6. What happens to Anne?
Susan checks Anne's vital signs (obs.) and provides some sort of treatment
or assistance for her sore back.
7. How does Susan respond to Anne's complaint?
Susan expresses sympathy for Anne's discomfort and offers to try and help
alleviate her sore back.
8. What will patient do if she needs nurse help?
Anne will use the buzzer if she needs the nurse's help again
To be : is, am, and are
a. Put the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text. Do not use
short/ contraction forms!
Peter Baker is from Manchester, but Paul and John are from London.
Manchester and London are cities in England. Hamburg is a city in Germany.
Sandra is at school to day. Jack and Peter are her friend, they are in the same
the class
Mr. And Ms Baker are on the trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She is
a nice girl.
Peter says : “My Grandfather is in hospital. I am at home with my
grandmother .”
What time is it? It is 8 o'clock, are you tired? No, I am Not

b. Complete the questions with is or are! Then answer the questions with your
own information! 1. You/ a nurse? 2. Your teacher/ an American? 3. Tennis /
your favorite sport? 4. Your shoes / new? 5. Your best friend / from Indonesia?
6. You / a student Example :
1. Are you a nurse? Yes, I am or No, I am not.
2. Is your teacher an American? Yes, she is / No, she is not.
3. Is tennis your favorite sport? Yes, it is / No, it is not.
4. Are your shoes new? Yes, they are / No, they are not.
5. Is your best friend from Indonesia? Yes, she/he is / No, she/he is not.
6. Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I am not.

a. Read the text carefuly!
The Role of The Midwife In Primary Car

References to the practice of midwifery have been found as far back in

history as notations on an Egyptian medical papyrus dated 1900 BC.
Throughout human history midwives have attended to the healthcare needs of
women, focusing primarily on labor and delivery, but over time the role of the
midwife has expanded to include routine gynecological and primary care for
Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) are registered nurses who have
graduated from a nursemidwifery education program accredited by the
Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education and have passed a
national certification examination to receive the professional designation of
certified nurse-midwife. Nurse-midwives have been practicing in the United
States since the 1920s.
While most women are familiar with the role of today's CNM in providing
pre-natal and obstetrical care, they might not have considered choosing a CNM
for their routine primary and gynecological care, whether they plan on having
children or not. A CNM is trained and licensed to provide a far broader
spectrum of services than you might be aware, and many women are now
choosing to use CNMs as their primary healthcare provider throughout their
childbearing years and well past menopause. According to the American
College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), 53.3% of CNMs identify reproductive
care and 33.1% identify primary care as main responsibilities in their full-time
How are CNMs trained? The Accreditation Commission for Midwifery
Education (ACME) is the official accrediting body for CNM education
programs. There are 39 ACME-accredited midwifery education programs in
the United States. Most midwifery programs require applicants to have a
bachelor's degree, although some will admit Registered Nurse without
bachelor's degree and direct them through a BSN (Bachelors of Science in
Nursing) degree program before they begin their midwifery education. CNMs
must possess a master's degree from an accredited institution.
What services can CNMs provide? Not only are midwives central to providing
obstetric and newborn care, they are also qualified to provide routine primary
care and gynecological services. By choosing a CNM as their primary care
provider, women's gynecological and obstetrical needs can be seamlessly
integrated into their total healthcare plan. Many CNMs work within practices
that include physicians and other providers with whom they collaborate, and
cross-disciplinary consultation is common. CNMs can perform pelvic exams,
pap smears, STD testing and education, diagnose and treat illness, and refer to
specialists when appropriate. They can also perform annual physicals,
prescribe medications, order tests, help manage chronic diseases, and follow
women all the way through conception, pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum

b. Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. When have Nurse-miwives been practicing in the united States?
Nurse-midwives have been practicing in the United States since the 1920s.
2. How many acereditation commission for midwife education are there in the
United States?
There are 39 Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME)-
accredited midwifery education programs in the United States.
3. What are the degrees of midwifery education in the United States?
The degrees of midwifery education in the United States typically include
a bachelor's degree for most applicants. However, some programs admit
Registered Nurses without a bachelor's degree and direct them through a
BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree program before beginning
their midwifery education. CNMs must possess a master's degree from an
accredited institution.
4. What does the role of midwife include?
The role of midwives includes providing obstetric and newborn care,
routine primary care, and gynecological services. They perform a wide
range of tasks such as pelvic exams, pap smears, STD testing and education,
diagnosis and treatment of illness, referral to specialists, annual physicals,
prescribing medications, ordering tests, managing chronic diseases, and
providing care throughout conception, pregnancy, delivery, and post-
partum care.

The role of midwife
Complete the paragraph with the word's given
The role of midwife is unique in the care and (e) a. education
treatment of mother and child throughout the birth b. maternal
process: the role is comprehensive and involves (a) c. motherhood
education , treatment and collaboration with more d. poverty
skilled medical team. The safe (c) motherhood initiative e. treatment
of 1987 aimed at a 50% reduction in (b) maternal
mortality by the year 2000. The root causes of maternal
mortality were identified as (d) poverty
Chapter 2
a. Listen and Practice !
David : Where do you work, Anisa?
Anisa : I work in a hospital in Jakarta
David : Oh, really? What do yo do there?
Anisa : I am a midwife
David : How Interesing
Anisa : Yes, It's a great job. I love it and what do you do?
David : I am a student and I have a part time job, too.
Anisa : Oh, where do you work?
David : in a cafe
Anisa : Which cafe
David : Deli Burger and Ice Cream

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What does Anisa do ?
Anisa is a midwife
2. Where does Anisa work ?
Anisa works in a hospital in Jakarta.
3. How does Anita like her job ?
Anisa loves her job; she mentions that it's a great job and expresses her
fondness for it.
4. What does David do ?
David is a student.
5. Does he have part time job ?
Yes, David has a part-time job.
6. Where does he work
David works at Deli Burger and Ice Cream, which is a cafe.

Simple present WH-questions and statements
What do you do? I am a student, and I have a part time job.
Where do you work? I work in a café
Where do you go to school? I go to the University of Whashington
What does Anisa do? She is a nurse
Where does Anisa work? She works in a hospital.
What does she do there? She is a midwife. She helps patients
How does she like it? She loves it.
a. Complete this conversation. Then practice with a parter !
1. A : What do you do?
B : I am a student, and I major in midwifery.
A : And where do you go to school?
B : I go to Wealth University.
A : Wow! how do you like your classes?
B : I like them a lot. 2.
A : What does Sandra do?
B : She's a teacher. She teaches Chemestry at a Pharmacy College.
A : And what about Jim? Where does he work?
B : He works for a big computer company in New York.
A : What does he do exactly?
B : He's a website designer. He designs fantastic Websites.

b. Pair work. What do you know about these jobs. Complete the chart
A Teacher A Doctor A Midwife
A. works for a school 1. works in a hospital or 1. works in a hospital,
B. teaches students clinic clinic, or birthing
C. gives examinations 2. diagnoses and treats center
patients 2. assists women during
3. prescribes childbirth and
medications, provides prenatal and
performs surgeries, postnatal care
or administers 3. educates women
treatments about reproductive
health, offers
guidance during
labor, and provides
postpartum support

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