Taxonomy: Bio 160 Unit 3 Study Guide Vocabulary

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Bio 160 Lecture

Unit 3 Study Guide




Phylogenetic tree




Sister taxa

Basal taxon

Branch point

Ancestral trait

Derived trait





Maximum parsimony
Maximum likelihood


Heterotrophic bacteria

Autotrophic bacteria


Binary fission






Red tide



Heterotrophic saprobe

Nutrient recycling

1. What evidence do we have that evolution is an ongoing process and still currently occurring today?

2. What is “binomial nomenclature”? How/Why is it used? What happens as you go from domain to
species level of organization of the taxonomic hierarchy?

3. Describe the difference between using morphological data vs molecular data to hypothesize evolutionary
relationships. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?

4. How does a phylogenetic tree help us understand evolutionary relationships?

5. Create a phylogenetic tree for each of the following tables. Be sure to clearly label all synapomorphies.
Trait Snoozle Bleeker LooHoo Floof
Green Skin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Giant eyes Yes No Yes Yes
Fur Yes No Yes No
Suction cup feet No No Yes No

Sponges Mammals Lancelets Cnidarians Arthropods Reptiles

True tissues 0 1 1 1 1 1
Multicellular 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hair 0 1 0 0 0 0
Backbone 0 1 0 0 0 1
Bilateral 0 1 1 0 1 1
Postanal Tail 0 1 1 0 0 1
Lady Durum Liverwort Ginkgo Green Algae White
Fern Wheat s Spruce
Seeds 0 1 0 1 0 1
Needles 0 0 0 0 0 1
Cuticle 1 1 1 1 0 1
Flowers 0 1 0 0 0 0
Stomata 1 1 0 1 0 1
Cones 0 0 0 1 0 1

6. Explain why the box in orange in the figure to the right does not represent a clade.

7. Why/How can clades be rotated on axes and still represent the same evolutionary history?
8. Why does it make sense to try to achieve maximum parsimony when building a phylogenetic tree?
Explain the logic behind this idea.

9. Describe the difference between homologies and analogies.

10. Describe the pitfalls of phylogenetic tree (we discussed three).

11. What is a virus? Why don’t we consider it “alive”?

12. Describe the structure of a virus and how it uses a host cell to reproduce itself.

13. Make sure you are familiar with the three viral infections we discussed in class. Here, briefly discuss
each including symptoms and treatment.
14. What are the two domains considered prokaryotes?

15. Describe the evolutionary history of bacteria.

16. Describe the role of heterotrophic bacteria in an ecosystem.

17. Describe the role of autotrophic bacteria in an ecosystem.

18. Why are cyanobacteria important? How did cyanobacteria contribute to the evolution of aerobic
organisms? What pigments are found in cyanobacteria?

19. Where do we find organisms belonging to the domain Archaea? How are they different from domain
20. Describe the basic anatomy of a prokaryotic cell. How does this differ from a eukaryotic cell?

21. Describe the significance of gram-positive vs gram-negative staining results. What does this tell you
about the organism being examined?

22. Draw each of the following shapes: coccus, bacillus, and helical.

23. How does antibiotic resistance occur? Why is this a negative thing?

24. Describe the evolution of eukaryotes. What was the most likely path followed from prokaryote to
eukaryote? What evidence supports this idea?

25. List the basic characteristics/structure of a protist.

26. How do protists reproduce? Explain each possibility.

27. Summarize the basic characteristics of each of the following:

a. Diatoms

b. Dinoflagellates

c. Brown algae

d. Red algae

e. Green algae

f. Slime molds
28. Describe the basic characteristics of fungi.

29. What evidence suggests that fungi are more closely related to humans rather than plants?

30. Summarize the basic characteristics of each of the following: (be able to differentiate between them both
in description and picture!)
a. Chytridomycetes

b. Zygomycetes

c. Ascomycetes

d. Basidiomycetes
31. Why are fungi important ecologically?

32. Describe the difference between lichen and mycorrhizae.

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