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Anatomy of Thorax - Given a picture of a lung showing grooves

a) Which lung is shown? (it had two fissures/3 lobes) (1)

b) How would you percuss the bit of the lung pointed at (it was the apex) (2)
c) Describe the surface landmarks of the fissure indicated (it was the horizontal)
d) What is the circulatory supply to the structure pointed (it was the bronchus)
e) Which structure goes in the groove shown (immediately superior to the
hilum) (2)
f) Describe the oxygen content of the pulmonary veins.(1)

Lungs are washed out and fluid only contains non-structural cells:
a) Which type of cell would be most abundant in someone who is a healthy non-
smoker? (1)
b) And in a smoker? (1)
c) Which cell type would be increased in a bacterial infection? (1)
d) What is the main histological feature of emphysema? (1)
e) Explain how the cell types from a, b and c lead to the development of
emphysema. (2)
f) Give two treatments for emphysema and explain their mechanism. (4)

a) What would be the changes under parasympathetic stimulation to: i) airways
(2), ii) heart (1), iii) pulmonary vasculature
b) Name the changes and associated receptors when there is sympathetic
stimulation to i) airways (1), ii) heart (2), iii) arterioles (1)
c) What are the effects of NO on i) smooth muscle in the airways, ii) arteriolar
smooth muscle (2)

CVS - ECG Shown a trace from aVF

a) Which limbs is it attached to? (2)
b) What is the angle of the positive limb of lead II in the hexagonal reference
format if aVF is 90 (2)
c) Calculate heart rate between two R waves given (2)
d) Calculate PR interval (include units) (2)
e) What is the normal value for the PR interval (include units) (2)

CVS – Diagram showing pressure and volume of the left ventricle and atria
pressure with a small selection highlighted.

a) What stage of the cardiac cycle is the highlighted bit of the graph at? (1)
b) What type of contraction is happening at this stage? (2)
c) What valves open and close in the left ventricles at the beginning at end of
this phase and do they open or close at the beginning or end of the cycle? (4)
d) Calculate the heart rate based on the information given in the graph. (3)

EMQ 1: CT Scan of throax. Labels were for Left ventricle, Right ventricle,
Oesophagus, Descending Aorta, Inferior Vena Cava.
EMQ 2: 5 different blood gas values. Had to work out if patient had Resp or
Metabolic Alkalosis/Acidosis, Type 1 or 2 venticular failure, V/Q mismatch and
some other options. All options had base excess values given except for one.

EMQ 3: Graph of spirometer with values labeled. Had to deduce what values
would increase/decrease or change if some change was to occur in ventilation,
breathing, etc...


1) A similarity between cardio myocytes and skeletal muscle cells.

2) Which of the following is true about the left vagus/phrenic nerve?

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