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Nombre: William Sergio Mejía Castillo Matricula: 02867338

Nombre del curso: Ingles Básico Docente: Claudia Espinosa Mejía

Modulo 1 Homework
Fecha: 20/02/2024

1. First, complete the text with the correct phrasal verbs. Pay attention to the tense.

Possible answers:
check in / get on / get off / break down / take off / turn back

James and Jim´s flight home from India was at 8 am in the morning. They
decided to meet with James’ friend Marco at half past five, but Marco arrived
at the hotel almost 45 minutes later, but that was just a delay and not a big
problem. On the way from the hotel to the airport, their rental car break down
in the middle of an intersection and it caused a traffic jam. Then, Jim realized
that he had left his laptop in the hotel, but it was too late for them to turn
back. When they arrived at the airport, they just had time to check in, go
through the passport control and security check and get on the plane because
there was a problem on the runway. Also, they both felt a jet lag and at the
end 50 minutes later after landing, they get off.

2. Imagine that you have a blog, and you want to inform people about one of the
most important issues in your country or city.
Title: Tackling the Silent Menace: Climate Change in Our City

In the heart of our vibrant city, a silent menace is gripping our community, and its name is
Climate Change. While the term may seem abstract to some, its impact is very real and
hitting closer to home than we may realize. This blog aims to shed light on the causes,
consequences, and actionable steps needed to address this critical issue affecting our
beloved city.

Causes and Consequences:

The roots of climate change in our city lie in excessive carbon emissions from various
sources such as transportation, industry, and deforestation. As a consequence, we witness
more frequent and severe heatwaves, unpredictable weather patterns, and rising sea levels,
putting our community and environment at risk. Local ecosystems suffer, affecting wildlife
and biodiversity, while extreme weather events strain our infrastructure and public health.

Actions Needed:
To combat this issue, a multi-faceted approach is required. Our city needs to prioritize
sustainable urban planning, invest in renewable energy sources, and enforce strict emission
controls. Additionally, community engagement plays a crucial role; promoting eco-friendly
practices, supporting local environmental initiatives, and advocating for green policies are
steps we can all take.

The time to act is now. By understanding the causes and consequences of climate change in
us city, we empower ourselves to be part of the solution. Through collective efforts, we can
create a sustainable and resilient future for our community, ensuring that our city remains a
thriving and vibrant place for generations to come. Together, let's combat the silent menace
of climate change and build a better tomorrow.

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