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Student’s Name
Course/Year Level/Section BTVTEd II-A
Course Code & Title FASM 105 – ADVANCED BAKING
Instructor’s Name EUGENE M. JIMENEZ Final Score

The student shall be able to prepare PETIT FOURS with the following point of references:
▪ The petit fours must come in three (3) different flavors; two (2) pieces per variant, six (6) pieces in total;
▪ The petit fours must be prepared, assembled and plated according to the specific composition of such; and
▪ Overall performance during the task must be in accordance to the standard operating procedures in baking and laboratory work.

Meets Approaching Below Does Not Meet
CRITERIA Exceeds Expectations
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
(17-20 points)
(13-16 points) (9-12 points) (5-8 points) (1-4 points)
PREPARATION Has met the over-all Has meet the required Has tried to comply to the Did not complied to It is very difficult to tell that
▪ PPE essentials of the preparation preparation requirements preparation requirements, wearing proper PPE and compliance to food
▪ Hygiene, Safety and requirements. with less shortcomings. but still unable to fulfill the haven’t practiced good hygiene, safety and
Sanitation desired outcome. food hygiene, safety and sanitation is existent.
CLEANLINESS Very anxious in maintaining Determined to maintain the Had to be reminded to Has tried to at least Very poor clean-up.
▪ Clean-up the cleanliness of the cleanliness and orderliness clean-up, and do the task practice cleaning but it is
▪ Orderliness working area. of the working area. with appropriate cleaning just done after multiple
methods. reminders.

Meets Approaching Below Does Not Meet
CRITERIA Exceeds Expectations
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
(49-60 points)
(37-48 points) (25-36 points) (13-24 points) (1-12 points)
FOOD Exceptional presentation Eye-pleasing with good Neat presentation, but the Pays little or no attention in It doesn’t meet the level of
and taste. taste. cake looks ordinary, with planning. Just performed required performance and
PRESENTATION and some evident absence of the task with no extra output.
FINAL PRODUCT acceptable taste and efforts.
▪ Taste appearance.
▪ Appearance
▪ Creativity
▪ Overall Appeal

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