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Piano music playing

Scenography coming in

Lights down

Lights up

Scene 1 business meeting:

Business character:

We cant offer any more for this Julian, we had another agreement. You know changing this last minute is
not fair.


You have to reach our valuation otherwise as you know, we are powerful enough to stop you from
entering this market ever. This new valuation is from the owners and there is nothing I can do. The
people I represent are very serious about getting what they want otherwise everyone gets screwed
including myself. Its your choice to make.

Business character watches shocked, everyone is silent. After a few seconds they nod in agreement.


Great, lets start signing the agreements, there are some non negotiable points that we have changed

First of all we don’t want the whole agreement governed by one single jurisdiction, matters of IP &
indemnity needs to be covered by courts of California, other matters can be covered by arbitration
courts of London.

Second, if we are to stay on the board as you requested after acquisition, we need full authority over the
modification of the new corporate governance system for as long as we stay on the board.

Finally payment terms has been updated and this is non negotiable for us.

Business character:
Julian, this is a negotiation you cant get everything and give us nothing to work with, you know Paris
needs to approve this and I don’t think they will. You need to back down from some of your points if the
deal is to be struck now. Come on man, this is the quickest deal of your life, just give me something to
work with and we will wrap up quickly.

Julian’s business partner:

Julian the other party is in town, lets go meet them ?

Julian gets up and attempts to shake other characters hand


Gentlement sorry to waste your time, I don’t think we can do business.

Business character holds Julians hand, music from lehman trilogy starts playing we don’t hear anything
but we see them sign papers.

Lights and music fade

End of Scene 1

Scene 2

We see julian in a completely different look playing the guitar at night leaning against the wall in the
street, manifesto by victor jara playing

The tea person starts talking to Julian

Tea person:

Julian I don’t understand you, in the mornings you come here with a full suit looking like a millionaire, at
nights like this, are you an actor ?


We are all actors, we all act to survive.

Tea person:

That’s an interesting point.


Marlon Brando says that

Tea person:

So which one is you and which one is acting ?


This is me recovering from the acting me of the mornings.

Tea person:

What are you trying to survive ?


Maybe we will talk another time.

Tea person leaves, julian stands up and lights a cigarrete

He notices there is a girl standing alone, a few men approach her and start trying to kiss her

The girl looks at julian and shouts:


Baby, where have you been ?

The men leave her alone.

Arent you worried that I am like those guys ?


You don’t look like that sort of guy.


What kind of a guy do I look like ?


I don’t know you seem like a decent person.


What are you doing in this part of town at this time of the night alone ? usually girls who work stand
here. You don’t look like the type that works here.


I am waiting for my love.

Julian laughs


Wow ok good luck


I didn’t think someone who plays guitar would laugh at this.


People who play the guitar are not stupid

Fuck off, you don’t understand anything, I thought someone like you would understand.


How did you even judge me in 2 minutes that I would understand ?


I feel sorry for you.

She walks away

Julian walks away

Few seconds later another group of men approach

Deborah runs after julian


So where are you going ?


There is a bar nearby going to sit there.


Can I come ?


I thought I should fuck off.


I am sorry, its just that I get really mad when people are so negative especially about such a positive
thing like love.

Life is negative, you just haven’t seen as much as I have to understand that.

Lights down

End of Scene 2

Scene 3

Starts at the bar both characters sat down


So what is your name and whats with going to streets at midnight waiting for your love ?


My name is Deborah, many years ago I promised my love that on this day and the 3 nights that follows I
wait for him at that spot at midnight and he promised me he would come.


He didn’t come.


Its ok he has 3 more nights


Whats so special about this person.


He is like me loves with a burning passion. Have you never met someone like yourself ?

I don’t even like myself.


You are a strange person.


So are you.


I am sorry I was mean earlier, somehow I think you are someone who would understand me.


The problem is I understand very well and I think you are just wasting time. You are a good looking girl,
so go and find a good looking guy who is rich and will take care of you, not someone who makes you
wait in the roads like a prostitute.


Have you never been in love ?


Love doesn’t exist Deborah, at least not in the society we live in.


I have found love in this person.


He didn’t even come

I know he will. Do you know why we were supposed to meet at 11 ? Cause he always would say two
people next to each other is like the number 11.


One person standing alone is also like 11 if you look at only legs.


Do you not have anything positive to say ?


Is there anything positive to say ?


Whats your story ?


What is yours ? I am not the one waiting for my love at 11 PM for 4 nights. How long have you known
this man ?


3 years


Why did you separate ?


We got forced.

Why has he not contacted you ?


He couldn’t


How long has it been since you haven’t talked ?


9 months


And you call me strange.


Sometimes love works in strange ways.


Where are you going to stay tonight ?


I didn’t think of that, I thought he would have showed up.


Do you have anyone in this town ?


I do but I don’t want to see them.


Its ok you can come with me. I have an extra room


Are you a good person ?


I am not but I know what it means to be a good person.


Fine but don’t fall in love with me ok, you have to promise me that because I am taken.


Do you want me to help you or not ?


Ok thank you for helping me, lets go.

Lights down


End of scene 3

Scene 4

Julians house


What if he doesn’t show up ?

I had not thought about that. So you stay alone in this house ?




You don’t feel lonely ?


The world is a lonely place.


If you had allowed yourself to experience love, you wouldn’t feel so lonely. It’s a beautiful feeling, they
say it brings beauty out of the people, it melts the heart of monsters and makes everything around you
beautiful. You should experience it one day.


Don’t you feel lonely now ?


I do, this one hour wait felt like a thousand hours. But love is hard. How come you never wanted to be in
love ?


Because it was not my choice to be born. We are products of selfish people having sex and deciding a
child can make them happy. I don’t want to repeat the same actions that brought misery to me.


It wasn’t your choice, but its your choice how to live it.

No its not, that’s an illusion that they give you, that you have choices, all those choices are about the
way you get fucked but you have no choices. There are only 2 choices, fight to survive or die, I hope one
day I find the courage to die.


It’s a shame that someone like you is so hard on himself. You talk like it’s a crime to try to live, to be
happy to love.


It’s a crime to be ignorant and delusional.


The world might not be a great place but its you who decide to be lonely. I just don’t know why. Were
you always like this.


Ofcourse not, we are all born with hope and passion, but it dies slowly. A long time ago I used to be
exactly like you, but then reality hit me. There is a line I really like in a song, then it comes to be that the
soothing light at the end of the tunnel, but its just a freight train coming your way.


How can someone so negative be into arts ?


Arts make sense of a lot of things that don’t make sense. Besides it’s the only companion that I have in
this world. What does positivity have to do with arts anyway ?


I don’t know, generally people who play guitar, read so much and have so many films have a much better
outlook on life than you.

And people who have seen the other side of life like me understand that these stories make you happy
and the reality is another shitty thing we deal with.


Who are these people you have their pictures on the wall ?


Marx, Engels, Fromm, Brecht, Che Guevara, Castro, Victor Jara, Shakespear, Dastayevski, Gorky, Hekmat,
Ford Coppolo, Lynch, Roger Waters, Guney, Ahmet Kaya, Shamloo, Shahyar, Hetfield, Scorsese, Fellini,
Betrolucci, Goddard, Brando & Assange.


Why is one frame empty.


Waiting for the right person’s picture to get in there.


You admire these people ?


They inspire me. Lets go sleep.


Lights fade

End of Scene 4

Scene 5

Julians House
Both characters wake up


You have a treasure here, I have never seen these many books and movies in one place. Have you seen
and read them all ?


Books and movies have been my only friends. Whenever I needed to feel like I have someone I would
watch a film or read. Then I would see I am not the only one who has felt such shitty feelings. I would
feel a little less lonely.


You seem like a successful person, you seem to know a lot.


You are the first person to measure success by knowledge.


I believe people with knowledge can be so much more at ease.


Knowledge brings misery, ignorance puts you at ease.


I think you can still find happyness with knowledge. When you know everything, you have nothing to be
afraid of.


If you are looking to be at ease and happy, I recommend you to forget your love and stop reading.

If you can change the world with your knowledge it will be worth the pain. I am so glad he changed my
world, maybe a year ago I wouldn’t have understood the value of your films and books.


Now I am convinced you are a dreamer. The same person who changed your world left you alone last


I told you our deal was 4 nights. Have you never changed someones world ?


We cant change anything. So many people with more knowledge have tried, its impossible.


You say all these things but I know deep down you understand me. Someone who has read and seen so
much understands for sure.

Anyways I have some clues as to where I might find him, need to call a few places. Would you help me
find him ?




You have lots of poetry books.



Do you mind helping me write a letter to him ?


I am not sure I am a good fit, even my love poetry is negative.


Just try this one time please


Tell me how you feel.


Give me some time to think.


You should be very comfortable with people you love.


I never told him I love him, I just said I will wait for him. I was scared I will ruin everything If I said
everything I felt.


He said a lot though didn’t he.


Yes he did. If you were to write for someone in my situation, what would you write ?


I don’t know, I haven’t done this in years.


I know its so hard but please try.


As I walked in the streets, suddenly the world around me became quiet. All the windows and doors shut
close before me. The nights got filled with the smell of burnt coal. The houses collapsed on the head of
poor people. The last footsteps of the last visitors got buried under the sand.

The footsteps of the guards broke the silence in the streets. Like a dead body in a coffin I was left alone
in my room. I kept my hot forehead against the wall. My weak eyes looking out of the window.

I have put flowers all around my house because you are an angel. I was waiting all night for you to arrive.

Everywhere suddenly became lit with lights, they started shinning on your photo. The leaves in the pots
were shinning like diamonds for you. Complaining that you weren’t there.

The clock was moving tick tock, time passed with the funeral of my last night, in the end when I cried,
the world smiled. And suddenly the streets were not so quiet anymore.


I am so lucky to have found you. It was so beautiful.


Maybe I am lucky to have found you, let me be honest its so hard to get emotional. I had not got
emotional in a very long time.


But its worth the pain isn’t it ?

Let me send this letter.

Who was this poem by ?



Strange, I had never heard this one, I thought he writes mostly political ?


Everything people do is strange, for example wait in the streets at midnight waiting for someone to


Or even more strange is someone who knows such beautiful love poetry but has never been in love.


We all have flaws.


Can you read me another love poem that you like ?


“Yet each man kills the thing he loves,

By each let this be heard,

Some do it with a bitter look,

Some with a flattering word,

The coward does it with a kiss,

The brave man with a sword!

Some kill their love when they are young,

And some when they are old;

Some strangle with the hands of Gold:

The kindest use a knife, because

The dead so soon grow cold.

Some love too little, some too long,

Some sell and others buy;

Some do the deed with many tears,

And some without a sigh:

For each man kills the thing he loves,

Yet each man does not die.”


That’s very beautiful. Before you noticed me you were singing a Spanish song, what was it ?


Manifesto by Victor Jara


What is the meaning of the lyrics ?


I don't sing for the love of singing,

or because I have a good voice.

I sing because my guitar

has both feeling and reason.

It has a heart of earth

and the wings of a dove,

it is like holy water,

blessing joy and grief.

My song has found a purpose

as Violeta* would say.

Hardworking guitar,

with a smell of spring.

My guitar is not for the rich

no, nothing like that.

My song is of the ladder

we are building to reach the stars.

For a song has meaning

when it beats in the veins

of a man who will die singing,

truthfully singing his songs.

My song is not for fleeting praise

nor to gain foreign fame,

it is for this narrow country**

to the very depth of the earth.

There, where everything comes to rest

and where everything begins,

song which has been brave song

will be forever new.


Who was the singer ?


A revolutionary in chile, he got killed singing such songs.


We were to fish swimming in the bruised sea

We had no tears because of what we had and what we didn’t

Our skins colorful, full of nice things to say

Our sky was one, our house a little rock under the sea

Our laughters took the waves all the way to the sky

When one of us was sad the other cried

The fishermens nets wouldn’t open

No lover was left alone in the sea

Our sleep like a pearl shined light on everything

Our story was filled all over the seas

We always used to kiss the big bubbles until one day the seagull came and killed my love

I hope his heart burns, the hurt of that heartless seagull

Now its my turn, I can see its shadows on the water

After us, it will be the turn of other couples

It will be the sad days of love dying

Please got don’t make the seagull forget

That there is a fish waiting down here

I don’t want to be alone

I don’t want to belong to the sea

From now on I just want to exist in the stories

Have you heard the story of two fish by Shahyar ? Its my favorite love poem.


That’s not a love poem, that’s a very political poem hidden under a love scenario. It has a lot of


What does that have to do with politics ?


I believe loving is a revolutionary act itself. I think the author has the same ideology.

Finally something positive from you. If its revolutionary, why don’t you participate. You seem un happy
so do something.


Because the time for me to do something is long gone. I tried, I failed and now I am just another guy
existing and fighting to survive.


Fighting to survive isn’t a bad thing.


Depends whose perspective you look at it from.

Anyways let me go look for your friend.


Lights Fade

End of Scene 5

Scene 6

Julian is talking to people in the location Deborah said he might find him.


Hi do you know this person.

Stranger 1:


Hi have you ever seen this man ?

Stranger 2:

I have lived here 20 years and have never seen anyone like him


Hi do you know this picture ?

Stranger 3:



Lights fade

End of scene 6

Scene 7

Julians house

Deborah has cooked a meal


Wow that looks very impressive.


Do you have good news for me ?


Cant give bad news to someone with such a good cooking skills

I hope the news wont be as bitter as the vodka though.


Your friend, everyone knows him and apparently he has been dying to meet you. He wasn’t there past
couple of days but I don’t think you should worry. He will come latest by night number 4.


Would you wait with me tonight ? I am really scared to go alone.


Scared of strangers ?


No scared of the possibility of a sad ending.


Sad endings can be beautiful too, like your favorite poem.


But now its too early.


Don’t be afraid.


Its not in my hands, all my life I always had a fear of something ending before reaching its full potential, I
think it’s the saddest thing that can happen to anyone or anything.

Sure ill come with you.


I am glad I don’t surprise you anymore.


I just hope it wont be forever the wait.


Its only 4 nights.




What would you do if you were in my place.


I wouldn’t wait.


What would you do if you were waiting.


I would say some poetry.


End of scene 6

Scene 7

Both waiting at the spot



Why is it so hard to wait ?


Because you are not sure.


On a moonlit night, without you, I passed through that alley once again.

My whole body was an eye, searching after you–

my entire existence teemed with the hope of seeing you

and I became that crazed lover that I once was, yet again.

In the depths of my soul’s coffers, the secret places of my heart, the flower of your memory blossomed;

a hundred memories laughed in the garden.

The scent of a hundred memories wrapped about me;

I remembered those nights we passed through that alley together–

wings outstretched and in that treasured emptiness, we wandered,

and sat at the lip of that stream for hours.

All of the world’s secrets were spilled into your black eyes,

and I was captivated by your glances.

Smooth skies and peaceful night;

fortune smiling and time calmed.

Beams of moonlight poured into the water;

the tree branches reached hands up to the moon.

Night and meadows and flowers and rocks:

all were enraptured by the song of the nightingale.

I remembered the warning that you gave:

“Of this love, beware!

Now, observe this brook a bit:

water is a mirror of past love.

You, whose sight is on the gazes of the one you gaze upon–

wait for tomorrow, when your heart will be with another.

Until you forget this love, begone from here!”

Still, I told you, how can I renounce this love?

From your side I cannot leave, I cannot.

That first day, my heart fluttered with desire

and I sat, a dove, upon your roof.

You pitched stones at me.

I did not startle, did not flee.

Still, I said that

you are the hunter, I the deer seeking to be captured by you, to surrender to you.

I searched and searched all places;

I do not know how to avoid this love.

I cannot journey from your side, I cannot.

Tears fell from a branch;

an airborne owl bitterly moaned.

Tears quivered in your eyes; the moon beamed with love for you.

I remember that I no longer heard answers from you.

In twilight, nightfall’s skirts, I held myself, and did not flee, did not startle.

Those nights and other nights, too, have passed in utter darkness.

You no longer partook of my love nor told me

that you would never pass through that alley again.

Without you, though, what emotions I must wander with through this alley!
Now your turn.


She told me to come, she told me to stay, she told me to laugh, she told me to die.

I came, I stayed , I laughed, I died…


Its from the Turkish political activist right ? Nazim Hikmat


That’s right


Has anyone ever interested you even one bit.




Then what happened


It didn’t work out. She loved me but she chose someone else.


Sometimes its so hard to understand you.


Whats so hard to understand ? Sometimes two people love each other and it doesn’t work out.


I understood that bit, what I don’t understand is why you don’t keep looking ? When someone doesn’t
workout, you keep searching and searching until you find the person that it works out with.


Or you just tell yourself that I don’t need anyone, I can workout better with myself, watch the movies
that I love and read the books the way I want to. When you reach this stage you stop searching.


But life is so shit without love. Why would you choose to stay lonely.


Because I am convinced that no one understands love. Everyone has an idea, but really what most
people experience and think is love is just an accident. And because life is so lonely you convince
yourself you have found the right person and that this person was meant for you from the beginning of


It might be an accident but why are you convinced its not true love ?


So many philosophers talk about this, Karl Marx and Engels for example. I think they are more convincing
than you are.


I have read those books also, but I think love can still exist, you just have to believe it. And I don’t mean
to say its going to be perfect, but it can be close to perfection and it can make life a little better.

What I don’t understand is, why wont you choose making it just a little better with love rather than being
all alone by yourself.

Because those that I loved made me feel even more lonely than now when they left.


You cant choose your life path based on the action of others.


Are we the products of our surroundings or our surroundings products of us ?


What does Marx have to do with this ?


It has to do with the fact that we are products of things and people and actions around us.


So have you stopped dreaming ?


No I have one recurring dream, its me sat on a chair holding myself tight in pain on a platform that is
looking upwards but the platform itself is crashing down full speed.


What does it mean ?


It means that you are in pain, but you look upwards with hope and in reality youre gonna die very soon.

I used to have a recurring one too, after my mom died for a very long time I used to dream that I force
her to visit a doctor, she finally does and we realize she has a very bad disease, the doctors say she has a
very slim chance. I see a funeral but then I meet her after, she is not dead, she survived in the last
minute. I couldn’t sleep for 6 months when she died.


How did she die ?


Blood cancer.


How was she as a person ?


The perfect human being, kind and the most loving person ever. She lived a great lifestyle too.


I keep telling you, there is no sense in this life and you keep trying to convince me otherwise. There is a
saying I like a lot. When someone you love dies, its you who sleeps in their coffin.


I think youre just too emotional and you are afraid to admit so you run away from your emotions.


Its 11.30 lets go.


End of scene 7

Scene 8


Julians House

Deborah is crying, Julian wakes up to check on her

They cuddle on the couch


Do you think I made a mistake ?


You quit already half way through?


Not quitting, first I got worried maybe something happened to him but then I realized what if its my
fault, what if I am begging for a love that doesn’t belong to me ? Begging is not a good thing especially
begging for love. I am sacrificing everything over this meeting. Do you think I have made myself small ?


Only someone who has truly felt love can become this small.


What do you mean ?


I mean that the only interpretation of small here is becoming small like a bird and flying to your love.

Think about it, even if he doesn’t come his love made you do things you would have never done before.

So the smaller the lover the bigger their heart.


But these all make sense in the books didn’t you say that.


All these books are just so reality makes a bit more sense.


I feel small talking to you, in a good way. I feel very very comfortable with you. Maybe someone else
would have taken advantage. I am glad you roam the streets at night. I envy someone you would love.
She would be so lucky. Are you sure you cant find love ?


I am starting to doubt myself the way you ask.


But I do meant it, your girl would be lucky. I know you are a much better person than my love. But my
heart is with him. If he doesn’t come I wont have any respect for him. But if me and you separated, our
love and respect would stay the same.


How do you know ?


Women know everything when it comes to love.


There is only one reason I wish your guy comes, and that’s because I don’t want you to give up on love.

I am a dreamer, I will never give up. I want to know so bad how you would treat a girl you love.


Its so easy to find out. You pretend you are with your love and I will pretend its one of my usual day-


As long as we stick to our agreement.


I know, no love between us.

Innocent kiss


We love each other as friends right.


That’s right



End of scene 8

Scene 9

Deborah laying on the couch


I feel happy, for no reason but I feel happy.

All my life all I wanted was to love and be happy, to give to someone all the love I got from my family. To
love freely and carelessly and without boundries to love unconditionally.

Julian walks in


You know everything about me but I know nothing about you.


If I ever tell you everything about me, its because I am desperate.


Desperate to ?


To make you stay. Do you want to watch a movie ?


Which one ?


Leaving Las Vegas


That was a very sad film.


It can even be more sad.


How so ?


Fellini says if you want to make the saddest movie in the world, just go in the streets and film reality. The
workers working with no hope, the beggers in the street, the people with no food, the children selling
flowers in the signals.


My favorite part in the movie was when he says I don’t know if my wife left because I became an
alcoholic or I became an alcoholic because she left.

The two start cuddling on the couch.


Says a poem TBC


Says a poem TBC



End of Scene 9

Scene 10

Julians work meeting

Meeting ends

Music as people shake hands

Julian and his business partner remain.

Julians partner:

Whats wrong ?




Come on I know you, you reminded me of when we started.


How so?


I can feel it, you felt bad. You were too soft in the meeting


Maybe I am just getting sick.


Look in all these years I never gave you any advise. But ill give you one now.

Some people can become anything they want but they cant become a lover. You are one of those people

So now just remember what happened last time you were like this.

Remember how they fucked you over when you allowed yourself to become soft. Remember how they
fucked your business and made you bankrupt those business partners. Now do you really want to go
through all of that again ?


JP I want to sell everything I have in that house, I think I need a fresh start.

Fine ill send someone to pick everything up.



End of Scene 10

Scene 11

Sitting at the bar


Why is life like this ?


Life is like this cause people are like this. Life gets meaning with the people. Anyways for now imagine
you are with him.


Why do you smoke ?


At some point I convinced myself that smoking does to my body what life has done to my soul.


Would you make someone you love wait ?

Did you ever imagine me to be someone else ?



Once all of this is over, would you help me discover art and literature again ?


Do you want to listen to a song ?



They listen to a song TBC


Now can I let you listen to mine ?



They listen to a song TBC

Lights fade

End of Scene 11

Scene 12

Standing at the street


I think he wont come. Lets go


He will come just be patient


This whole thing is a mistake, if he loved me he would have been here instead of you.


Once he comes you will forget all of these moments.


You are so confident I feel like I have to trust you.


I am so glad I met you, even though it’s the most miserable stage of my life.


But Jullian we cant ever be together. This will just break our hearts.


Its ok, its all going to be worth it.

They kiss innocent


First night I met you I cried all nightlong, thinking what if you are the one. But it cant be, I cant betray
myself like that. I texted my best friend telling her about you, and the first thing she says is you need to
get married to him tomorrow.

Your guy will come tomorrow and all of these thoughts will be over.


I am really thankful for everything you have done for me. You found me in the streets and chose to leave
everything aside and help me.


Its not everyday I get a chance to come out of my own bubble.

You never told me about your favorite films.


I love Sofia Coppola’s movies, they all share the same theme and message in such nice stories.

They all show women who are not allowed to connect with their sexuality and how they are restricted by
society and people, but in a very realistic way. The virgin suicides is my favorite.


Yeah her movies are amazing, her dad is the best though, godfather trilogy, apocalypse now &
conversation. Its crazy how someone can be that good.


I love Bertolluci as well.


From itallians I love Fellini.


I wouldn’t expect anything else, extremely dark and nihilistic, some of the saddest movies in the world. I
couldn’t be happy for 3 weeks after watching Dolce Vita and Nights of Cabiria.

The scary thing is how realistic those sad stories are. Like the people who slept inside graves because of
how poor they were. People who would steal from a prostitute. Those movies were all inspired by the
reality Fellini saw in Italy those days.


Fellinis works remind me of Dastayevskis novels, they are not easy for everyone to sit through. I only
watched his films with my love because he loved them too.


When I was younger I was really into Elia Kazan & Costa Gavras, those type of movies, Burn with Marlon
Brando was my favorite.

As I grew older I discovered the truth told in post modern works like fellini and lynch.


I always liked love movies but somehow most of the times the ones with sad ending. If the movie had a
happy ending I would imagine myself as the girl and then take the story forward and divorce the guy
after having many fights. I know it sounds crazy. I loved Eternal sunshine of the spotless minds a lot, last
tango in paris, before trilogy, love story & Zefirrelis Romeo and julliet.


Last tango in paris is really crazy, that ending had left me confused for a very long time.

My favorite romance film is by an Iranian guy called Farzad Motamen, its called White Nights.


What does white nights mean ?


Its what you understand from it.


End of scene 12
Scene 13

Julians house


I like how you are respectful to the working people.


Bertolt Brecht says they are the real heroes of our world.


Do you feel bad for them ?


I feel bad for us, because we have created a world where there is so many people hungry, so many
thirsty, the environment is dying.


You are not wrong but then why did you work so hard to make money.


To survive. That’s all. Because you have no other choice. Because you cant make just enough, its all or


I am glad I have a pain killer for these thoughts.


Love ?


Do you believe people find love only once.


I am not sure


I always imagined it happens only once but later realized there is no formula, to some, it happens once
to some it happens more than once and some never experience it at all.


I think most people don’t experience it at all.


I hope you can experience it one day.


I don’t know about loving a person but I love spending time with you and stroking your hair.


Don’t look at me now, so in love and so soft. All my friends called me a bitch.


Maybe that’s whats making you so interesting.


The ability to be loving and a bitch at different times ?


Yeah especially with such drastic difference between them.


I am telling you, loving me is a mistake. My heart is stuck somewhere else.


I wish I could know what you thought of love before meeting this guy.


I never imagined it to be this way. I didn’t even think he will be like that.


There is still one more night, don’t lose hope.


How lonely you are, not many people can take it you know. Its scary to most people.

If I was alone these four nights and you weren’t there I would be thinking of killing myself. I would be
thinking I got used by that guy and start screaming how much I hate people and how bad everyone are.

I am lucky I had such a good companion in you.

But now I feel I learned love from you, even though you say you don’t know how to love. I know we are
the same age but I feel I experienced so much in the past 4 nights thanks to you. I learned so much.


Lets go wait at the bar near the spot, its getting dark. You go ahead and ill catch up.


End of scene 13

Scene 14


Bro you sure you want to sell everything ?


I need to throw away all of these things to make space for something new.


Julian listen we are very close to closing the deal we have worked on for so long, once we finish this we
go open the restaurant you always wanted, we will do anything you want just focus on this deal.


I have been focusing on this last deal for 10 years now. Its always one last deal.


I have never seen someone ruin their own life like this. You know what will happen at the end of this. You
will be miserable and will go back to square one, you will be the exact same place when your ex left and
you went bankrupt.


You know me, I am a risk taker.


You are going to regret this Julian I am very sure of that.



End of Scene 14
Scene 15

Deborah alone in the street


Have you ever wanted to re-start your dreams again. Just wake up and start from where you left your
dreams many years ago ? I tried. But there was always so many questions so many doubts.

Is it harder to see someone you love for the last time or never seeing them again ?

Is it harder to lose someone you love or with your own hands giving them to someone they will leave
you for.

Is it harder to choose loneliness or to love and look at your love like a snow melting on your palm.

Because regardless of what happens the end of every story is loneliness.

Loneliness is looking in the mirror and thinking youre not deserving of love.

My name is Deborah, I chose to fight and live just to find love.

But some people choose death, isn’t death easier. Isnt leaving easier than staying, staying and fighting,
fighting just to be loved. But no one chooses you. But still staying until the very end of the line.

I didn’t know this but I had to lose innocence to find love.

But I didn’t lose my loyalty, because loyalty is not like charity, you give it all or nothing, some people say
my biggest weakness is my loyalty. Some say every story that starts with loyalty, ends with betrayal.

But I tried to be normal, go to college, get a job, go out with friends, live a normal life, eventually
become a mother to someone that is seen as fit for me by friends, family and society. But I couldn’t.
There is this fire inside me that has been driving me crazy and I cant stop.

All my life I tried to live without regrets, but everything is full of regrets. Regrets are stronger than shame
and death, regrets start to creep up on you and one day your life will be full of them.

Maybe its right everyone kill the person they love.

My name is Deborah, I come from a very far place to find the love that I barely seem to know.



End of scene 15
Scene 16

At the spot


What took you so long ?


I was thinking.


Waiting is so hard indeed. How have you been going through this ?


I don’t know.


Tonight is the last night I want to tell you somethings.

I sold everything, I want to start fresh and fix my life.

And most important of all I want to say I love you.


Are you sure you are not just pitying me ?

I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me.


First night I saw you, I thought its impossible, tonight I feel its impossible not to tell you, I love you and I
am sure its not pity.

I told you I am in a very bad situation, I don’t know what to answer. I want you to know though that the
feeling is very mutual, I just don’t know if it’s the right thing to do.

What would you do if you were in my place ?


I would walk for a bit in the streets, then say yes.


I need some time Julian.

Deborah attempts to leave, Julian grabs her and they kiss passionately.

Julian sits her down and they talk.


I was born in a nice family, we were middle class but very happy. I was the only child and had all the
attention in the world. My grand father used to say Julian has all the freedom in the world to do
whatever he desires. Everyone respected my opinion in the family even though I was very young.

I used to play games like other children but also I read a lot of books and watched a lot of films with my
dad. My mom was the parent and my dad was like a brother.

It was great times but also I always had a fear that I am going to lose my mom, I don’t know why, its as if
I knew it, everytime she slept I had that fear and everytime she went out I was always worried she would
never come back. I was very attached to her.

I was never religious but read the book of all religions. All I ever wanted was to be with people I loved, I
was always the one to gather everyone from a young age. I used to gather everyone in the family and if
someone was upset I would cheer them up.

My dad used to walk me to school and when he left town for work for 2 years I was ready to live in hell
just so the 3 of us could be together again.

I saw the ups and downs of life, I was ok in school but had lots of friends. We used to sneak in the girls
classes and try to make friends. We bullied kids younger than us by stealing their football and running

At the weekend we would go to the cinema and watch a movie.

You know I was a normal person. But something deep down wasn’t normal.

I always wanted to kill myself, even when my mom was alive, life was perfect and even when I had a girl
I don’t know where that feeling came from but I always fantasized about killing myself.

What did keep me around though was the idea of love towards my dad and my potential partner.

Eventually I did find someone, we were madly in love and one day she left, and I lost everything I had
built. And then life kept crashing for sometime, until I decided there is no love and I only need to survive,
everyday get richer than before and finally one day ill just end it.

Deborah, now I just want to grow old with you, that’s all I know.

The two kiss.


Why do you open up now ?


Because I want you to stay with me.


Deborah is that you.

Deborah walks towards Kiaran as she looks back at Julian.

Julian starts walking away, Deborah and Kiaran hug.


Lights fade

End of scene 16

Scene 17

At the bar Julian is sitting alone

Deborah approaches saying a poem out loud whilst Julian is reading white nights by Dastayevski

It was a beautiful night, one of those that we can only understand when we are young, The sky was
beautiful and full of starts, and it made you wonder how such bad people were living under such
beautiful skies.

Have you read this book ?




Finally I have read something that you haven’t.

Are you upset at me ?


You cant ever be upset at someone you love.


That’s right and you forgive quickly.


There is nothing for me to forgive.


I looked everywhere for you.


Why ?


I had to see you.

If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have waited for him for so long.

I am with someone I love now. And I owe that to you .

We are going to get married very soon.

But in these 4 nights I experienced somethings that I cant change, I learn so much.

I was just worried I hurt you.


Listen very carefully, you may think you have done me wrong, but that’s not true.

The happyness I experienced in these 4 nights were enough for a lifetime.

The love you felt, I understood and I will always try to keep it with me.

I will never forget you.


Can you say a poem to me ?


Are you trying to make him wait ?


After 4 nights of waiting he owes me that much.


Reads poem TBC


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