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Metropolitan areas often serve as hubs of economic, social, and cultural activity, which
can influence the classification of regions in regional planning. Regions close to metropolitan areas
might be classified as urban or suburban, with emphasis on infrastructure, transportation, and housing.
Meanwhile, more distant regions might be classified as rural, with a focus on agriculture, natural
resources, and conservation. The presence of a metropolitan area can also affect policies related to land
use, development, and environmental protection in surrounding regions.


The axial principle in regional planning refers to organizing development along a central
axis or corridor. This can influence regional classification by emphasizing connectivity, infrastructure
development, and economic growth along this axis. Regions along the axial corridor may receive more
investment and development, while peripheral regions may be classified based on their relationship to
the axial corridor, such as satellite areas or hinterlands.


Melville,C Branch (1988);Regional planning Bloomsbury Academic ,University of Machigani.

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