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LL.B I Course Outline and Reading List 2023/24

Instructor(s): AMANYA TIMOTHY


This course highlights the administrative authorities and their various structures within
the Executive arm of government. The course intends to train the student in
administrative powers and delegated powers and how both are supposed to be exercised.

Administrative Law I is the first of the two parts that cover general principles of the laws
that control public administrative authorities. The course covers the laws relating to the
establishment, structures, sources of powers, procedures of administrative officials and
other administrative organs of government. The focus is to promote good governance
and accountability in public institutions through respect for applicable laws and


The objectives of the course are to expose student to:

(a) Explain the basic nature of administrative law

(b) Appreciation of the constitutional framework for administrative law, the civil
service and constitutional offices; consultative and advisory bodies,
administrative tribunals and public inquiries, local authorities, delegation of
powers, public corporations and licensing.
(c) Principles of good governance relating administrative authorities
(d) The structures and establishment of administrative authorities
(e) The powers and procedures exercised and followed by the various administrative
(f) The limits and checks to administrative powers.
(g) The remedies available in cases of excesses or abuses of powers.


The course introduces the students to the scope, nature and general principles of
Administrative law. The course is composed of the following topics i.e. the nature of
administrative law; subjects of Administrative law; constitutional framework for
administrative law; sources of administrative law, the establishment, powers and

procedures of administrative authorities including President, Ministers, Civil Servants,
Local Authorities, Public Corporations, Administrative tribunals, Police and other
government agencies. The course will discuss procedural matters such as consultations,
inspections, licensing, registration, enforcement of standards and other regulatory
activities. There is also an insight on the origins and limitations of administrative
powers as contained in statutes, statutory instruments, and policies and delegated


At the end of the semester, the student is expected to have a understanding of the

(a) The role of administrative law in the control of public powers

(b) Constitutional and other legal safeguards against misuse of public administrative
(c) The establishment, structures, powers and procedures of various administrative
(d) Determine appropriate action in the event of abuse of authority or omission to act
by administrative authorities.
(e) Sources of power to make delegated legislation.
(f) Explore the basics of the civil service system and local government/ authorities.
(h) Appreciate of the constitutional framework for administrative law, the civil
service and constitutional offices; consultative and advisory bodies,
administrative tribunals and public inquiries, local authorities, delegation of
powers, public corporations and licensing.


The course will be conducted over 14 weeks. There are Six (6) lecture hours per week.
Students are advised to form group discussions. The students will be provided with the
reading list containing the basic reference books, statutes, articles and cases. Students
will at all-time be expected to prepare for lectures and discussions by reading the
necessary materials on the reading list and other resources. Attendance at lecturers,
tutorials, and group discussions is compulsory. Students who demonstrate lack of
commitment to attendance of lecturers, tutorials and discussions will not qualify to sit
final examinations or have their coursework marked.

The other methodologies to be adopted will include guest speakers, research, and
practical sessions involving visiting and discussing with the different administrative
authorities on the various processes they are in charge, among others.


Coursework in form of a take-home/test and or Presentation and shall be administered
through the course of the semester, as per the Faculty time table. The instructor in
charge will decide the mode and structure of the course work. Coursework shall
constitute 50% of the final assessment. The final exam is a Partially Open book
examination ONLY limited to Clean Copies of Statutes constituting 50% of the
assessment shall be administered as timetabled by the University.


Foulkes, Introduction to Administrative Law

Nade, Administrative Law
Garner, Administrative Law edited by B.C Jones
Bailey, Cross & Garnel Cases and Materials in Administrative Law
Oluyede, Administrative Law in East Africa

- Nsereko, D. Police Powers & The rights of the individual in Uganda

- De Smith – Judicial Review
- De Smith – Constitutional & Administrative law
- Wade - Administrative Law
- Graffith & Street – Principles of Administrative Law 5th Ed
- Schwartz & Wade – Legal Control of Government
- Jackson – Natural Justice
- Yardley – Principles of Administrative Law
- Yardley – A source Book of English Administrative Law
- D.Hood Philips – Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Paul Jackson – 6th Ed Sweet & Maxwell 1978.
- P.P. Criag – Administrative Law London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1983
- Haslbury’s Laws of England – Administrative Law
- B.L. Jones & Thompson – Gamer’s Administrative Law, 8th Ed Butterworths


1. The Acts of Parliaments Act Cap. 2 Laws of Uganda
2. The Rules of Procedure for Parliament
3. The Advocates Act, Cap. 267
4. The Civil Procedure Act Cap. 71 vol.4
5. The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act cap 72 vol.4
6. The Commissions of Inquiry Act Cap. 166
7. The Constitution of Uganda, 1995
8. The Employment Act 2006
9. The Evidence Act Cap.6 vol.2
10. The Government Proceedings Act Cap. 77 vol.4
11. The Inspectorate of Government Act cap 167 vol.8
12. The Interpretation Act Cap 3
13. The Judicial Service Commission Act Cap 14
14. The Judicature Act Cap.13 vol.2

15. The Judicature Amendment Act No. 3 of 2002
16. The Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement Act) 2006
17. The Leadership Code Act, Cap 168.
18. The Local Government Act, cap.243 vol. 10
19. The Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act, Cap. 272
20.The National Social Security Act, Cap 222
21. The National Environment Act, Cap 152
22. The Public Finance and Management Act, 2015
23. The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2003
24. The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Regulations
25. The Public Service Act Cap 288.
26. The Public Service Standing Orders, 2010
27. The Tax Appeals Tribunal Act cap 345 vol.13
28.The Uganda Communications Commission Act 1998


- Art, 42 & 43 of the Constitution

- Wade, 6th Ed. Pg 1-22
- Garner 7th Ed. Pg 1-16
- Foulkes, pg. 1-6
- Yardley, pg 1-20
- Ernest Gellhork/Boyer 2nd Ed, pg. 63
- Halsbury’s Laws, para 1.
- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies vol. 2, Issue 7 Fall 1994.
- McCubbins, et al, Administrative Procedures as Instruments of Political Control,
Journal of Law, Economics and Organisation Vol 3 (2) Fall 1987.
- Jonathan R. Macey, Organisational Design and Political Control of
Administrative Agencies, Journal of Law, Economics and Organsation, Vol 8 (1)
pp, 93-110.
(a) Roberts vs Hopwood (1925) App case 578
(b) Ridge vs Baldwin (1964) A.C. 40, 72
(c) Breen vs Amalgamated Eng. Union (1971) 2 U.L.R. 742, 749
(d) R vs Secretary of State for Home Dept ex.p
(e) Mohammed Fayed (1996) EWCA, civ 946, 13/11/96, RSVI
(f) Council of Civil Service Unions vs Minister for the Civil Service (1985) A.C. 374
(g) Pius Niwagaba Vs LDC HCCA No. 589 of 2005.
(h) Proline Football Academy Vs. Fufa ,Lawrence Mulindwa and Ors HMA No. 0459
of 2009.
(i) Peter Ochieng Vs. President General of DP & Ors HMC No. 217 of 2008.
(j) Yasin Ssentumbwe Vs. UCU
(k) Amuron Dorothy Vs. LDC HCMc No. 042 of 2016.
(l) Stream Aviation Vs Civil Aviation Authority HCMA No. 377 of 2008.
(m) Clear Channel Ltd Vs. PPDA HMA No. 380 of 2008 and 156 of 2008.
(n) Annebrit Aslund Vs. AG HMC. No. 441 of 2004.


(a) Supremacy of the Constitution – Art. 2, 173(a)
Mufumi Vs. AG Const. Petition No. 12 of 2007.
Law and Advocacy for Women Vs. AG
Prof. Oloka Onyango Vs. AG Const Petition no. 08 of 2014.

(b) Doctrine of Separation of Powers

Applicability of the Doctrine of the Separation of Powers in the Uganda
Constitution. See Articles 7,79,98,99,107,126,128,118,121,137,142 and 91
(c) Executive Responsibility
Articles 107, 117, 118
Oluyede, pg 6-30
Foulkes, pg 6-7
Wade,pg 31-32
CEHURD Vs. AG Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011.
Maj. General David Tinyefuza Vs. AG Const. Petition No. 1 of 1997.
Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere & Ors Vs. AG Constit. Petition No. 1 of 2002.
ULS Vs. AG Const. Petition No. 1 of 2006.
Joseph Tumushabe Vs. AG Const. Petition No. 3 of 2005.

(d) The Rule of Law

Article 1,2,29-58, 173
Friedman, Law in a Changing Society, 273-290
Wade 23-27
Fulkes 7-10
Ganer 11-16



- Wade 51-101
- National Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy.
- Constitution Articles 99, 111-114, Chap. 10.
- Public Service Act.
- Ghai & McAuslan, 220 – 221, 227-246, 254-258, 259-266.
- Gertzel – GoldSchmidt & Rothschild – Government & Politics in Kenya, part 5.
- P.P Criag, pg 89-91
- B.L Jones & K. Thompson – Garners Administrative Law, pg. 357
- B. Jones & Thompson – Chapt 17 Contracts over Local Authorities, pg. 529 – 545
Hon. Gerald Kafureka Karuhanga Vs. AG

- Chap 10 of the Constitution

- Public Service Standing Order 2009
- Public Service Act 2008
- Public Service regulations 2009
- Pensions Act
- Wade, 54-77, 298-306
- Kiapi, Civil Service Laws in East Africa
- Oluyede, 35-42
- Campbell, Termination of Appointments of Public Offices
- Max Spry (2001), The Appointment, Removal and Responsibilities of Public
Sector Chief Executives in Australia: Some Developments, Australian Journal of
Public Offices, Federal Law Review 24 (1)
- J. Singh, 2005, Civil Service Reform in India: Promoting Accountability, MBA
Dissertation, University of Birmingham

(a) Opolot vs AG. 1969 E.A. 631

(b) Howard vs Bogneman 6, 1973 3 All E.R. 641
(c) Allingham vs Minister of Agriculture (1948) 1 All E.R. 780.
(d) Vine vs National Dock Labour Board (1956) 3 All E.R. 939.
(e) Blackpool Corporation vs Locker (above)
(f) Lewsisham B.C. vs Roberts (1949) 2 KB 608
(g) Carltona vs Commissioner of Works (1943)2 All E.R. 560
(h) R vs Skinner 1968 3 All E.R. 124.
(i) Federal Law Review Vol. 24, No. 1, 1996.
(j) Karia vs Dhanani 91969) E.A 392
(k) D’Silva vs Republic (1968) E.A. 660
(l) Nelms Vs Republic (1968) E.A. 660
(m) Municipal Board of Mombasa vs Kala (1955) E.A. C.A. 319
(n) Jeffs vs New Zealand Dairy Board (1966)3 All E.R. 863.
(o) Ellis vs Dubbouski (1921)3 KB 621
(p) Mills vs L.C.C (1925) 1 kb 213
(q) Hardware vs A.G (1972) E.A 271
(r) Tinyefunza vs A.G.C.C No 1 of 1997
(s) Wycliff Kiggundu vs. the Attorney General (1992) 1 KALR 125
(t) Nuwemugizi V. National Water and Sewerage Corporation (1994) 6 KALR
(u) Bireije v. Attorney General SCCSA No. 44 of 2005
(v) Barishaki v. the Attoney General HC Misc. Appl. 851 of 2004
(w)De Freitay vs P.S. Ministry of Agriculre, Fisheries, Privy Council Appeal P.S.C
& the A.G. No. 42 of 1997.

The Advocate Act (Disciplinary Committee of the Law Council)

The Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act (Uganda Medical Council)
a) Equator Inn Ltd vs. Tomasyan (1971)EA 405
b) Pritam vs Tatthal and Anor (1972)EA 560
c) Desai and Anor vs. Shah and others (1974)EA 197
d) Choitram and others vs. Mystery Model Hair Saloon (1972)EA 252
e) R vs. Deputy Industrial Injuries Commissioners, exp. Jones (1962)2 QB 677.

f) R vs. Deputy Industrial Injuries Commissioners Mooro (1965)1 QB 456 AT 486
g) A.G vs. British Broadcasting Corporation (1981)AC 303
h) R vs. Lands Tribunal Exp. City of London Corpn (1982)1 AIIER 592.
i) A.G vs. Mulholland & Foster (1963)2 QB. 477/(1978)QB 287.
j) Stefan vs. General Medical Council Privacy Council Appeal No. 16 of 1998 (1999)
k) R vs. Fulham etc Rent Tribunal exp. Zerek (1951)2 KB 1
l) R vs. National Insurance exp. Hudson (1972)AC 944.
m) R vs. Deputy Industrial Injuries Commissioner exp. Jones (1962)2 QB 677.
n) R vs. Race Relations Board exp. Selvenayan (1975)1 WLR 86.
o) Hanson vs. Church Commissioners (1978)QB 823.
p) A.G vs. B.B.C (1981) AC 303.
q) Munira vs. National Council Insurance Corporation (1985) HCB 110.

- Wade 147 – 149
- The Construction of Uganda 1995, 211-214
- The Police Act Cap 303, Laws of Uganda.
. Nature of the police force- is it independent? – Police Act, sections 5(2) and
. Functions of police – Police Act, section 4
. Powers and duties of police officers – Police Act, sections 21 and 22
- The Role of Police in the Criminal Process
. Police Act, sections 23, 24, 25, 26
- Discipline and complaints against police officers
. Police Act, sections 25(4), 44, 45, 49, 58, 70
- Use of firearms Act Cap 299, section 1; Police Act, section 28
- Powers to regulate assemblies and processions.
. Police Act, sections 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
. Statutory instrument 53 of 2007
- R vs. Metropolitian Police Commissioner exp. Blackburn (1968)2 QB 118
- Lewis vs. Cox (1988) QB 77
- Harris vs. Sheffield Football (1988) QB 77
- Muwanga Kivumbi vs. Attorney General Constitutional Petitions No. 9/2005


- Attorney General
- Director of Public Prosecutions
- Auditor General
- Inspectorate of Government
- Judicial Service Commission
- Public Service Commission
- Education Service Commission
- Electoral Commission
- Human Rights Commission

- Uganda Revenue Authority
- National Securty Fund
- Kampala City Council Authoirty
- Others


- Background of decentralisation and devolution of Power in Uganda.

- Definition and Legal framework.
- Justification of Decentralisation.
- Roles and powers of the different offices such as the Chief Administrative Officer,
The District Executive Council, the District Chairperson, the Resident District
Commissioner, the District Service Commission, among others.
- Powers of Local Governments (Executive, legislative, planning, administrative).
- Legislative process of ordinaces and bye laws.
- Control of the various powers at the Local Government level.


- Chapter 6, Constitution of Uganda.
- Acts of Parliament Act. Cap. 2 Laws of Uganda
- Interpretation Act Cap.3 Laws of Uganda
- Edward Page. The Civil Servant as a Legislator: Law-Making in British
Administration, Public Administration, Vol 81(4) p.651, 2003
- Black pool Corporation vs. Locker (1948)1 KB 349
- Lewis ham B.C vs. Roberts (1949)1 AIIER at 823 E.
- Jackson Satisfied vs. Butterworths (1948) AIIER 558.
- Yates vs. Vegetable Seeds Committee (1945) 72 CLR 37
- Art 79 of the Constitution
- S.38 and 39 of the Local Governments Act.
- S.72 of the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act.
- S.12 of the Community Service Act.
- Wade 314-321, 330-331, 337-245
- Ghai & McAslan 268-273.
- Interpretation Act. Cap. 3.
- Local Government Act S.33-34. Cap. 243.
a) Mwangi vs. R. (1960)24KLR 72.
b) Bailey vs. Williamson (1873) LR 80 B.118.
c) Simms vs. Minister of Labour (1946)2 AIIER
d) Johnson vs. Sergeant, (1918)1 KB 101
e) National Social Security Fund Act SS.54 and 37.
f) Dun key vs. Evans (1981)3 AIIER 285.
g) Kampala City Solid Waste Ordinance 2000.
h) Wakiso Estates (1955) 5ULR 137.

- Art 99(4) of the Constitution
- S.1 and 2 of the Transfer of Powers and Duties Act.
- S.32 and 39 of the Local Governments Act.
- Wade 61-67
- Ghai & McAuslan 226-268
- De Smith 263-272
- JG Christensen et al, Delegation and Specialization in Administrative Regulation;
A Comparative Analysis of Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands,
- T Sargentich, The Delegation Debate and Competing Ideals of the Administrative
Process, The American University Law Review, 1987
a) R vs. Admirally Bound of Defence Council exp. Baire James Coup land
b) Bamard vs. National Dock Labour Board (1953)2 QB 18.
c) Municipal Board of Mombasa vs. Kala (1955)22 E.A.C
d) Winder vs.Cambridgeshire County C. (1978) LCR 549
e) Osman vs. Govt of Malaysia (1973)2 M.L.J 143
f) Howard vs. Bogneman 6 (1973)3 AIIER 641.
g) Allingham vs. Minister of agriculture, and fisheries (1956)3 AIIER 780.
h) Vine vs. National Dock Labour Board (1956)3 AIIER 939.
I) Black pool Corporation vs. Locker (above)
j) Lewis ham B.C vs. Roberts (above)
k) Jackson Stan field vs. Butterworth (above)
l) Carlton a vs. Commissioner of works (1943)2 AIIER 560.
m) R vs. Skinner (1968)3 AIIER 124.
n) Karia vs. Dhanani (1969) EA 392.
o) D’Silva vs. Republic (1968) EA 660
p) Nelmas vs. Roe (1970)1 W.L.R 4.
q) Municipal Board of Mombasa vs. Kala (1955) EACA 319.
r) Jeff’s vs. New Zealand Dairy Board (1966)3 AIIER 863.
s) Ellis vs. Dubouski (1921)3 KE 621
t) Mills vs. L.C.C (1925)1 KB 213
u) Hardware vs. A.G (1972) EA 271.
v) R vs. Minister of the Interior (1972)20 FLR 449
w) Amos Mugisa vs. Uganda (1989) HCB 271.
x) Rwakasisi vs. A.G (1985) HCB 89.
y) Oliso E vs. Ibumpts 2 others (1985) HCB 89.
z) Katabalwa vs. Uganda (1980) HCB
aa) Sayani vs. Nsubuga (1994) 6 KALR 50

(Consultation, Public Inquiries, Registration, Inspection & Enforcement of
Standards, Licensing)
- Halbury’s Law 1(1), pg. 108
- Foulkes 8th edition
- Richard B. Stewart, Regulation, Innovation, and Administrative Law: A
Conceptual Framework, California Law Review, 1981 Vol. 69 (5)

- S. 45, Interpretation Act.
- National Bureau of Standards Act, Cap 347 laws of Uganda
- Commissions of Inquiry Act, Cap 166, Laws of Uganda
- Trade Licensing Act (1969) cap 101, Laws of Uganda
- The Uganda Electricity Regulatory Authority Act
- The Uganda Communications Act
- The National Environmental Act
- The Forests Act
a) Re An Application by Summaria Bus Service (1959) EA 227
b) Dent vs. Kiambu Liquor Licensing Court (1968) EA 80
c) Fernandes vs. Kericho Liquor Licensing Court (1968) EA 640
d) Ahmed vs. Republic (1973) EA 237
e) Shah vs. Derishi & Co. Ltd vs. The Transport Licensing Board (1970) EA 631.
f) Karia & Co. Ltd vs. Dhanani (1969) EA 392.
g) Muhuri vs. Iron Mongery Ltd vs. A.G (1972) EA 271
h) Mahon vs. AIV New Zealand Ltd (1984) AC 808.
i) R vs. Huntingdon District Council Explowna (1984)1 AIIER 58/(1984)1 WLR 501.
j) R vs. Bristol City Council, exp. Pearce (1985)83 LGR 711.
k) Public Disclosure Commission vs. Isaac’s (1989)1 AIIER137.


- The Constitution of 1995 (152-160)
- Public Finance and Management Act, 2015
- National Audit Act
- Inspectorate of Government Act, 2002
- Leadership Code Act, 2002
- The UN Convention against Corruption
- The Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act 2003
- Procurement and Disposal of Asset Regulations 2003


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