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1. John is my brother. ________ is a good man.

a) she b) him c) he d) his

2. I like Daniela. I like to talk with _________.

a) hers b) her c) she d) it

3. My shoes are new. ____________ are expensive, too!

a) it b) they c) them d) us

4. God is love. God loves _________.

a) they b) we c) our d) us

5. Joana isn’t very pretty but __________ a wonderful person.

a) her is b) he is c) is she d) she is

6. This is my new computer. I really like __________.

a) it b) them c) it’s d) its

7. They are my friends, Josh and Rick. I’m going with __________ to the party.

a) us b) them c) they d) him

8. She’s my girlfriend Tania. She loves __________.

a) his b) he c) I d) me

9. I need to buy a TV and a DVD. I really need __________.

a) her b) them c) it d) they

10. Many women like Ricky Martin. They love __________.

a) him b) he c) it d) her

11. John and I _________ very good friends.

a) are b) am c) is d) isn’t

12. George _________ a medical doctor. He’s a dentist.

a) is he b) he is c) isn’t d) is
13. Who _________ we?

a) is b) are c) isn’t d) am

14. I think Jane _________ an excellent teacher.

a) be b) are c) is d) her

15. What _________ your favorite videogames?

a) they are b) are c) are they d) is

16. _________ a student?

a) he b) she isn’t c) She is d) is she

17. Where __________ the cookies?

a) are b) they are c) are they d) is

18. How __________ your family?

a) aren’t b) isn’t c) is d) you

19. When _________ going to the movies?

a) are you and me b) are you and him c) are you and I d) are us

20. They are at the bank, but how many of _________ are clients?

a) they b) them c) we d) me

21. He is _________ guy.

a) a very nice b) a nice very c) an nice d) very nice a

22. There is _________ universe in which Elvis Presley is alive.

a) an b) a c) those d) it

23. I don’t want to talk to __________ in that room.

a) the peoples b) people c) a people d) the people

24. Karen doesn’t know ___________ Golden Gate Bridge.

a) The b) it c) those d) an

25. The doctor is talking about ___________ problem.

a) specific a b) them c) an specific d) a specific

26. Is __________ car here, yours?

a) that b) those c) it d) this

27. __________ women there, are very pretty!

a) those b) these c) this d) that

28. Who was __________ girl at the party, last night?

a) those b) these c) this d) that

29. __________ people don’t speak Spanish.

a) that b) they c) this d) those

30. Can you pass me __________ glass, please?

a) those b) these c) this d) that


1. My friends and I am at the party.

a) my b) and c) am d) at e) the

2. Some people think that Sandra and me are married.

a) think b) and c) married d) me e) are

3. He is a good teacher or not?

a) good b) teacher c) he is d) not e) or

4. The dogs are coming. it are very dangerous!

a) dogs b) it c) are d) very e) coming

5. He and her are not in our group.

a) he b) are c) her d) in e) and

6. Why you are angry? Are you okay?

a) angry b) okay c) are you d) you are e) why

7. Are these flowers for your mom? / Yes, they are for she.

a) she b) these c) are d) they e) your

8. I like these shoes! It’s very nice.

a) shoes b) I c) like d) it’s e) nice

9. The students want to talk to the principal, but him is not in his office.

a) his b) want c) talk d) to e) him

10. Alexandra and him are not happy with the exam.

a) him b) and c) are not d) with e) the

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