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Customer Satisfaction Among Grade 11 Senior High School

Learners in School Canteen's Food and Beverages


A Research Presented To The Faculty Of

Bolinao Integrated School, Bolinao,

In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements

For The Practical Research 1


Gabriel Catabay


Esmeralda Bendal

Leanne Joyce Tagarino

Justine Hugo

Prince Caasi

Renrex Sison

Agustin Albia

Chapter 1

1.1 Background Of The Study

Customer satisfaction plays an important role and it plays in business. It helps

to attract new customers and leading indicator to identify unhappy customers.

Customer satisfaction among grade 11 senior high school learners in school canteen

food and beverages is an important aspect to consider in the school environment.

Therefore, satisfaction is a person’s fulfillment of once’s wishes, expectations, or

needs. Satisfaction means you have enough in a good way, and the feeling of

disappointments resulting from comparing a products perceived performance relation

to his/her expectations. If the customer is dissatisfied in product, the customer

number will be reduced, and if the customer expectations matched to the

performance of the product the customer will be satisfied.

The Department of Education (DepEd) wants school leaders to ensure the

safety of students meals now that school canteens have been allowed to open. So

that, the students would no longer leave the school premises during break time. The

purpose of the Department of Education in school canteen shall serve as a laboratory

for Home Economics, retail trade and in the incidental teaching of health and

nutrition. It shall provide hands-on training for students on planning, purchasing, and

handling and storage, preparation, serving and sale of safe and nutritious meals.

(DepEd.2019). School children’s nutritional status has an impact on their health,

quality of study and achievement in school. An investment in meeting educational

targets and developing human resources necessary for the development of the

country is needed to improve the nutritional status of the population of 5 to 18 years

of age, who spend more than 6 hours a day in school. It is therefore necessary to

provide guidance on the proper consumption of food in school and create an

environment conductive to nutritional intake. A healthy food selection environment

will be created through proper management of the school cafeteria, which prevents

unhealthy foods from being available. In addition, it will be a great help to children

health if we use the cafeteria facilities properly in communicating messages

promoting good habits of living.(Ministry of Education. 2020. 37p.). All canteen’s have

the responsibility to provide safe food. Safe food means that it is prepared, cooked,

transported and served in a way that I will retain nutrients and minimize bacterial

contamination and growth.

This study focus on the school canteen’s of Bolinao Integrated School provide

nutritional and healthy food and beverages. The establishment of school canteen is

important. Therefore, the Bolinao Integrated School canteen management should

offer healthy and affordable prices. Canteen may improve their food and beverages

product quality and service quality, sales will increase, and the students will be

healthy in nutritious food and beverages. With the various concluded study, the

teachers intended to conduct a study among grade 11 senior high school academic

and non-academic strand (STEM, ABM, HUMMS, FBS, ICT, HOUSEKEEPING)

learners to seek an answer for the customer satisfaction in school canteen food and



This study aims to investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction among

Bolinao Integrated School selected Grade 11 Senior High School learners in school

canteen's food and beverages.

1. What is the demographic profile of participants in terms of.

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level/Education Level

2. How satisfied are the participants at canteen’s service in terms of.

2.1 Food and Beverage Quality

2.2 Service Quality

3. What are the factors influencing customer satisfaction among Bolinao Integrated

School Grade 11 learners in school canteen's food and beverages?

4.What are the ways to improve customer satisfaction among Bolinao Integrated

School Grade 11 learners in school canteen's food and beverages?


Students- ensuring that the food and beverages in the canteen’s meet students

satisfaction can promote their overall health and well-being. Providing feedback on

their satisfaction empowers students to voice their preferences and contribute to

improving the canteen’s offerings.

Canteen staff- feedback on customer satisfaction helps canteen’s staff identify areas

for improvement in food and beverages quality, service quality, and overall customer


Teachers- this study will beneficial to the teachers to also know the satisfactory of

the school canteen’s food and beverages since they also consume. Teachers benefit

from knowing that students have access to nutritious and satisfying meals,which can

positively impact their focus and classroom behavior.

Parents- the result of this study will let them knowing that their children have access

to quality, nutritious, and satisfying food and beverages at school provides parents

with peace of mind about their children nutrition during school hours.

School Administrators- monitoring customer satisfaction in the canteen aligns with

the school commitment to promoting student well-being and health. A well-managed

canteen prioritizes student satisfaction enhances the overall image of the school and

reflects a commitment to student welfare.

Future researcher- as this study can provide information and serve as basis so they

can identify a place where new contribution could be made on their future studies.


This study will be conducted at Bolinao Integrated School, Germinal, Bolinao,

Pangasinan. This research attempts to determine the students satisfaction in school

canteen in the terms of the canteen service provided such as food and beverages

quality, and service quality. The researchers will be conducting a quota sampling

where 20 learners each section were determine as the participants of the study. The

rest of the grade 11 senior high school learners that were not included in the preset

participants will be excluded in the investigation.

The study will be delimited to the senior high school grade 11 students from Bolinao

Integrated School in the main campus wherein it consists of 5 males and 5 females in

every section of grade 11 with the 10 section of academic and non-academic strand

(ACADS) STEM - Aristotle, Archimedes, HUMMS - Shakespeare, ABM - Gokongwei.

(TVL) FBS -Tara falls, Housekeeping - Bolinao falls, Balingasay River, Balempalis,

ICT - Berners-Lee, Steve Jobs. Open ended interview questionnaires were distribute

to senior high school grade 11 students of Bolinao Integrated School during the

month of February 2024 to May 2024 of the second semester of school year 2023-



Beverages- Any fluid which is consumed by drinking. People use it to quench thirst.

Customer- The students who buy products to school canteen and the participant of

the study.

School Canteen- A cafeteria, is similar to a small convenience store where student

purchase items. Refers to one of the ancillary services in the school system that sells

food items to the students and serves as a support mechanism in the effort to

eliminate malnutrition concerns of the school

Factors- Are the variables. That researchers control during the investigation in order

to determine the effects of the response variable.

Satisfaction- Fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs. This is the act of

fulfilling a need, desire, appetite, or the feeling gained from such fulfillment.

Satisfaction means you’ve had enough in a good way.

Service- Action of helping or doing work for someone. The practice of providing

existing and potential customers with support to enhance their satisfaction with the

products or services.

Quality- The degree to which a product meets the design specifications offering a

satisfaction factor that fulfills all the expectations that a customer wants.


Expectation Theory

Expectation theory also commonly known as expectancy- disconfirmation

theory, the theory of customer satisfaction processes is the most commonly accepted

one. The theory is based on the customer comparison of product or service

performance with predefined standards of performance, resulting in satisfaction as

well as dissatisfaction. The customer predicted expectations are, accordingly to this

view, the predetermined standard.(Oliver, Richard L. 1996).

(SERVQUAL)Service Quality Model Theory

The foundation for the SERVQUAL scale is the gap model proposed by

Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985, 1988). Service quality concept have

focused on three issues: what is the service quality, what causes service quality

problems, and what can service organizations do to improve quality. The basis for

examining the relationship between the quality of the service, and it plays a

significant role in terms of customer satisfaction and expectations.(Conversely, Lai.

2004). When expectation are meet or exceeded, customers report higher levels of

satisfaction. There is a lot of previous research that is been done.the satisfaction of

the customer can be assessed based on the customer satisfaction attitude on various

attributes of the product or service. Satisfaction of customer depends on a variety of

factors, including perceived service quality, customers mood, food and beverages

quality, and other experienced- specific factors. Moreover, (Parasuraman. developed a service quality model to demonstrate that the perception of

quality by consumers is influenced by the different gaps in the organizations.


The conceptual framework of the study where the independent variable is the

demographic profile of the participants: age, gender, grade level, and the food and

beverages quality, and service quality. The dependent variable is the customer

satisfaction among grade 11 senior high school learners which is based on the

provided services of the school canteen of Bolinao Integrated School.

Input Process Output

Demographic profile.

Open ended
Age, gender, grade interview
Customer satisfaction
level questionnaire
among grade 11
senior high school
Food and beverages Observation

Service quality

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The paradigm above illustrates the structure of the study whereas it focuses on

the researcher progress in data gathering, collection, and interpretation. In addition,

the figure shows how the researcher collected the data using open-ended interview

questionnaires and through observation.

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