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Caribbean Examination Council | Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination

Communication Studies | Internal Assessment

The Impacts of Social Media in Shaping Youth’s Identity


DATE: 2023/2024
General Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Reflective Section - Creative Piece - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 5
Preface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Analytical Section - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7

"Social media is like a mirror that reflects back to us a distorted image of who we
are, and it's up to us, as well as society, to understand and address the
consequences of this reflection."

The world of communication is evolving rapidly with the advent of new

technologies and media platforms. The proliferation of social media has
fundamentally transformed the way we interact, share information, and construct
our identities. This Internal Assessment explores the impact of social media on
youth identity formation, examining the role of platforms like Instagram, Twitter,
and TikTok in shaping how young individuals perceive themselves and their place
in society.

In the quiet suburban town of Crestwood, where picket fences lined the streets and teenagers
roamed the sidewalks, lived Mia, a 16-year-old navigating the maze of adolescence tangled with
the intricate threads of social media.

Mia's journey into the digital realm began innocently enough, with a curiosity that paralleled her
adolescent exploration. Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok – she was diving headfirst into the virtual
sea that promised connection and recognition. Little did she know that these platforms would
shape not only her online persona but also her sense of self.

It all started with a selfie, a simple snapshot of Mia's smiling face. She posted it, fingers crossed
for a wave of validation in the form of likes and comments. As the virtual applause echoed
through her notifications, a subtle transformation took root. The numbers beneath her post
weren't just likes; they were building blocks of her digital identity, a quantifiable measure of her
worth in the online world.

With each post, Mia discovered the unwritten rules of the digital stage. Filters became her artistic
palette, each one painting a different version of herself. The pressure to conform to the
aesthetically pleasing standards set by influencers molded her into a curator of her own life.
Every caption, every hashtag, became a brushstroke on the canvas of her virtual existence.

Language, too, underwent a metamorphosis. Mia's casual conversations with friends started
incorporating the slang and abbreviations that dominated the digital lexicon. She found herself
typing "OMG" more than she uttered it and replacing genuine laughter with a casual "LOL." The
language of emojis became a universal code, a non-verbal expression that carried the weight of
emotions in a digital landscape.

As the months passed, Mia observed a subtle shift in her attitudes toward herself. The curated
versions of her life showcased on social media began to blur the lines between reality and the
virtual realm. The insecurities that once whispered in the shadows now roared in the echo
chamber of comparison. Mia found herself chasing the likes, the followers, as if they held the
key to her self-worth.

The highlight reels of others' lives became a constant backdrop, a relentless reminder of what she
should be, how she should look, and what experiences she should be having. The pressure to fit
into the mold of online perfection gnawed at her authenticity, leaving a trail of self-doubt in its

One day, Mia found herself scrolling through her own profile, a digital timeline of curated
moments and filtered emotions. The reflection staring back at her felt like a stranger, a pixelated
version of herself. It was in that moment of self-realization that Mia decided to reclaim her

She started by posting unfiltered moments, the imperfect snapshots that captured the raw essence
of her life. The captions became more genuine, revealing the struggles and triumphs behind the
carefully crafted images. Mia embraced her authentic voice, liberating herself from the
constraints of online expectations.

Slowly but steadily, Mia began to redefine her relationship with social media. The likes and
comments lost their grip on her self-esteem as she discovered the joy of genuine connection. Her
digital identity transformed from a curated facade to a reflection of her true self – a teenager
navigating the complexities of life with authenticity and resilience.

In the quiet town of Crestwood, Mia's journey echoed the silent struggles of teenagers
everywhere, reminding them that behind the screens and filters, there's a real person with real
emotions. Social media may shape the digital narrative, but the true power lies in the hands of
those who choose to embrace their authenticity and rewrite the story of their own identity.

Crafting the narrative of Mia's journey through the impact of social media on teenage identity
required careful consideration of the formal elements that would resonate with our intended
audience – youths navigating the digital landscape. The process of composing this piece involved
multiple stages, from initial ideation to meticulous rewrites and edits to capture the authentic
teenage voice.

Inspiration for the story emerged from the shared experiences of teenagers grappling with the
influence of social media on their self-perception. The challenges encountered during
composition primarily revolved around avoiding clichés and predictable scenarios, aiming for a
narrative that would engage and resonate with the target audience.

The audience for this piece is clear – teenagers navigating the complexities of social media. The
choice of a narrative medium is intentional, suited to their age, gender, and cultural backgrounds.
The purpose of this writing is to provoke self-reflection and foster dialogue around the impact of
social media on identity. The context of presentation could range from educational settings to
online platforms frequented by teenagers.

The features of the piece, such as relatable characters and authentic teenage language, are
designed to create a connection with the audience. No audiovisual elements are used, as the
power lies in the written word. The technical features, including language strategies and font
size, aim to enhance readability and engagement, ensuring the message reaches and resonates
with its intended audience.

The narrative unfolds in the suburban town of Crestwood, introducing the central character, Mia, a 16-
year-old grappling with the complexities of adolescence and the impact of social media on her identity.
The language register employed in this piece adopts a casual and relatable tone, reflective of Mia's
teenage perspective. The narrator's voice, while maintaining an overall informal style, weaves a nuanced
exploration of Mia's digital journey, mirroring the teenage vernacular.

Mia's initiation into the digital realm is marked by a curiosity paralleling her adolescent exploration. The
language, at this juncture, is laced with innocence and simplicity, reflecting Mia's initial encounter with
social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. The phrases "diving headfirst into the
virtual sea" and "fingers crossed for a wave of validation" encapsulate the narrative tone, aligning with
the teenage register.

As Mia's digital journey unfolds, the language subtly shifts to reflect the transformation catalyzed by
social media. The use of phrases like "virtual applause" and "quantifiable measure of her worth in the
online world" demonstrates an integration of digital vocabulary into Mia's narrative. This shift in
language register mirrors Mia's evolving awareness of the significance attached to social media metrics.

Dialect variation is evident in Mia's linguistic evolution influenced by the digital lexicon. The
incorporation of slang and abbreviations such as "OMG" and "LOL" signifies a dialectal shift, aligning
Mia's language with the trends prevalent in the virtual space. This linguistic adaptation becomes a marker
of Mia's assimilation into the online culture.

Attitudes to language surface in Mia's self-reflection, where she observes the transformation of her
communication style. The piece portrays a shift from casual, authentic expressions to a more curated and
filtered language under the influence of social media. Mia's realization prompts a return to a more genuine
voice, emphasizing a positive attitude toward authenticity in communication.

Communicative behaviors are depicted through Mia's interactions on social media platforms. The use of
filters and carefully crafted captions becomes a communicative strategy employed to conform to the
virtual standards set by influencers. Mia's decision to post unfiltered moments represents a behavioral
shift, reflecting a conscious effort to redefine her digital communication by embracing authenticity.

In conclusion, the language in this piece serves as a dynamic tool for conveying Mia's journey through
adolescence and the impact of social media on her identity. The carefully crafted language register,
dialectal variations, attitudes to language, and communicative behaviors collectively contribute to a
thematically relevant exploration of teenage experiences in the digital age.

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