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Annex 2B.1 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

School Tagbina National High School Grade 7
LESSON Teacher Christian M. Escleto Learning Science
Teaching Dates February 13-14, 2024 Quarter 3
and Time (1:00-2:00 AM)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students will be able to;
a. describe the motion of objects in relation to the slope of the line on a distance-time
graph and speed-time graph;
b. illustrate a roadmap that shows distance in between two areas; and
c. relate motion and its importance in your everyday life.
A. Content The Learners demonstrate understanding of motion in one dimension.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction.
C. Learning The learners should be able to:
Competencies 1. Create and interpret the visual representation of the motion of objects such as tape
with LC code charts and motion graphs. (S7FE-IIIb-3)
II. CONTENT Motion in one Dimension
A. References Science Learner’s Manual
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning TV, laptop, pentel pen, manila paper
 The teacher will start with the following with a prayer.
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 After checking the attendance, the teacher will enlighten the class atmosphere by
asking ‘’ How have you been?’’, “Do you feel great today?”. The teacher will then
let the student’s response such as “I feel very happy today!”. Then the teacher let
the students perform the happy clap to show how happy they are.
 After enlightening the mood, the teacher will now present a classroom rule to
ensure the smooth conduct of class.
 The students should always observe the hand signals;

 - Student will make this sign in raising question or answering

 - Student will make this sign in asking permission to go to the
comfort room.

 - This sign means students are getting noisy so the must minimize
their voice.
 When the class is ready, the teacher starts the class.
A. Reviewing  The teacher will let the students to count off and let the student remember their
previous number for the whole duration of the class.
lesson or  The teacher will now proceed to the conduct of Decoding Word Game. This game
presenting the will tackle highlights of the previous lesson in order for the student to be refresh
new lesson and ready to move to the continuing topic.
 Students will be grouped into 4 teams.
 Then, there will be a number flash in the screen that corresponds to a
 After that, students will start decoding what is being projected in the
 Students are given 15 seconds to answer.
B. Establishing a  The teacher let the student read the objective. Afterwards the teacher gives small
purpose for overview about the topic.
the lesson  After reading the objectives, the teacher will once again ask if the learners are
ready for the lessons and the activities.
C. Presenting ACTIVITY
examples/  After the preliminary activity, the teacher will proceed to the group activity.
Instances of But before giving the instructions, the teacher will remind again the
the new lesson students with the classroom rules. After which, the teacher will give the
general guidelines:
 Using the same groupings, the students will gather by group in a
designated area.
 Every group will be given work sheet.
 The group will designate a position with in their team.
Leader One who leads the group
Secretary One who writes the answers of the group
Reporter One who reports the output to the class
Timekeeper One who monitors the time
Members Will cooperate and participate in constructing ideas
 The teacher will allow the groups to decide first who are assigned with the different
task in a minute. Once the groups are done with assigning tasks, the teacher will
present the rubrics. The teacher will instruct also that this rubric will be used on
rating their own output as part of the presentation.
Criteria 3 2 1
Promptness The group who The group who The group who
finished the activity finished the activity 3 finished the activity
on or before the given minutes after the more than 5 minutes
time. given time. the given time.
Cooperation All the members 1 member did not More than 1 member
actively participated actively participate. did not actively
in performing the participate.
Accuracy All the answers are One answer is not More than one
correct. correct. answers are not

 Now, the teacher will give the task.

 Students are given 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas and complete the given
 Another 2 minutes will be given for the presentation of output.
 Then, the teacher will ask a one representative from each group who will
give critique on the other groups performance.
 Hence, the teacher will give feedback, also present the group rating
(based on the rubrics) after the presentation of outputs.
D. Discussing ANALYSIS
new concepts  The teacher will use oral questioning to know what the students understand about
and practicing the given topic. If the students did not understand what is being asked hence, the
new skills #1 teacher will elaborate the question using Bisaya or Tagalog dialect to avoid
miscommunication. The teacher must ensure also those other learners are given a
chance to share their answers.
 How did you find the activity?
 What ways did you do in order for you to answer the activity?
 Do you have any idea now on how to plot the distance and time?

 After the series of processing questions the teacher will wrap up these series by asking
questions about what they understood the activities. This is to ensure that learners are
now ready for the discussion of the lesson. The teacher will make sure that there is
smooth transition from process questions so that learners will see the connectivity of the
activities and the lessons.
E. Continuation ABSTRACTION
of discussion
of new  The teacher will present a video to broaden the understanding of the students
concepts about motion in terms of velocity, displacement, acceleration and slopes.
leading to
F. Developing  Then, the teacher will elaborate what is being discuss on the video presented. The
Mastery teacher will give examples.
(Leads to
Assessment 3)
G. Finding APPLICATION (Day 2)
applications of  The teacher will give an activity called “Make a RoadMap”
concepts and
skills in daily  Each group will be given the same task but they will conduct their task in different
living area.
 The teacher will remind the students on the materials that they should bring in
today’s session such as:
 bond paper
 tape measure (1.5 meters)
 notepad
 pen or pencil
 The teacher instructed the students on what Procedures they will follow in
completing the task. Students are given 15 minutes in finishing the task.
 The teacher assigned each group in their area.
 Group 1- Home Economic Room to School Principal’s Office
 Group 2- Library to Canteen
 Group 3- Computer Laboratory to Grade 7 Bernales Room
 Group 4- Flag Pole to Clinic Office.


CATEGORY 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points

Labels & 90-100% of the 89-80% of the 79-70% of the Only 70% or
Features- labels/features labels/features labels/features less of the
Neatness can be read can be read can be read labels or
easily. easily. easily. features can be
read easily

Landmarks The map The map The map The map

includes more includes 5 includes 2-5 includes 0-3
than 5 significant, significant, significant,
significant, labeled “landmarks” “landmarks”
labeled “landmarks” that may or that are not
“landmarks” may not be labeled

Spelling/ 100% of words Roughly 90- Inconsistent Currently

Capitalization on the map and 99% of words use of capital lacking capital
in the written on the map and letters and right letters and
description and in the written spellings but more
on the map are description and present on the misspellings on
spelled and on the map are map and in the the map and in
capitalized spelled and written the written
correctly. capitalized description of description of
correctly the map. the map

H. Making The teacher will allow the students to share short reflections on motion in one dimension
s and
about the
I. Evaluating The teacher will give a short quiz about the lessons discussed and presented. The
examination will use a multiple choice through a pen and paper test.

J. Additional Write a short reflection about the importance motion in everybody’s life.
activities for
application or


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lessons.
D. No. Learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

Prepared by:
Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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