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I will start by searching for the specific provisions of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
that demonstrate the rule of law.


The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda

The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda is the supreme law of Uganda and was adopted on
October 8, 1995

. It replaced the 1967 Constitution and established Uganda as a republic with an executive,
legislative, and judicial branch

. The Constitution consists of 19 chapters that cover various aspects of governance, including the
rules on the Constitution, the Republic, citizenship, protection and promotion of fundamental and
other human rights and freedoms, representation of the people, the legislature, the executive, the
judiciary, finance, public service, local government, defense and national security, inspectorate of
the government, leadership code of conduct, land and environment, institution of traditional or
cultural leaders, general provisions, amendment of the Constitution, and transitional provisions

Key Features of the Constitution

 Supreme Law: The 1995 Constitution is the supreme law of Uganda and has binding force on
all authorities and persons throughout the country

 Citizenship: The Constitution provides for the acquisition and loss of citizenship by

 Retention of Citizenship: A citizen of Uganda who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of

another country may retain the citizenship of Uganda, subject to the Constitution and any
law enacted by Parliament

 National Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy: The Constitution includes
national objectives and directive principles that guide the governance of Uganda, including
the duty of every citizen to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Constitution and
to uphold and defend it

 Government Structure: The Constitution establishes a unitary presidential republic with

three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial

 Amendments: The Constitution has been amended four times, with the last amendment
taking place on January 5, 2018.

Please note that this information is based on the search results provided and should be verified with
the official text of the Constitution for complete accuracy.


The1995 Constitution of Uganda is the supreme law of the country and establishes a republic with
an executive, legislative, and judicial branch. It includes provisions for the protection and promotion
of fundamental human rights and freedoms, which aligns with the principles of the rule of law as
declared by the International Commission of Jurists. I will now look for specific examples in the
Constitution that demonstrate the rule of law.


Rule of Law Provisions in the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda

The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda contains several provisions related to the rule of
law. Here are some key provisions:

1. Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution is the supreme law of Uganda and has
binding force on all authorities and persons throughout the country

2. Inconsistency with the Constitution: If any other law or custom is inconsistent with any
provision of the Constitution, the Constitution prevails, and that other law or custom is void
to the extent of the inconsistency

3. Status of International Law: The foreign policy of Uganda is based on the principles of
respect for international law and treaty obligations

4. Protection of Human Rights: The Constitution guarantees the protection of fundamental
human rights and freedoms, including the right to life, liberty, and security of person,
freedom of expression, assembly, and association, and the right to a fair hearing

5. Equality before the Law: The Constitution ensures equality before the law and prohibits
discrimination on various grounds, including race, sex, religion, and political affiliation

6. Judicial Independence: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary, with the

Supreme Court as the highest court in Uganda.

7. Separation of Powers: The Constitution establishes a system of government with three

branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches

8. Accountability and Transparency: The Constitution promotes accountability and

transparency in public affairs, including the requirement for public officials to declare their
assets and liabilities

It is important to note that these are just a few examples of the rule of law provisions in the 1995
Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The full text of the Constitution can be accessed for further


The1995 Constitution of Uganda contains several provisions that demonstrate the rule of law. These
include the supremacy of the Constitution, the protection of human rights, equality before the law,
judicial independence, and the separation of powers. I will now elaborate on these provisions and
provide examples of how they manifest the rule of law.


1. Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution is the supreme law of Uganda, and all
other laws and customs must be consistent with it. This principle ensures that all actions of
the government and private individuals are subject to the law, a key aspect of the rule of

2. Protection of Human Rights: The Constitution guarantees the protection of fundamental

human rights and freedoms, including the right to life, liberty, and security of person,
freedom of expression, assembly, and association, and the right to a fair hearing. These
rights and freedoms are inherent to all individuals and are a crucial part of the rule of law.

3. Equality before the Law: The Constitution ensures that all individuals are equal before the
law and prohibits discrimination on various grounds, including race, sex, religion, and
political affiliation. This principle ensures that the law applies equally to all individuals,
regardless of their status or position, which is a fundamental aspect of the rule of law.

4. Judicial Independence: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary, with the

Supreme Court as the highest court in Uganda. An independent judiciary is essential for the
rule of law as it ensures that justice is administered impartially and without influence from
the other branches of government or from private interests.

5. Separation of Powers: The Constitution establishes a system of government with three

branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This separation of powers is a key
aspect of the rule of law as it prevents the concentration of power in one branch and
provides for checks and balances.

6. Accountability and Transparency: The Constitution promotes accountability and

transparency in public affairs, including the requirement for public officials to declare their
assets and liabilities. This provision ensures that public officials are held accountable for
their actions, a key aspect of the rule of law.

These provisions in the 1995 Constitution of Uganda demonstrate the rule of law by ensuring that all
actions of the government and private individuals are subject to the law, that the law is applied
equally and impartially, and that there are checks and balances in the system of government.

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