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MA\I\HA 1 I ot /\tt:l l'<lfl,1tlon

,l,,h \II \.)~L,1ta

I or nll your Blologknl snfoty Coblncts nnd Clcanroorn Services,
l'csttng nnd Ccrtlflcntlons.

Wo k Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contra'iii;i

C•ie'lt. \ \ , fu_t': ----------- ~-1 Department:

Cit't \lli.:LW~;;..'- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - '
Problem/ Issue:
Manufacturer: 0 f'?
i - - -- - - - t - - : , . . - . . . , , . . _ . . , . . . , . . - - - - i
- r~l-~M
Serial Number: - - \ - r:;,,,,..
_ ·t ~- ~
Biomedical R--e-=--
f:----t--ri-= ...:.....:=--..L-"""?{",.,..--i

Location: _ 9 f/-dz_ o - 3 2
Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration D Repairs D Testing & Certificatio~ Training D Other D


Parts: Replaced D Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : ljo W\ I V1 Travling Time:1 • 90 Date:Q / t.j/ Zo Q_ 0

User Name: Technical Deparment:

• •
310097194700003 WJJtiJI t<WJ-1I • 1010440844 j<l,OJ ':l'JW J;lill · Jl,U 100.000 JI.a.II IJIIIJ • OJl.:illl ;,lllk!JI U~WU) MJW
MASARAT For Accreditation Co.· Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR11010440844 value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
e +966 11 487 00 43 · 966 11 487 00 37 0 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (:) tnfo@m4acc com
MASARAT ro,·A\;(I ~dlt.1tlo11

~lrui...~11 ulJlulo
ror nll your Biological Safoty Cabinets and Cleanroom Services,
Testing and Certifications.

Wotk Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contract~ Warranty □ other O
ient: I, tJ
<.Z,_ Department: {?la;, CZ/et.
[ city: \\,c,w·~- - - - - - - . 1

Equipment Description:
t -- - - - - - - -!..1£..C.,....--......_:_~~~,!:_- - ~
-o--:-: 1: ~ - - - t~...,.;._.;_~=----;~,,_
Serial Number: ;:;;
Problem/ Issue:

- ~ AA_c _ _ _ __
Biomedical Ref:
---------------- --

Work Classification:
Installation □ Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificati~ Training □ Other 0

Comments: '-'I

un.1-i Pef,re d Q Ct ief£5:

Parts: Replaced □ Recommended □

Item # Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature: ·

Service Time : l-/o mIn Travling Time: } : '.30 Date: 2 /tj,/ fo'2:J
User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 'NJ.¢.JI i(liiJJI - 1010440844 i(liiJ I.J'JL;ii ~ • Jl,U 100.000 Julll LJ,ULJ · OJ~ .ll.aic\JI (l:S)Ul
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. - Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 CR: 1010440844 - Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
+966 11 487 00 43 1+966 11 487 00 37 / PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (i)info@m4acc com
MASARAT For Ac.crcdilation UIJl.uJ..o
For all your Biological Safety Cabinets and Cleanroom Services,
Testing and Certificatio ns.

Work Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contract Warranty D Other D

- - ' - ' - - - " ' < ' - - - , - - - - - - - - - - ~ Department: la:S er:ec. y

Equipment Description: I
i----------t-" '-;'-t,-,-.,..... .,,_.....;.;;.,.: ....::;.._::_:_ :::::.__--l
Problem/ Issue:

Manufacturer: ::C:- !?r:

Model: --t- t!7-
er_: ----1-,..:.., ..::~ ~~...:..::...:..___::____:::_---J
r-s_e_ -P,F-e.. ./,\'-"•"°141 ----- ----- -
Biomedical Ref:
location: ? t(
Work Classification :

Installation D Demonstration D Repairs D Testing & Certificat~ Training D Other D


Parts: Replaced D Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : t/O W\ /'h Travling Time: I ·, 9 0 Date: Q_ / 4 / (J.o fl 'J;

User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 Yll!JDll to0Jll • 1010440844 (ODJ ',/'Jui J?ai · Jl,u 100.000 JIAJI IJU~ • OJl:illl ~Lnk\JI ilSJ-LU
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. - Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
~ +966 11 487 00 43 +966 11 487 00 37 0 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 E) lnfo@m4acc com
MASARA1 For Accreditation
lloldll uIJ Ull.0

For all your Biological Safety Cabinets and Cleanroom Services,
Testing and Certifications.

Work Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contr~ Warranty D Other D

Department: lo5<tfe{Y'

Equipment Description: .:,A "Z. Problem/ Issue:

Serial Number:
Biomedical Ref:
Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificati~ Training D Other D


Parts: Replaced D Recommended □

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : L/o mI h TravlingTime: \: 9o Date: 9/t//2o 9~

User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 lfUJ..¢.ll iaoJJI · 1010440844 (ODJ L/IJW ~ • J4.J 100.000 Jl.aJI IJIIU · 0.)1.;illl :11aklll U~WI,() ciS}UI
MASARAT For Accreditation Co.• Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 · Value Added Tax Number 31009TI94700003
~ +966 11 487 oo 43 Q +966 11 487 oo 37 () po Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (:)
MASARAl ror AcCI cdltatlon
,Luidll ulJl...ul.o

For all your Biological Safety Cabinets and Clcanroom Services,

Testing and Certifications.

Work Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contrac'tS Warranty D Other D

Client:1("(l_ tJ -{: Department:0\o:5'2fe. t.

city: \1 u vJ e
Equipment Description: - Problem/ Issue:
-"t--"'--"-,:---,..----,-.,....:...='-- -----i
Manufacturer: ------r-~
- ~\ _ _ C
~ - - - t - i - r~ ~--r-r--~

Serial Number:
Biomedical Ref:
Location: bj?C)
Work Classification:

Installation D Demonstration D Repairs D Testing & Certificatio~ Training D Other 0


---r-~ nS) g ~ j ceii'o h

U\tl 1· t 9CZ55ed ea t e5£5-,,1-"---

Parts: Replaced D Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : LfC) mIn Travling Time: I -. ? a

User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 <.nµ.Jllll to0JJI • 1010440844 flllJ lflJbi J.;uu • Jl!.J 100.000 Jlnll OU~ · o;LlilJ llaltUI u~Lw.o MJ,W
MASARAT for Accreditation Co.· Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR· 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
"" +966 11 487 00 43 Q +966 11 487 00 37 0 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (:) 1nfo@m4acc com
MASARAT MASARAT ro, Acu cdlt,1tlon •
llokUI ulJl llla

Foi nll lour l3lo101JIC,1I Snf,,tv c ,bluets nnd Clcanroom Services,

Testing anti Cci tlftcntlom,.

\\'"'"- 01\ i-t PO No1 ~:- ~-T~ontract/Sub Cont ract'M Warranty [J Other D
Client: \ \ , 1 lf
cit). \\\ \4\"J rzl
---=-=f •partm,nt{? \ o'j Qfal y
Equipment Demiptron:
l., A "2.
"r-,::,,r--,.........;.c...L-:.:::...:.,:_,;_.;____- - j
Problem/ Issue:
Serial Number:
Biomedical Ref: _ a?O
Location: I..
Work Classification: \c>N
Installation □ Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificat~ Training □ Other D


__;-~~ 5-£ ' V\~ Q Y\ d Ce \: JJ 'r i Qj I O Y\

C 15 QoY\ e "'
- UV'\ ,=b f2Q5;:e.d et t + e 7 .f_4 -

Parts: Replaced □ Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : '-/0 h"\ \)'\ Travling Time: \ . 9> cJ Date: Q / ' / /2o QJ
User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 IN!Jiul iaoJJI • 1010440844 i(lOJ Y,Jl;ii ~ • J'-u 100.000 Jl.aJI l}IIIJ • OJL:illl ~lak\JI UIJl.uLo CU)UI
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. - Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
+966 11 487 oo 43 +966 11 487 00 37 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 G) info@m4acc com
M \S ·\R ·\l I m Al:CI cdll,tllon
,tl,h. \JI UIJL1llO f

For ~II ) out Biological s.1fcty Col>lncts and Clcanroom Services,

Testing and Certifications.

Contract/Sub Contr~ Warranty O Other ::J

-~---- -1 Department:f-?;, \OS CZ. {- ·t

Equipment Description: Problem/ Issue:

Model: -~-E- --c-
Serial Number: }'71 ~-
Biomedical Ref:
Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration D Repairs D Testing 8c Certificati~ Training D other D


-- ~ UeY\5\±:I \Y\ ~ f? Ce ~ { \ ~......_____..._1 -----'--"-+-t---'- -

f?cz 55 d.. e Q LC -t e 5-6 5 -

Parts: Replaced D Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: J!-< Q ye r\ \ ~ Signature:

Service Time : 30 ht\ \ Y.) Travlin& Time: I ~O

User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 ,.nµ.Jrill i<10Jll • 1010440844 pilJ IJ'Jl.;l.i ~ - Jl,u 100.000 Jlall 1J11Tu • 6Jl.:ill.l llaklll u~luul
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. • Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 -Value Added Ta• Number 310097194700003
" +96611 487 00 43 Q +966 11 487 00 37 0 Pa Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 E) lnfo@) m4i cc com
MA~AltAT for Acc1 cdltJtlon
~L'-1.\dll ulJl lU.O
For all lour Blologkal Satcty Cabinets and Clean room Services,
Testing and Certifications.

Contract/Sub Contrac~ Warranty □ Other □

Clicn~ , . . , - - - - - - - - - - - ; Department:P}, 0
{. 7 (2fe:£ Y
Citv~\Y\ l\\~;-.. \
Equipment Description: f \\c:::>o
t----------+--=---~_;_.:.:__.:...:.__ _ _-1
Problem/ Issue:
Serial Number:
Biomedical Ref:
9 pp,41
Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration D Repairs D Testing & Certificat~ Training D Other 0


Parts: Replaced D Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Q Vq n. Signature:

Service Time : 18 h'\ I Yl Travling Time: J· '? 0 Date: Q. / '-/ / 2CJ 29

User Name: Technical Deparment:


310097194700003 1,NJ_Jri.1I c(I0;.1I - 1010440844 i(lDJ U\JQJ J;i.w • JI.JJ 100.000 Jlo.ll i.>UL - OJWIJ ~Lalc\ll UIJlw.o CUJill
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. - Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 - CR: 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
~ +966 11 487 00 43 +966 11 487 00 37 () PO Box Riyadh 3010 - 12262 G) i

MA\ARA1 for Alcrcdltatlon
~l.olc\11 ulJuu.a

For all your Biological Safety Cabinets and Cleanroom Services

Testing and Certifications. '

Work Order PO No:----------------------- Contract/Sub Contr~ Warranty D Other D

Chent:h tcUyt Department: B 105<2Fet y

! C1ty:\\\U\~ q:1- - -- - ---l
Equipment Description: Problem/ Issue:
Manufacturer: D
1M od:;-:e:-;-l:_ _ _ _ _ _h-rn~!.,-j'½,;.....:.:;_---;:=c---l - +
: ::- --+u:__..:C,,,.__ _ __
I N~u:::
be:--r:_ _ _ rr7?1n-r'7!~.;_..;..;,;:.._?;:.:-1 - -4"\0.)-'-f2M,------
Biomedical Ref:

Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificatiori""Q Training □ Other D


\e<f-t1Y1e g ceWf 1ce-c ion Is dcille

LJ h1'i Pe55ecl e,c_t:.~✓
~s:-- - - ~

Parts: Replaced □ Recommended □

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: e YQ n Signature:

Service Time : 'fom t h Travling Time: j :~a Date: fl/ L/ / '20Q. 2,

User Name: Technical Deparment:


310097194700003 vwJliJI tcl>Jll • 1010440844 t<WJ Y'Jl;ii lPJ.11 • J 4J 100.000 Jl.a.JI t.J11~ • 6Jl;illl :ilclc.\JI ulJUII.O
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. - Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
e +96 6 11 487 00 43 (ii) +966 11 487 00 37 0 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (D lnfo@m4acc com
MA:'>ARA1 MA\ARAl ~01 Ac.Cl ~dlt,1llon
~lalc.\11 UIJWUQ
For on your Biological St"tfcty C.iblnets ttnd Cleanroom Services,
Testing l:md Certifications.

\to k Order/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contract Warranty D Other D

T-:---:0; ;__,~------------~ Department: f3 jO 5 '({=e{ y


Equipment Description: Problem/ Issue:

Manufacturer: -.\ 0 c;;;
Model: b-
r S~e~ri~al~N~u-m~b-er-:----+:......:...;:.;,...L-;-.,!,~~ .;:;q:;._~--:::-1 __ eJ2M_,____
Biomedical Ref:
Work Classification:
Installation D Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificatio~ Training □ other □


--re,5 ,f1·h ~ ~ Cerf. I{ j Ce, Iah

uh l £ \Oe.5+e d ecc ie5-cr -

------------------ ----------
Parts: Replaced □ Recommended □
Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: Signature:

Service Time : l/CJ '(Y1 \Y'\ Travling Time: 1-: ~0 DateJ2.Jt./ / '20 (J.'J)
User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 W,!}DJ I i(liij-ll • 1010440844 i<l,OJ ll'J ~ ~ • J t,u 100.000 Jlo.JI l)ll~ • iiJbilJ lllili\JI UIJl.uul MJW
MASARAT For Accreditat ion Co.· Paid Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 • Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
e +966 11 487 00 43 ~ +966 11 487 00 37 0 PO Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 G) info@m4acc com
M~"iARA1 MASARAl For Accreditation
l laklll uIJ Lw.o

For all vour Biological Safoty Cabinets and Cleanroom Services,

Testing and Certifications.

Work OrfJer/ PO No: Contract/Sub Contra~ Warranty D Other D

lclient:T\ QlJ ~ Department:~ I ; 7 Q.(e-l y

!cttt: \\ uw q
Equipment Description: Problem/ Issue:
Model: -(>cJO £' ===r ~ c
Serial Number: '3311B
-~PA+ - - ~
Biomedical Ref:
Location: z-~tr o
Work Classification:
Installation □ Demonstration □ Repairs □ Testing & Certificatio~ Training D other □


i5 done?
UY\ l-b P<Zjf c d 2 CG ie.5/ 5 ·

Parts: Replaced □ Recommended D

Item# Description Parts No.

Engineer/Technician Name: eye n · Signature:

Service Time : t./oYr\l Y\ TravlingTime:1 '30 Date: f}. / If / QOf} ~

User Name: Technical Deparment:

310097194700003 INJ.JriJI to0JJI - 1010440844 t<LOJ ':f'Jbi ~ • Jl!J 100.000 JlAJI u'l~ OJl:illJ .)LQidJI UIJWl.0 O.~J.W
MASARAT For Accreditation Co. · Pajd Up Capital SR 100.000 • CR: 1010440844 Value Added Tax Number 310097194700003
+966 11 487 oo 43 +966 11 487 00 37 0 Po Box Riyadh 3010 • 12262 (!) info@)m4acc com

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