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The bar chart below shows the numbers of men and women attending various evening

courses at an adult education center in the year 2009. The pie chart gives information about
the ages of these course participants.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making
comparisons where relevant.

* Overview
-Bar chart: Sculpture was the least attended course for both genders
- Pie chart: The majority of students in evening courses belonged to the over-fifties group
* Para 1: Bar chart:
- The most popular course for women was language, and for men was painting
- The number of women attending drama, painting, and language courses was higher than that
of men.
- Sculpture was mainly a course undertaken by men rather than women
* Para 2: Pie chart
- The highest proportion of participants was the seniors, 50 or above
- It then followed by the middle-aged group, including those were 30-39 and 40-49,
- The least attended age group
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