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english teacher


czasowniki mowy zależnej
Dzień 1 - uzupełnianie
1 Uzupełnij zdania jednym z podanych poniżej czasowników w odpowiedniej
1. They _________________ going for a trip to Greece together.
2. She ______________ him of cheating on her with another woman.
3. The terrorists _____________ to kill all the hostages if their demands weren't met.
4. It was so kind of my workmate to _____________ to help me with that project.
5. Our neighbours _____________ us to visit them from time to time.
6. We _____________ not to go out because of the bad weather.
7. The lady __________ us not to go to the park after dark.
8. The teachers usually don't _____________ students to eat during class.

Dzień 2 - przekształcanie
2 Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną.
1. 'You should wear some warmer clothes because it's very cold,' my mom told me.
My mom advised ___________________________________________________________________
2. 'I'm so sorry I didn't show up at the meeting,' Mary said.
Mary apologized ____________________________________________________________________
3. 'Don't forget to take the documents with you,' my husband said to me.
My husband reminded ______________________________________________________________
4. 'Sit down and calm down right now!' said dad to his children.
Dad ordered _________________________________________________________________________
5. 'Don't annoy the cat - it might scratch you!' I said to my younger brother.
I warned _____________________________________________________________________________
6. 'Please, could you lend me your phone just for a second?' the man asked me.
The man asked ______________________________________________________________________ 1
english teacher

7. 'Okay, I'll help you with your homework,' my sister told me.
My sister agreed _____________________________________________________________________
6. 'No, you may not drink it. It's for adults only,' said mom to her daughter.
Mom forbade _______________________________________________________________________

Dzień 4 - transformacje
3 Przekształć poniższe zdania na mowę zależną używając odpowiedniego
czasownika mowy zależnej.
1. 'No, I will not borrow you my clothes anymore,' my sister said to me.
2. 'You took all my money from me!,' said Peter to his ex-wife.
3. 'You know, I have been waiting in this line for soooo long. I've had enough,' said
the lady standing next to me.
4. 'Give me your phone, now!' the robber shouted to us.
5. 'I've never said I wanted to move abroad,' he told me.
6. 'How about going to the beach next weekend?' Emma asked me.
7. 'I'm sure it was a howl of a wolf I've heard in the forest,' he said to me.
8. 'You should sleep more,' my best friend told me.

Dzień 7 - poprawianie błędów

4 Znajdź i popraw błędy w 6 zdaniach poniżej.
1. We offered paying for the delivery, but they refused.
2. He suggested me to give up smoking.
3. My friend refused to admit she was wrong.
4. She promised me to meet at 4pm.
5. Sam admitted not doing his homework.
6. We have agreed organising the event.
7. They recommended to visit this beautiful city.
8. He ordered closing the door.
english teacher

Dzień 11- tworzenie zdań

5 Wybierz 5 czasowników, które sprawiły Ci najwięcej problemów i napisz z nimi
własne zdania.

english teacher
Odpowiedzi Magda

1. suggested
2. accused
3. threatened
4. offer
5. invited
6. decided
7. warned
8. allow

1. me to wear some warmer clothes because it was cold.
2. for not showing up at the meeting.
3. me to take the documents with me.
4. us to sit down and calm down immediately.
5. my younger brother not to annoy the cat because it might scratch him.
6. me to lend him my phone for a second.
7. to help me with my homework.
8. us to drink it because it was for adults only.

1. My sister refused to borrow me her clothes anymore.
2. Peter accused his wife of taking/having taken all his money from him.
3. The lady standing next to me complained about waiting/that she had been waiting in that line
for so long.
4. The robber demanded me to give him my phone immediately.
5. He denied saying that he wanted to move abroad.
6. Emma suggested going to the beach next weekend.
7. He claimed to have heard a howl of a wolf in the forest/He claimed that he had heard a howl
of a wolf in the forest.
8. My best friend advised me to sleep more.

1. ̶p̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ to pay
2. ̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ giving
3. ✓
4. ̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶ to meet me
5. ✓
6. ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ to organise
7. ̶t̶o̶ ̶v̶i̶s̶i̶t̶ visiting
8. ̶c̶l̶o̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ to close 4

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