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Research Communication

Role of MicroRNA 126 in Screening, Diagnosis, Noha A. Rezk1*

Norhan A. Sabbah1
and Prognosis of Diabetic Patients in Egypt Mohamed S.S. Saad2

Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry Department, Zagazig University,
Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine Department, Zagazig University,

MicroRNAs (miRNAs), family of non-coding small RNAs, play a patients when both compared with controls and between dia-
vital role in the regulation of blood glucose level. We aimed to betic patients compared to IGT patients. A significant decrease
investigate the relation of serum miRNA-126 expression with of serum miRNA-126 expression was detected in diabetic
impaired glucose tolerance as well as type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with complications compared to those without evident
(T2DM) patients with and without complications. One hundred complications especially those with diabetic macrovascular
healthy controls, eighty-six patients with IGT, and one hundred complications and diabetic retinopathy. Serum microRNA-126
patients with T2DM were recruited in this study. Serum miRNA- expression could be a good marker for diagnosis of IGT and
126 expression was assessed by quantitative real-time polymer- T2DM as well as for monitoring the outcomes of such disease.
ase chain reaction. We found a significant decrease of serum C 2016 IUBMB Life, 68(6):452–458, 2016
miRNA-126 expression between IGT patients as well as diabetic

Keywords: MicroRNA 126; qRT-PCR; diabetes mellitus; IGT;


Introduction Reliable biological tests are used for screening and diagno-
sis of diabetes based on blood glucose levels, however there
Diabetes is increasing in epidemic proportions globally, exhibit-
are no means of detecting at-risk patients or of following dia-
ing the most striking increase in the third world countries with
betic complications.
emerging economies. This phenomenon is particularly evident
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a family of small (about 22
in Middle East and North Africa regions, which has the highest
nucleotides), noncoding single-strand RNA molecules, their
prevalence of diabetes in adults. The most concerning indirect
transcription occurs through RNA polymerase II (2) and subse-
cost of diabetes is the missed work by the adult population
quent processing is mediated by the nuclear ribonuclease III
coupled with the economic burden of loss of productivity. In
(RNase III) enzyme, Drosha, to form precursor miRNAs (70–100
Egypt alone, 2,623,000 people are already affected, with the
nucleotides), further cleavage occurs via another RNase III
expectation of increase this number to 6,726,000 in 2030. As
enzyme, Dicer, to form the mature miRNA (3). MiRNAs modu-
many as half of all diabetic patients remain undiagnosed, these
late both physiological and pathological pathways by post-
already sizable figures are likely gross underestimations (1).
transcriptionally inhibiting the expression of a plethora of target
genes (3).
It has been demonstrated that miRNAs are not only intra-
C 2016 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
cellular molecules, since they were also detected outside the
Volume 68, Number 6, June 2016, Pages 452–458
cells in body fluids (e.g., In serum, plasma, saliva, urine, and
*Address correspondence to: Noha Rezk, Lecturer of medical biochemistry,
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt 002. Tel: 12010000 89372. milk; (4))
E-mail: Human serum miRNAs levels had been shown to be stable,
Received 10 March 2016; Accepted 30 March 2016 reproducible, and consistent amongst healthy individuals, allow-
DOI 10.1002/iub.1502 ing them to be of potential value as biomarkers of disease (5).
Published online 26 April 2016 in Wiley Online Library The stability of circulating miRNAs may be explained by their
( being carried in membrane-bound vesicles or transported by

452 IUBMB Life

high-density lipoproteins (6). It has been suggested that extra- The ethical committee of Zagazig University approved this
cellular miRNAs have specific physiological functions, regulating study and a written informed consent was obtained from all
immune function, cell migration, differentiation, and other subjects prior to their inclusion in this work.
aspects of cell-to-cell communication depending on their cellular
Anthropometric Measurement
origin (6).
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing the weight
MiR-126 is highly enriched in endothelial cells, and con-
(kg) by the squared value of height in meters.
tributes to the maintenance and repair of vascular integrity,
angiogenesis, and wound repair; it also facilitates vascular Biochemical Analysis
endothelial growth factor- A (VEGF-A) signaling. Differentially Blood samples were taken from all studied subjects after 8 H
expressed circulatory miRNA signature characteristic of type 2 fast as follows: 2 mL blood was taken on fluoride containing
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been reported from recent stud- tubes, another 2 mL was taken on EDTA containing tubes, and
ies outside Middle East (7–9). the remaining part was left for 10 min to clot and then was
From these studies, it is expected that the identification of centrifuged at 1,000 3 g for 5 min. Another blood sample was
potential-specific miRNAs biomarkers may help predict or taken after 12 H fast and on fluoride containing tubes 2 H
detect the development and the progression of diabetes and its after meal (2hpp). The serum and plasma samples were sepa-
complications at an early stage, and therefore allow well timed rated and stored at 2208C till the time of use.
intervention. Fasting, 2hpp blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyc-
So, in the present study, we aimed to investigate whether erides were measured by routine enzymatic methods (Spin-
MiR-126 is considered a potential-specific biomarker which react). HDLc was determined after precipitation of the apo
can predict or detect the development as well as the progres- B-containing lipoproteins. LDLc was calculated using Friede-
sion of diabetes and its complications, especially (macrovascu- wald formula (11). Glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc) was estimated
lar complications, retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy) colorimetrically by using (Biosystems, Barcelona, Spain). Serum
insulin and lipoprotein a (LPa) was measured by ELISA using
in diabetic Egyptian patients.
the Quantikine human insulin and LPa assay kits (R and D Sys-
tems, Minneapolis, MN). HOMA-IR was calculated using the
following formula: [fasting insulin (lIU/mL) 3 fasting glucose
Subjects and Methods
This study was conducted in Medical Biochemistry and Inter-
nal Medicine Departments of Zagazig University Hospitals Serum miRNA Assay
and included 100 subjects suffering from type II diabetes mel- Total RNA was isolated from 250 lL serum according to the
litus and 86 subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), manufacturer’s instructions of the miRNeasy extraction kit
recruited from patients admitted to the Internal Medicine (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) by adding QIAzol lysis reagent (1 mL)
Outpatients Clinics. They were diagnosed according to Ameri- then it was left for 5 min at room temperature. This was fol-
can Diabetes Association diagnostic criteria 2015 (10). In long lowed by adding 200 lL of chloroform and vortexing for 15 sec,
standing diabetics, the duration of their diabetes ranged from the samples were incubated for 3 min at room temperature fol-
6 to 12 years. lowed by centrifugation at 14,000 3 g at 48C for 15 min. An
Diabetic patients were divided into 5 subgroups: Those equal volume of 100% ethanol was added after removing the
upper watery phase. Six hundred microliters of the solution
with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus without evident
were pipetted in miRNeasy Mini spin column and centrifuged at
complication (n 5 14); those with evident macrovascular com-
8000 3 g for 60 sec. Then 600 lL of buffer RWT was added,
plications (n 5 26), assessed by using ECG, duplex US mainly
followed by another centrifugation at 8000 3 g for another 60
for coronary artery disease and premature coronary artery
sec. Then, 500 lL of buffer RPE was added prior to centrifuga-
disease; those with diabetic neuropathy (n 5 17), diagnosed by
tion at 8000 3 g for 2 min. The columns were placed in new
full neurological examination; those with diabetic nephropathy
collection tubes and centrifuged at full speed for 2 min. Fifty
(n 5 24), assessed by using albumin to creatinine ratio in spot
microliters of RNase-free water was placed directly into the col-
urine sample and finally those with diabetic retinopathy
umns followed by centrifugation for 1 min at 8000 3 g for RNA
(n 5 19), diagnosed by the best corrected visual acuity, slit-
elution. Twenty microliters of eluted miRNA was reverse tran-
lamp biomicroscopy, and indirect ophthalmoscopy.
scribed by incubation for 1 H at 428C, 3 min at 938C, and then
maintained at 48C using the miRNeasy serum/plasma Reverse
Exclusion Criteria
Transcription Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) according to the man-
Patients with a history of liver cirrhosis, malignancy, infection,
ufacturer’s instructions (12).
inflammation, bronchial asthma, or heart failure, were
excluded from this study. Real Time-PCR Quantification of Serum miRNA-126
One hundred healthy subjects with no family history of dia- Quantification of miRNA-126 was carried out by SYBR green
betes mellitus as well as age, sex, and ethnic origin matched to quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay using
the patients, were served as a control group. miScript SYBR Green PCR kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) on

Rezk et al. 453


Clinical and demographic characteristics of the studied groups


Healthy IGT Diabetic

controls patients patients
(N 5 100) (N 5 86) (N 5 100) P

Age (years) 45.7 6 8.4 46.3 6 7.9 48.2 6 7 8.2 0.43

Sex (male/female) 46/54 40/46 49/51 0.64
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dl) 87 6 13.4 115 6 18.5 154 6 23 <0.001
2 hpp blood glucose (mg/dL) 90 6 17 171 6 28 246 6 32 <0.001
HbA1C (%) 5.4 6 0.6 6.6 6 0.72 8.7 6 1.9 <0.001
BMI (kg/m ) 23 6 3.1 21.6 6 3.8 22.9 6 5.1 0.59
Fasting insulin (lIU/mL) 9.2 6 2.87 9.6 6 3.5 10.3 6 4.5 0.149
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 187 6 41.7 196 6 50.4 211 6 48 0.143
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 106 6 29.4 112 6 35.7 119 6 37.8 0.05
HDL-c (mg/dL) 41 6 9.4 40 6 8.7 38 6 8.1 0.078
LDL-c (mg/dL) 130 6 29.4 128 6 32.1 139 6 35.2 0.069
LP (a) (ng/mL) 13.4 6 5.6 15.2 6 6.1 14.5 6 6.8 0.177
HOMA IR 2.54 6 0.51 3.5 6 0.7 5.0 6 0.98 <0.001
Serum miRNA-126 expression 0.9 6 0.21 0.5 6 0.18 0.3 6 0.15 <0.001

IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; 2 hpp, 2 hours postprandial; BMI, body mass index; HbAlc, glycosylated hemoglobin; HDLc, high density lipo-
protein cholesterol; LDLc, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; LPa, lipoprotein (a); HOMA IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance.

ABI PRISM 7500 Fast real-time PCR system (Applied Biosys- Statistical Analysis
tems, Foster City, CA). The procedure was performed on 20 mL Data were analyzed with SPSS version 15.0 (statistical package for
final volume containing [2 mL of cDNA, 0.5 mM of hsa-miR-126- the Social Science, Chicago, IL). Differences of the frequencies in
specific primers (Applied Biosystems), and 13 QuantiTect the studied groups were analyzed using chi square (v2) test. Levels
SYBR Green PCR Master mix] (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). of serum miRNA-126 expression were expressed as mean 6 SD.
Primers sequence used was mature miRNA sequence Significant differences between the groups were determined using
(50 CATTATTACTTTTGGTACGCG 30 ) and specific forward PCR Student’s t test and one-way analysis of variance. Pearson correla-
primer (50 GGGGCATTATTACTTTTGG30 ). tion analysis was employed to assess the correlation between
Cycling condition was denaturation at 958C for 2 min, fol- plasma miRNA-126 expression and metabolic parameters in the
lowed by 35 cycles of 958C for 10 Sec, 578C for 20 sec, and studied subjects. The ability of miRNA-126 expression to discrimi-
708C for 10 sec. Then, analysis of melting curve was per- nate between case and control samples was assessed by plotting
formed and PCR products were electrophoresed on 2% agarose the receiver operating characteristics curve, which associates
gels to validate the specific generation of the expected PCR the true positive rate (sensitivity) to the false positive rate (1-speci-
product. ficity) and by computing area under the curve (AUC). A difference
The cycle threshold (Ct) value for the genes was deter- was considered significant at the P value <0.05.
mined by SDS software v1.2 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
CA). Ct is the threshold cycle, the cycle number at which fluo-
rescence is generated in a reaction crossing the threshold.
MiRNA expression level was normalized by calculating the DCt
value based on subtracting its Ct value from that of the inter- Demographic Characteristics of Control, IGT Patients,
nal control RNU1A. The amplitude of miRNA expression and Diabetic Patients Groups
change, observed in patients in relation to control group, was There was a significant difference of fasting blood glucose,
analyzed by the 22DDCt method (13). 2hpp blood glucose, HbA1C, HOMA IR, and serum miRNA-126

454 MicroRNA 126 in Diabetes

Clinical and demographic characteristics of diabetic patients with and without complications

type 2 diabetes Diabetic
mellitus without macrovascular Diabetic Diabetic Diabetic
evident complicated nephropathy retinopathy neuropathy
complications patients patients patients patients Adjusted
(N 5 14) (N 5 26) (N 5 24) (N 5 19) (N 5 17) P value

Age (years) 45.2 6 7.3 48.6 6 9.5 49.4 6 10.6 50.1 6 10.3 46.2 6 11.6 0.52
Sex (male/female) (6/8) (12/14) (13/11) (10/9) (8/9) 0.71
Onset of disease (years) 1.7 6 0.5 6.2 6 1.0 5.9 6 0.9 6.12 6 1.1 6.3 6 0.95 <0.001
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dl) 137.4 6 17.5 160.4 6 22.7 145.6 6 21.4 151.0 6 19.5 139.7 6 24.7 0.07
2hpp blood glucose (mg/dL) 236.3 6 28.4 247.4 6 30.1 234.5 6 29.2 240.0 6 32.5 229.9 6 34 0.55
HbA1C (%) 8.2 6 1.4 8.8 6 1.2 9.1 6 1.6 9.0 6 1.35 8.7 6 1.24 0.192
BMI (kg/m2) 22.2 6 5.1 25.6 6 7.3 26.0 6 8.7 20.1 6 8.1 23.2 6 9.4 0.189
Fasting insulin (lIU/mL) 9.5 6 3.4 12.5 6 4.5 13.2 6 6.6 8.6 6 4.4 10.2 6 3.7 0.10
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 201 6 41 234 6 40 217 6 47 228 6 52 231 6 50 0.20
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 103.7 6 57.6 114 6 29.9 119 6 35.8 131.8 6 29.5 125.5 6 37.5 0.223
HDL-c (mg/dL) 40.6 6 9.7 39.3 6 9.6 36.4 6 8.3 35.2 6 5.3 35.4 6 6.3 0.07
LDL-c (mg/dL) 130 6 31 154 6 29 141 6 37 150 6 42 134 6 40 0.201
LP (a) (ng/mL) 13.1 6 3.2 15.2 6 3.5 14 6 4.1 15 6 4.5 13.4 6 4.0 0.34
HOMA IR 4.3 6 0.6 5.6 6 0.71 6.1 6 0.8 5.1 6 0.45 4.9 6 0.69 0.002
Serum miRNA-126 expression 0.84 6 0.23 0.56 6 0.18 0.75 6 0.21 0.6 6 0.24 0.73 6 0.27 0.004

2hpp, 2 hours postprandial; BMI, body mass index; HbAlc, glycosylated hemoglobin; HDLc, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDLc, low den-
sity lipoprotein cholesterol; LPa, lipoprotein (a); HOMA IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance.
Adjusted P: multivariate analysis; P adjusted for disease onset.

expression levels between IGT patients as well as diabetic when both compared to controls as well as between diabetic
patients when both compared with control group. However, patients compared with IGT patients.
there was no significant difference between them regarding age, On comparison of serum miRNA-126 expression levels
sex, BMI, fasting insulin, lipoid profile, and LP (a) (Table 1). between diabetic patients with complications compared with those
without evident complications, we found a significant decrease
Demographic Characteristics of Diabetic Patients’ between both. Also, serum miRNA-126 levels were significantly
Subgroups with and without Evident Complications declined in diabetic macrovascular complicated patients as well
There was a significant difference between diabetic patients as diabetic retinopathy patients when both compared compared
with complications compared to newly diagnosed type 2 diabe- with diabetic patients without evident complications, while, there
tes mellitus without evident complications regarding serum was no significant difference of serum miRNA-126 expression lev-
miRNA-126 expression levels (adjusted P 5 0.002) and HOMA- els between diabetic neuropathy as well as diabetic nephropathy
IR (adjusted P 5 0.004) (Table 2). patients when both compared with newly diagnosed diabetic
patients without evident complications (Table 3).
Comparison of Serum miRNA-126 Expression Levels Correlation between Serum miRNA-126 Expression
between the Different Studied Groups and Metabolic Parameters in the Studied Subjects
A significant decrease of serum miRNA-126 expression levels Circulating concentrations of serum miRNA-126 were nega-
was found between IGT patients as well as diabetic patients tively associated with both fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and

Rezk et al. 455


specificity for diabetes mellitus were 95 and 92% (95% CI:

Comparison of serum miRNA-126 expression 0.91–0.98), respectively with highly statistical significant differ-
TABLE 3 between the different studied groups ence (P < 0.002) when the cutoff value for serum miRNA-126
expression was set to 0.585 (Table 5) and (Figs. 1 and 2)
Groups P value

IGT patients versus control group <0.001

Diabetes is associated with reduced life expectancy, significant
Diabetic patients versus control group <0.001 morbidity due to related micro vascular complications, increased
Diabetic patients versus IGT patients 0.031 risk of macrovascular complications (ischemic heart disease,
stroke, and peripheral vascular disease) and diminished quality
Complicated diabetic patients versus newly <0.001 of life (14).
diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus without Given the predicted explosion in the number of cases of
evident complications
prediabetes and T2DM worldwide especially in Egypt, finding
Diabetic macrovascular complicated patients 0.004 a circulating biomarker that not only detects the IGT and dia-
versus newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes betic patients but also screens the progression of complications
mellitus without evident complications at an early stage is essential.
Diabetic nephropathy patients versus newly 0.65 In our study, we tried to investigate the role of serum
diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus without miRNA-126 expression in different phases of diabetes .We
evident complications found a significant decrease of serum miRNA-126 expression
between IGT and diabetic patients when both compared to
Diabetic retinopathy patients versus newly 0.008
controls as well as between diabetic patients compared to IGT
diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus without
patients. Circulating concentrations of serum miRNA-126 were
evident complications
negatively associated with both fasting glucose, HbA1c, and
Diabetic neuropathy patients versus newly 0.31 2hpp blood glucose, while, there was no significant association
diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus without between miRNA-126 and HOMA-IR in all studied subjects.
evident complications These results are in accordance with other studies world-
wide including a study done by Liu et al. in China (15), which
Adjusted P: multivariate analysis; P adjusted for disease onset. found an association between miR-126 expression, T2DM, and
prediabetic patients. The previous study indicated that serum
2hpp blood glucose, while, there was no significant association miR-126 could be used to discriminate prediabetes from healthy
between serum miRNA-126 and HOMA-IR in all studied sub- individuals. In addition, low miR-126 expression was signifi-
jects (Table 4). cantly associated with poor treatment response. Previous stud-
When the cutoff value for serum miRNA-126 expression ies had indicated an association between miR-126 expression
was set to 0.715, the sensitivity and specificity for IGT were 94 levels and T2DM with high specificity (9,16,17). Furthermore, a
and 90% (95% CI: 0.89–0.96), respectively, with highly statisti- decrease in the circulating miR-126 in nondiabetic people was
cal significant difference (P < 0.003), while, the sensitivity and found to be a significant predictor of DM as reported by Zampe-
taki et al. (16). In fact, the authors detected a gradual decline in
plasma levels of miR-126 from normal glucose tolerance,
Correlation between serum miRNA-126 expression through IGT, to evident diabetes mellitus (16).
TABLE 4 and metabolic parameters in the studied subjects In different aspect, miR-126 was found to be notably lower
in urine of type-1 diabetic patients compared to controls (18).
Serum miRNA-126 However, Karolina et al. (19) reported that there was no change
expression found of miR-126 level between diabetic patients and controls.
r P This may be explained by differences in biosamples used in
each study, differences in methods for expression measurement,
FBG (mg/dL) 20.71 <0.01 difference of the sample size, differences in the recruitment cri-
2hpp blood glucose (mg/dL) 20.82 <0.001 teria employed for recruitment of the cases, power of associa-
tion analyses and criteria for statistical significance.
HbA1C (%) 20.45 0.041 MiR-126 is highly abundant in endothelial cells, and plays
HOMA-IR 20.1 0.09 a pivotal role in maintaining endothelial homeostasis, vascular
integrity and regulating angiogenesis (20). It helps vascular
FBG, fasting blood glucose; 2hpp, 2 hours postprandial; HbAlc, glyco-
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling by suppressing two
sylated hemoglobin; HOMA IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin negative regulators of the (VEGF) pathway, Sprouty-related
resistance. protein (SPRED1) and phosphoinositol-3 kinase regulatory

456 MicroRNA 126 in Diabetes

Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analysis using serum miRNA-126 expression for discriminating
TABLE 5 IGT and diabetic patients

Serum miRNA-126
expression IGT 1 2 AUC (95% CI) P Std Error Sensitivity Specificity

<0.715 81 9 0.937 (0.89–0.96) 0.003 0.026 94% 90%

>0.715 5 77
Serum miRNA-126 DM 1 2 AUC (95% CI) P Std Error Sensitivity Specificity
<0.585 95 8 0.942 (0.91–0.98) 0.002 0.023 95% 92%
>0.585 5 92

IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; CI, confidence interval; AUC, area under the curve; DM; diabetes mellitus.

subunit 2 (PIK3R2/p85-b; (21)). The shedding of miR-126 from complications compared to those without evident complica-
endothelial cells could regulate VEGF responsiveness and con- tions, Also, serum miRNA-126 levels was significantly lower in
fer vascular protection in a paracrine manner (22,23). patients with diabetic macrovascular complications as well as
The association of decreased serum miR-126 with high diabetic retinopathy when both compared with diabetic
blood glucose in our study and other previous studies (15,16) patients without evident complications, while, there was no
suggested that elevated plasma glucose might result in the significant difference was detected in cases of diabetic neurop-
decreased delivery of miR-126 to monocytes (16), which lead athy and nephropathy.
to reduction of plasma content of miR-126 in a glucose- Diabetic macrovasular complications are accountable for
dependent fashion and in turn contributes to VEGF resistance the higher incidence of sudden cardiac death and represent
and endothelial dysfunction resulting in defective collateral the main cause of morbidity and mortality among the diabetic
vessel development (24). patients (25).
The novelty of our study is that we were the first one who MiR-126 is encoded within an intron of Egfl7 and is
tried to use miR-126 expression levels as a predictor of various enriched in endothelial cells (20). Genetic deletion of miR-126
complications in T2DM, we found a significant decrease of disrupts the vascular integrity and results in partial embryonic
serum miRNA-126 expression between diabetic patients with lethality. MiR-126 knockout mice survived to adulthood show

Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analy- Receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC) analy-
FIG 1 sis using serum miRNA-126 expression for discrimi- FIG 2 sis using serum miRNA-126 expression for discrimi-
nating IGT patients when the cut off value was set to nating diabetic patients when the cut off value was
0.71. set to 0.58.

Rezk et al. 457


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