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Duncraig Senior High School

Year 8 HaSS Civics & Citizenship Assessment #2

Short Answer Task, Source analysis, Reading Comprehension

Subject Year 8 GTE/SBAE

Assessment Title Year 8 Civics & Citizenship- Active Participation

Assessment Descriptions
Description of Task Students are to complete in class a 50-minute test containing 9 questions

Syllabus Dot-points How citizens can participate in Australia's democracy, including use of the
Covered electoral system, contact with their elected representatives, use of lobby
groups and direct action (ACHCK062)
Teaching Content Overall Topic: Active Participation in the Electoral System

 The Electoral System:

Key concepts- bicameral, electorate, representative democracy, direct democracy,
representative democracy, voting process, tiers of government, compulsory voting v
voluntary voting.
 Use of lobby/pressure groups
Definition, examples, types of lobby groups, how effective are lobby groups.
 Direct Action vs Indirect Action
 Source Analysis (using and referring to sources) & Reading Comprehension.

Evidence to be collected Teachers are to collect the test paper and source sheet at the end of the time

Time allocation Class Time: Week 1; 5-6

Test Time: Students will be given 50 minutes to complete this test. Five
minutes reading

Due Date: Week 7 Tuesday (Period 5) 21st November

Assessment Materials and Delivery

Assessment Conditions Students are to bring NO notes and have no additional assistance during test.

Students will have a test booklet and a source sheet

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