Roles and Functions of Social Work

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Point of View
When a narrative unfolds through the eyes of a character. It refers to the source and
scope of the narrative voice.
1. Broker
A person who assists in locating for resources or services and in negotiating for its
acquisition or accessibility and use in favour of a client.
2. Case Manager
A person who handles and manages all information and processes - relating to a
specific issue, problem or circumstance, that is inimical to a person under his/her care,
guardianship, custody or assignment.
3. Change Agent
A person who initiates specific measure to transform or help individuals, - groups and
communities to become socially functional and be an active participants in achieving
self-worth or societal change.
4. Counselor
A person who provides guidance and intervention to an individual or - group particularly
in dealing and managing an issue or a problem or difficulty, that includes helping them
to look for possible answers or solutions that will alleviate suffering.
5. Educator
A person who provides meaningful experiences for people to learn and become life-long
learners through various platforms, whether formal, informal or non-formal, using varied
types of strategies, scilicet; instruction, interaction, immersion, simulation,
apprenticeships, etc.
6. Enabler
A person who empowers another by capacitating him/her with the necessary
knowledge, skills and values necessary for his/her transformation, recovery, growth or
7. Facilitator
A person who coordinates, leads or directs a particular group to work for - specific task
in the pursuit of achieving productive results for the attainment of group or
organization’s work goal.
8. Mediator
A person who assists in settling issues, dispute, disagreements or mere problems,
between individuals or groups for the purpose of reconciliation, remediation, or
9. Researcher
A person who engages in a systematic inquiry to address an issue, a problem or a given
condition or topic which may provide essential suggestions or recommendations that will
help improve systems and practices, resolve conflicts, disorders or difficulties, and
inequities, or widen the pond of human knowledge.

For the purpose of creating a definite understanding of specific concepts along work
areas in which social workers work, the following terms are contextually defined:
Advocacy Group - An advocacy group is a special interest group that promotes
specific agenda using different platforms to influence public opinion or action.
Clinic - A clinic is an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given
medical treatment.
Government Organization - A government organization is a social unit, public in
character, that governs the relations of individuals, groups and institutions within a
specified geographical boarder.
Hospital - A hospital is an institution that provides medical and surgical treatment and
nursing care for the sick and injured.
Learning Center - A learning center is a learning facility designed to provide education
and training outside of the formal structure for a specific type or group of learners.
Institution - A military institution is the establishment of the state that oversees its
armed or military services and guarantees the sovereignty of the state
Military Camp - A military camp is a temporary or semi-permanent military facility
designed to shelter troops and provide training venues for the armed forces.
Non-Government Organization - A non-government organization is a voluntary, non-
profit organization designed to advance the interest and welfare of people and society
under a well-defined cause to ensure social equilibrium.
Non-residential Facility - A non-residential facility is a non-contained structure
designed to provide assistance or intervention to young people who are identified
Private Office - A private office is any existing establishment, regardless of its legal
purpose, that is under the ownership of a civilian authority, hence, not under the direct
control of the government.
Public Office - A public office is an institution of the government designed to carry out
government programs and services to the people of the state or nation.
Rehabilitation Center - A rehabilitation center is a medical and health treatment facility
designed to facilitate the process of recovery from any form of severe physical and
mental condition including substance abuse.
Residential Facility - A residential facility is an institution that provides care and
services to specific types of people for the purpose of fostering care, rehabilitation, or
Response Unit - A response unit is a specialized group organized for the purpose of
addressing an immediate need or problem which obstructs the social functioning of an
individual or group.
School - A school is an institution, whether public or private, established to educate
Training Center - A training center is a learning venue that provides authentic and
meaningful experiences on specific skills or industry
Welfare Agency - A welfare agency is an institution, mostly of the government, that
provides social services to ensure the social and economic security and survival of the
Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Grade and Section: Grade 12 – St. Vincent

Name:_____________________________ Grade &

Directions: Analyze the descriptions provided in each number. Identify the role of a
social worker relative to the given descriptions and write your answer in the blank
provided before each number. Copy and answer, and write it in a short bond paper.

__________________ 1. Provide guidance to individuals who are suffering from any

difficulty. Help individuals to find answers to their problems. Assist individuals to recover
from a physical or mental health issue.
__________________ 2. Study the dynamic interactions between individuals, groups
and communities. Collect, organize and analyze information or data relative to a
particular study. Formulate suggestions and recommendations pertaining to a problem
__________________ 3. Help in capacitating people to become productive. Empower
individuals, groups and communities to become socially functional. Motivate people to
believe in their potentials and capabilities.
__________________ 4. Help resolve conflicts between individuals and groups. Assist
individuals in looking for resolutions to alleviate their sufferings. Facilitate
communication between parties involved in a dispute or conflict.
__________________ 5. Assist in finding resources and services to help in augmenting
client’s resources. Negotiate with possible grantors for the acquisition of resources and
services. Represent the client in transacting with identified sponsors or grantors.
__________________ 6. Teach individuals in schools or in any other learning
environments. Help individuals cope with the realities in life. Guide individuals in
achieving a better and brighter future.
__________________ 7. Initiate for the discussion of issues. Disseminate information
relative to the issue or concern he/she stands for. Take necessary actions to advance
the interest of a sector affected by an issue.
__________________ 8. Help people in working together as a group. Encourage active
participation for the performance of tasks. Assist in doing specific tasks effectively.
__________________ 9. Initiate practices to achieve effectiveness in the organization.
Adopts measures that will help improve organizational culture. Monitors trends and
updates that affect organizational performance.
__________________ 10. Assess client’s physical and mental or economic and social
conditions. Monitor the client’s progress vis-à-vis intervention provided. Links clients
with appropriate residential facilities or rehabilitation centers.
Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Grade and Section: Grade 12 – St. Vincent

Name:_____________________________ Grade &

Directions: Read and analyze the article. Make a critical essay in 3 paragraphs and
every paragraph should have 3 sentences. Your essay should answer the following
guide questions below. Write your essay in a short bond paper.


By: Ricardo M. Gamurot, Jr.

Since the day her teacher in Grade 7 English ask the class to write about their
postsecondary career choices, Mauie couldn’t imagine how she presented her narrative
about her being a world class professional with a very lucrative job that can fully support
her lifestyle… and she means it. Growing in a well-off family, well, she deserves only the
best for her future. In fact she underscores specific professions and careers that will
groom her as an international figure specializing in foreign relations and diplomacy,
legal profession 10 with particular emphasis in commercial law, language and
communication, and tourist and travel but never in professions associated with welfare
and other forms of social services.

However, in an orientation for senior high school entrants, she realized how
important is the training that the Humanities and Social Sciences can provide in
strengthening her potential as would be professional considering her exemplary
communicative skills and academic brilliance, which most teachers believed her
greatest advantage in order to succeed in life, which later was proved to be very helpful
in securing her lead in class.

During the immersion program, since there are no available commercial

establishments related to communication and travel (her preferred venue) in the local
community, she accepted the challenge of being deployed in the City Social Welfare
and Development Office of the Local Government Unit but with huge dislike and
reservations. Thus, a feeling of discomfort strikes her during the first two days of work at
the immersion venue.

On the third day, she was requested to join the field work in a depressed area at
the foot of the mountain, which she never thought could have existed in a city known for
its booming local industries. There, she met a young girl who prefers to be isolated from
a group of her age. Curiosity wise, she tried to communicate with her just to ease her
boredom due to, what she thought, a log rolling procedure undertaken by CSWDO
personnel as they cautiously validate information of program beneficiaries. But to her
surprise, not only did the story of the girl enlighten her how lucky she is for having the
kind of life she is living but it made her realized the social responsibility each one plays
in shaping a more humane world where everyone feels safe and protected.

After the immersion experience, Mauie’s teachers were surprised when she
enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Social Work in a nearby university… not in her dream
university in the metro. What she only tells everyone questioning her decision is… “YOU
don’t need to be in great universities to prove your worth as would be professionals, not
in world class careers nor in lucrative professions… OUR worth is determined by how
we respond to our calling and WHAT DIFFERENCE WE CAN MAKE AND HOW WE

Guide Questions:
1. In what way you were touched by the story?
2. Did it help you to reflect on your career choices, once more?
3. What to you is more valuable in choosing a future career? Why?

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