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Kindly read through all the questions carefully and select the correct answers on the

question paper

1. The list of all the books you have used to write your assignment and everything
you have found useful even if you have not referred to it directly in the text is
a. Archives b. References c. bibliography d. Directory
2. In project writing, your abstract must contain a brief summary of all the following
a. Declaration b. Problem statement c. Results d. Methodology
3. Which one of the literature sources is considered the best to use in a literature
a. Lecture notes b. Journal articles c.Conference papers d. Project works
4. Open – ended questions provide primarily …………………
a. Confirmatory data b. Predictive data c. Qualitative data d. None of
the above
5. When a citation includes more than …..authors only the surname of the author is
citied followed by A. 3 B. 18 D. 2
6. Which of the following is not one of the seven major parts to the research?
a. Results b. Abstract c. Footnotes d. Method
7. Diagrams matrics tables and figures should never be used in qualitative research
a. True b. False c. A only d.A and B only
8. A qualitative research question:
a. Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored
b. Is generally an open – end question
c. Both A and B are correct
d. None of the above
9. Which of the following is not correct form of representing in text referencing in
research report?
a. Sakyi (2017a) b. Sakyi ,2017a) c. Sakyi.(2017a) d. Sakyi (2017)
10. ………………………………… is the written section of your research report that
summarizes the literature you studied and examined in order to develop the
research study.
a. Study material
b. Sample size
c. Literure review
d. Proposal
11. ………………………………. Refers to the theories that have been put forward to
explain the relationship among the variables in your interested topic.
a. Theoretical framework
b. Study material
c. Sample size
d. Literature review
12. Which Philosophical theory posits that valid knowledge is found only in a
posteriori knowledge; verified data received from the senses known as empirical
a. Simplicity
b. A priori
c. Positivism
d. Validity
13. Collecting and analyzing data from every possible case or the entire population is
known as ?
a. Population
b. Strategic population
c. Census
d. Sampling
14. Referencing is ……………………….
a. The procedure of changing the structure and words of the original information
b. The procedure for acknowledging the figures gathered in a research
c. Using the exact words from the original information source
d. The procedure for acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that
you have used in your research.
15. Which of the following source of literature is best recommended for academic
a. Wikipedia
b. Scientific literature
c. Social media literature
d. Library literature
16. Which of the following does not constitute Plagiarism?
a. Turning in someone else’s work as your own
b. Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
c. Submitting your work through the turnit in software
d. Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving
17. A sample is a subset of …………………………
A. Probability
B. Sampling framework
C. Population
D. Literature review
18. Which of the following is not an advantage of sampling
a. Acts as a replacement for the sampling unit
b. Unrealistic to survey an entire population
c. Budget constraints
d. Time constrains
19. Choose the odd one out of the following
a. Cluster sampling
b. Quota
c. Simple random
d. Systematic
20. Which of the following is an example of non probability sampling
a. Stratified random sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Cluster sampling
d. Systematic sampling
21. Which of the following is not an example of Primary source of date?
a. Observation
b. Questionnaire
c. Interviews
d. Documents
22. Which of the following is most consistent with the scientific approach as a source
of knowledge?
a. Verifying the data by examining the consistency between what has been done
in the past and needs to be done.
b. The difference between personal experience and systematic investigation
c. Objectivity in observation and application of results
d. Expert analysis of existing information
23. The purpose of the scientific enquiry is to
a. Build on personal experience and tradition
b. Control phenomena
c. Predict phenomena
d. Understand and explain phenomena
24. Objectivity, verification, control of bias and precision are characteristics of
a. Scientific enquiry
b. Theories
c. Theoretical explanations
d. Generalizability
25. A hypothesis is
a. An aspect of scienfic research
b. An informed guess about probable results
c. Followed by theories in a subject area
d. The goal of the researcher
26. Which of these best identifies research?
a. Empirical methods of data generation and analysis
b. Basic or applied methodologies as applied to daily problems
c. A way of generating solutions to problems
d. A systematic approach to gathering and interpreting information
27. A distinguishing feature about a variable is that it
a. Is independent or dependent
b. Is continuous or categorical
c. Varies in relation to defined characteristics
d. Contains consistent values
28. Each of the following is a criterion for a good research problem EXCEPT that, the
a. Is clear and concise
b. Is impressive to the layman
c. Is stated in declarative form
d. Specifies the population
29. Which section of the research proposal considers the aspects of the problem that
the study is going to focus on and those aspects that will not be covered?
a. Delimitation
b. Limitation
c. Preliminary definition of terms
d. Significance of the study
A researcher posed the following questions in her study , will students who are taught
research by a teacher of the same gender like the subject more than students taught by a
teacher of a different gender? Use the question to answer question 11 to 12

30. The dependent variable in this questions is

a. Ability of the teacher
b. Gender of the teacher
c. Liking for research
d. Personality and ability level of the students
31. The independent variable in the question is
a. Ability of the teacher
b. Gender of the teacher
c. Liking for research
d. Personality and ability level of the students
32. An advantage of stating hypothesis in a research study is that it
a. Enables the researcher to think more deeply and specifically about possible
outcomes of the study.
b. Eliminates biases, both conscious and unconscious ,on the part of the
c. Is always necessary and appropriate to state it
d. Enables the researcher to notice other phenomena that might be important to
the study.
33. Which of the following sequence of the description of the steps in a research
process is ideal?
a. Identifying a problem constructing a hypothesis; reviewing the literature and
constructing questionnaires and interview schedules
b. Identify a problem constructing a hypothesis, constructing questionnaires and
interview schedules and reviewing the literature
c. Identify a problem : reviewing the literature and constructing questionnaires
and interview schedules and constructing a hypothesis
d. Identify a problem: reviewing the literature constructing a hypotheses and
constructing questionnaires and interview schedules
34. In the introductory part of a research proposal, the statement of the problem is
proceeded by the
a. Background information
b. Purpose of the study research questions and hypothesis
c. Research questions and hypothesis
d. Significance of the study
35. In inductive mode of thinking through which one seeks to discover , establish and
explain the uniformities of nature by appealing to experience is
a. Authority as a way of knowing
b. Logic as source of knowledge
c. The scienfic method of investigation
d. The scientific method of investigation
e. Personal experience as a source of knowledge
36. A researcher realized that it was not possible to construct a potential solution to
the problem he intended to investigate and that the variables could not be
precisely defused and measured .This implies that the problem was not
a. Feasible
b. Researchable
c. Significant
d. Clear
37. Which type of hypothesis begins with specific observations and move towards
a. Deductive hypothesis
b. Directional hypothesis
c. Inductive hypothesis
d. Research hypothesis
38. A hypothesis that asserts that there is no true difference between two population
means and that the difference found between sample means is therefore accidental
or unimportant is the
a. Null hypothesis
b. Research hypothesis
c. Statistical hypothesis
39. Which of the following variables can be classified as ordered ?
a. Countries taking part in the soccer world cup
b. Models of cars imported in the country
c. Regions of birth of university students
d. The ages of students in a statistics class
40. An example of a variable that provides information for a ratio scale is
a. English reading ability of JHS student
b. Halls of residence of GTUC students
c. Monthly salaries of College tutors
d. Performance of students in a class test.

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