Week 6 Interactions Science 8 SY 2023 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

April 29 - May 2, 2024

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Analyze the transfer of energy from one organism to another
B. Perform activity 7 to construct a food chain in a given ecosystem
C. Relate with the importance of each species in maintaining the balance of the

II. Subject Matter:

A Topic: Interactions
B. Materials: Computer Laptop & SMART TV /Slide Presentation/
C. Reference: Teacher’s Manual pp. 273-284
D. Process: Interpreting, and Analyzing
E. Value: Awareness and Accuracy
F. Competency Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system
III. Methodology:
A. Motivation: The old woman who swallowed a fly
B. Lesson Proper:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Activity Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
Is there anyone who is absent
today? None ma’am
Very good!

Today you will be having an

activity that will open a new
chapter or lesson in this
I have provided your activity
sheets. You will be given 20
minutes to finish the activity.
Write your answers on the
space provided
Did you get it class? Yes ma’am
Activity 7: How do you identify
the components of a food chain
in an ecosystem?

Objectives: After performing this

activity, you should be able to:
a) distinguish between
producers and consumers.
b) analyze the transfer of energy

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
from one organism to
c) construct a food chain in a
given ecosystem

Materials Needed:
 An article about the “Monfot
Bat Cave”
 Activity sheet

1. Read the article about“Monfot
Bat Cave”
2. Read the following questions,
write your answer on the
space provided

Guide Questions
1) What are the organisms
found in the surrounding
area of Monfort Bat Cave?
2) What group of organisms are
considered as producers?
3) What part of the durian trees
and other trees served as food
for the bats?
4) The population of cave-
dwelling bats is declining
because they are being eaten
by other organisms. What are
these organisms that feed on
5) Among the organisms that
feed on bats, are there
organisms that possibly feed
on the predators?
6) You have just analyzed the
transfer of energy by
categorizing the organisms
according to their trophic
level. In your own words,
describe a food chain.
7) Without decomposers, will
producers and consumers
stay live? Why?
8) Without producers, will
The time is up! consumers stay alive? Why?

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
2. Analysis Alright, let us check your
answer. Who wants to read
the first question? Yes___? Q1. What are the organisms
found in the surrounding area of
Monfort Bat Cave?

Who wants to answer? Yes___? Ma’am, the organisms found in

the are plants like durian trees &
other trees. While the animals
found are Bats, crows, rats,
pythons, monitor lizard, dog, cat,
Very good!
Next question, using your
answer in Q1, what group of
organisms are considered as
producers? Yes__? Ma’am, the organisms that are
considered as producers are the
durian trees and other trees
That’s right! What part of the
durian trees and other trees
served as food for the bats?
Yes___? Ma’am, it is the nectar and the
fruits of the trees
Exactly! Next question, who
wants to read? Yes___? Q4. The population of cave-
dwelling bats is declining because
they are being eaten by other
organisms. What are these
organisms that feed on bats?
Who wants to share their
answer? Yes___? Ma’am, the organisms that feed
on bats are crows, rats, pythons,
monitor lizard, cats, dogs,
Very good! So, among the
organisms that feed on bats,
are there organisms that
possibly feed on the
predators? Yes___? Yes ma’am, there will be
organisms that can eat the
predators such as the humans
the snake eating the crows
Alright! With that, you have
just analyzed the transfer of
energy by categorizing the
organisms according to their

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
trophic level. In your own
words, describe a food chain.
Yes___? Ma’am, A food chain is a transfer
of energy from the Sun in
sequence, for example, from
green plants (convert energy from
the Sun into chemical energy), to
animals that eat plants, to
animals that eat other animals.
The feeding of one organism upon
another in a series of energy
transfers is known as a food
Precisely! Without
decomposers will producers
stay alive? Why? Yes__? Ma'am, no because decomposers
act on dead organisms and
change these into simple
nutrients which plants can use
again. without decomposers,
nutrients needed by producers
will not be available. producers
If that’s so, without producers cannot stay alive
will consumers stay alive?
Yes__? Ma’am, without producers, there
will be no food for consumers.
therefore, consumers will not stay
Very good! It seems like you
have really done your activity
really well.
Alright, count the numbers of
check and return the paper to
its owner.
3. Abstraction Again what are the producers
in the cave of Monfort? Yes__? Ma’am, it’s the durian trees and
other trees
Alright, why they are called
producers? Yes__? Ma’am, they are called producers
because they can produce foods
for other organism
Exactly, to know more about
producers, kindly read, yes__?  Producers are autotrophic
organisms that make their
own food.
 Phototrophic organisms
use photosynthesis and

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
contain chlorophyll
 Chemotrophic organisms
use chemicals other than
H20, such as H2S
Thank you, who wants to
share their ideas about
producers based on the
definition? Yes__? Ma’am, producers are
autotrophic because they can
create their own food.

Alright, what else? Yes__? Ma’am, there are 2 types of

producers the Phototrophic
organisms that undergoes
photosynthesis to produce food.
And there are also Chemotrophic
organism that uses chemicals
like H2S to make their own food
That’s right, what is the main
source of energy? Yes__? Ma’am, its carbohydrates
Very good! In photosynthesis
the plant uses the energy from
the sun and use it to make a
food, and that food is glucose
What is glucose? Yes___? Ma’am, glucose is a simple sugar
or one of the simple molecule of
Correct! If there are
producers, who eat their
fruits? Yes___? Ma’am, it’s the consumers
Alright, are we one of the
consumers? Yes ma’am
That’s right! What are the
types of consumers that you
know? Yes___? Ma’am, carnivores
What else? Yes___? Ma’am, omnivores
Are there more? Yes___? Ma’am, herbivores
Very good! All of your answer
are correct. Let us know more
about consumers, kindly read,
yes____?  Consumers are
heterotrophic organism that
cannot make their own food.
they must ingest (eat) other
 Herbivores feed on
vegetation (producers)

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
 Carnivores feed on
herbivores or carnivores
Thank you, which among
them is the primary and
secondary consumers? Yes_? Ma’am, the primary consumers
are the herbivore because they
eat the plants. While the
secondary consumer are the
carnivores because they eat the
animals that eat the plants
That’s right! There are also
secondary carnivores, kindly
read, yes___?
 Secondary Carnivores
feed on herbivores
 Tertiary Consumers
feed on other
 Omnivores feed on both
producers and consumers
 Scavengers feed on dead
or decaying organism
Alright, can you give some
examples of scavengers?
Yes___? Ma’am, some examples are flies,
worms and rats
Very good! How do you think
they differ from decomposers?
Yes__? Ma’am, scavengers can only
reduce the size of the dead
organism, while decomposers eat
all the dead organism and can
make it as fertilizers for plants
Very nice idea! after decomposing
Alright, kindly read the
decomposers, yes__?  DECOMPOSERS are
Heterotrophs that recycle
small, often microscopic bits
of dead organic matter into
inorganic nutrients available
for plants to take up from the
decomposers…most worms
Thank you, this means that are plant scavengers!
decomposers are the bacteria
and fungi

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Did you get it class? Yes ma’am

What do you think is the main

source of energy in the
ecosystem? Yes___? Ma’am, from the sun

Exactly, who wants to read?

Yes___?  Energy from the sun enters
and ecosystem when
producers used the energy to
make organic matter through
Thank you photosynthesis.
Glucose is the primary energy
source (carbohydrate)
produced by photosynthesis.
What do you think will happen
if the consumers eat the
glucose? Yes___? Consumers take in this energy
when they eat producers or other
Alright, did you know that less
than 1 percent only of the
sunlight the plant can absorb.
To know more about this,
kindly read? Yes__?  Plants absorb less than 1% of
the sunlight that reaches
 However, photosynthetic
organisms make 170 billion
metric tons of food each
Thank you, the energy year!
captured by producers is used
to make cells in both
producers and consumers.

The energy that we can get

from the producers are 10
percent only, that can be
explained by the trophic
levels, kindly read, yes__?  Trophic levels are the
different feeding levels of
organisms in an ecosystem.
 Producers are the first trophic
level and consumers make up
Thank you, producers are the several more.
first trophic level because they
provide food for other

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
For you to understand if more
let us take a look at this
image. Who wants to share
their thoughts? Yes___? Ma’am, the image shows the
ecological pyramid that shows
how energy transfer from
producers to the consumers.

Very good! What else? Yes___? Ma’am it also shows that the
‘ biomass decreases from
producers to the quarternary
Exactly! Biomass is the total
amount of organic matter
present in a trophic level
What does it mean? Yes__? Ma’am, this means that the
biomass in each trophic level is
the amount of energy- in the form
of food- available to the next
trophic level.

That’s right!
The ecological pyramid shows
the relative amount of energy
in different trophic levels. Did
you get it class? Yes ma’am
Alright, I will be presenting
different ecological pyramid
and I want to describe the
image. Is that clear class? Yes ma’am

Who wants to describe this

image? Yes___? Ma’am, this image shows the
ecological pyramid of energy. In
this image, it shows how much
energy are there in every level,
where producers has the greatest
amount of energy and it
decreases as it gets to the tertiary

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Very good! This shows the 10
% rule, where only 10 percent
of energy can be taken from
each level of the pyramid.

Next image, who wants to

share their thoughts? Yes___? Ma’am, this image shows the
ecological pyramid biomass. It
shows the amount of organic
matter or food in every level. This
still apply the 10% rule

Look at the bottom, the
producers have 50,000 g of
organic matter and the10% of
this is 5000 g which is the
primary consumers and so on.

Next image, who wants to

describe? Yes__? Ma’am, this shows the number of
organism in every level. The
producers have the largest
amount of number ans it
decreases as the level goes higher

Thank you! This would only

means that the relationship of
the numbers of pyramid is
inversely proportional as the
level increases. Did you get it
class? Yes ma’am

Alright! Based on all of these

ideas a food chain is
happening. How do you define
a food chain? Yes___? Ma’am, a foo chain is a linear
sequence that shows the transfer
of energy

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Precisely! Kindly read, yes__?  A food chain is a linear
sequence that shows the
transfer of energy and
nutrients from one organism
to another in a particular

Using this image, what does

the arrow represent? Yes___? Ma’am, the arrows represent the
flow of energy from one organism
to the next.

What else? Yes__? Ma’am, the arrow also points

toward the organism doing the
Very good observation ‘eating’
Now that you know the food
chain, how can you describe a
food web? Yes___? Ma’am, a food web is more
complex that contains a series of
food chains
Kindly read, yes____?  A food web is a more complex
and interconnected network
of multiple food chains within
an ecosystem.

This is an example of a food

web, what can you observe
about the arrows, its direction,
and their relationship?
Yes___? Ma’am, it represents the feeding
relationships among various
organisms and shows how energy
and nutrients flow through the
ecosystem in multiple directions.

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
What do you think will happen
if one organism is gone from
this food web? Yes__? Ma’am, there will be no food for
the next organism. That will
That’s right! make them look for other food
The balance will be affected
because of the extinction of
other organism.
What do you think is the main
cause of this? Yes__? Ma’am, it is because of human
4. Application Alright, how do human
activities affect the ecosystem?
Yes__? Ma’am, by transforming forest
into working infrastructures that
removes the habitat and trees
that produces food for other
Very good!
What else? How about in
farming? Yes__? Ma’am, they use chemical
Exactly, how does it affects
the ecosystem? Yes__? Ma’am, too much use of fertilizers
can increase the acidity of the
soil that runs off to the river or
lakes. This could lead to the
increase growth of algae that
covers the surface of the water
making it hard for oxygen to
enter. Therefore, the fishes and
Awesome! other marine animals can die
What else? Why do they use
much fertilizers? Where do
they use it? What kind of
cropping are they doing?
Yes__? Ma’am, they use too much
fertilizer for their crops like corn,
rice fields, and more.
What kind of planting is this
called? Yes__? Ma’am , its called monoculture
which means a cultivation of a
single crop in large areas
That’s right, now how does
this affects the ecosystem?
Yes__? Ma’am, since it is monoculture

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
other animals are deprived of the
food that they eat, only insects
that eat monocrop will stay, while
the others will move to other
Precisely, what will happen if places to find food
these monocrop pest attack
the plants? What will the
farmers do? Yes__? Ma’am, the farmers will use
herbicides and insecticides to kill
these unwanted organism
Exactly, how can this affect
the balance of the ecosystem?
Yes__? Ma’am, herbicides kill weeds that
can be a food for other organisms
While insecticides kill insects that
serve as food for tertiary
That’s right! consumers
With all these activities, the
balance of the ecosystem is
being disturbed. That is why it
is very important to be
mindful of every activities that
we do.
What are we feeling right now?
In this season? Yes___? Ma’am, the temperature is
increasing making it very hot
Exactly, why? Yes__? Ma’am, it is because we choose to
cut trees instead of planting more
That’s right!
Now you have understand the
effects of human activities in
our ecosystem.
Do you have any questions? None ma’am
Very good!

5. Assignment For your assignment read

more about the cycles of the

Did you get it class? Yes ma’am

Alright, arrange your chairs

and good bye class Good bye ma’am!

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School
Prepared by:
Jessa V. Tadiwan
Practice Teacher

Myra I. Juan
Cooperating Teacher


Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

AH26 Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela 3303
 (078) 652-1385 rmvisdeped1971@gmail.com

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