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A Qualitative Study On Student’s Parental Challenges

Towards Learning

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Parental involvement is considered one of significant factors for individual students'

academic outcome. Family as the basic unit of society plays a big role in the educational

aspect of their family members (Genavia, 2019). Although family problems are inevitable,

inability to manage it may affect the behavior and the academic performance of the students.

Thus, the impact of family influence with students has been less prevalent. The lack of early

intervention for these problems has caused affected students to lose their focus in class.

In East Africa, Uganda a study conducted by Nalukwago (2018) identified the

influence of parents’ attitude, social economic background, and cultural attitudes which affect

the performance of students in Uganda. The study implies that the role of parents is crucial

since they are liable for their children’s school needs like textbooks, exercise books, uniforms

and paying fees that are vital towards their children’s academic performance. Furthermore,

Kean (2018) an american researcher suggested that more highly educated parents actively

encourage their children to develop higher expectations of their own. The study further

pointed out that students perform better in school if their parents as well as mothers are

actively involved in their education.

In the Philippine context, parenting is important in Philippine society because family

is viewed as a center to one's social world. But, social contexts in which Filipino families are

embedded have changed rapidly over the past ten years (Torres, 2020). Several studies have

implied that Filipino parental involvement remains misrepresentative. Thus, as the Filipino
students' learning is increasingly moving toward a broader vision of 21st century learning it is

important for parents to be positively involved in their children’s education.

In La Carlota City - Philippines, the school division of the Department of Education

acknowledges the parents' involvement as a constant and principal component of curriculum.

Sapungan (2021) in his study suggested that students whose parents are actively involved in

their education have been reported to yield positive influence in their attendance and

satisfaction with school rather than students who were neglected by their own family. The

study suggests that only 6 out of 10 students achieve motivation, school attachment,

responsibility and confidence, better social adaptation and less discipline problems due to

family influences towards students academic outcomes.

Literature Gap & Significance and Contribution

Although several studies have explored the concerns about the influence of parental

involvement in education, there remains a significant research gap regarding the qualitative

exploration of students’ parental challenges towards learning. While the literature mentioned

above sheds light on the overall concerns of parental involvement and its impact on students

outcomes, there is still inadequate understanding of the specific challenges parents face when

supporting their children's learning from a quantitative perspective. Thus, such research is

essential in order to provide in-depth quantitative study that delves into the relevant

experiences, perspective, and barriers faced by students in their learning. Furthermore this

study can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of parents towards

students' academic outcomes.

This study seeks to provide a comprehensive discussion about the perspective of the

students’ parental challenges towards learning. This study will be of great use for parents,

teachers, and policymakers as this holds significant importance and can make valuable
contributions to the education field. Furthermore, by focusing on the qualitative exploration

of parental challenges, this study will provide a deeper understanding of the experiences and

perspectives of students of the influences of the parental challenges towards their education.

Thus, the results of this study can provide significant information to policy, practice and

research efforts aimed at strengthening the vital partnership between parents and school,

ultimately benefiting students and improving the overall educational experience.

Definition of Terms

Parental Pressure.

Conceptually, parental pressure refers to the influence, expectations, and demands

exerted by parents on their children regarding their academic performance, achievements, and

future goals. It is also the emotional stress parents tend to put on their children and is often

related to academic success, cultural and social standards, and other factors.

Operationally, parental pressure refers to the specific behaviors, attitudes, and actions

exhibited by parents towards their children in the context of education such as academic

expectations, monitoring and supervision, parental involvement in decision making,

communication and communication style, and emotional climate. It is also the emotional

stress that parents impose upon their children refers to the expectations or demands that

parents can exert on their children to achieve certain things.

Coping Mechanism.

Conceptually, coping mechanism refers to the psychological, behavioral, and

emotional strategies or techniques that individuals employ to manage and adapt to stressful or

challenging situations. Coping mechanism serve as a means to regulate and alleviate the
negative effects of stress, allowing individuals to effectively navigate and cope with various

stressors in their lives.

Operationally, the strategies students often use in the face of parental pressure and or

stress to help manage painful or difficult emotions are something a student does to deal with a

difficult situation. It is also measured by observable behaviors, thoughts and emotions that

individuals engage in when faced with stressful situations.

Parents Involvement

Conceptually, parental involvement refers to the active engagement, participation, and

support of parents in their children’s educational and developmental processes. It also defines

the range of behaviors, attitude, and actions that parents undertake to promote and facilitate

their children’s academic success, well-being, and overall growth.

Operationally, parental involvement can be defined and measured by specific

observable behaviors and actions demonstrated by parents in relation to their children’s

education these may include the parents attending parent-teacher meetings, or school events,

volunteering at school, communicating with teachers about their child’s progress, providing

educational materials or resources at home and encouragement.


Bennett, T., Murray, W., Miller, A., Cartwright, K., & Crosby, J. (2019, August 1). How Can

Family Issues Affect a Child’s Performance in School? Thriveworks. Retrieved from

Genavia, A. (2019, April 1). The Impact of Family Problems in the Academic Performance of

HUMSS Grade 12 Students in Bestlink College of the Philippines | Ascendens Asia

Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary

Research. Ascendens Asia Publishing Pte. Ltd. (Singapore). Retrieved from

Kean, P. Y., & Chen, J. (2018). Family and Academic Stress and Their Impact on Students'

Depression Level and Academic Performance. Frontiers. Retrieved from

Nalukwago. (2018, September 25). :). :) - YouTube. Retrieved from


Sapungan. (2021, January 30). Family problems and academic performance | Press.

Universidad del Azuay. Retrieved from


LITERATURES Melissa T. Bartolome1, Nordin Mamat2, Abdul Halim Masnan3

barto. ERIC. Retrieved from

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