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Middle School Career Explorations 2 | Graded Assignment | Take a Byte Out of Crime

Name: Date:

Graded Assignment
Take a Byte Out of Cybercrime
Total Score: 40 points

1. From your drafts, create the final PSA.
2. Be sure that the PSA, which can be any format, including video, animation, audio, or poster, meets the
following criteria:

● Target one type of social media cybercrime or cyberbullying.

● Combine memorable text and images.

● Identify the action the target group should take.

● If audio, video, or animation, should be either 15 to 30 seconds in length.

3. Be prepared to present the PSA live to the class or to upload it for sharing online.
4. Add the citations for the sources you used to complete this project to this document. Only include sources that
are credible and relevant to your submission.
5. https://www.waldenu.edu/programs/information-technology/resource/cybersecurity-101-why-choosing-a-
secure-password-in-so-important - :~:text=Strong%20passwords%20are%20of%20the,from%20cyber

7. Attach any associated project files to turn in along with this document, including the completed PSA plan.
8. To submit an online document or product, copy and paste the link in this document.

9. Submit this document with your citations and your project for grading.

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