SURV 211 Vertical Parabolic Curve

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SURV 211 – Vertical Parabolic Curve

Vertical Parabolic Curve – a parabolic curve tangent to two intersecting grade lines

Kinds of Vertical Parabolic Curve:

1. Symmetrical – when the horizontal length of the curve from the PC to the vertex (V) is
equal to its horizontal length from the vertex to the PT.
2. Unsymmetrical – when the horizontal length of the curve from the PC to the vertex (V)
and the horizontal length from the vertex (V) to the PT are not equal.

Elements of the Curve:

1. Vertex – point of intersection of the grade lines
2. Point of Curvature – the point of tangency where the curve leaves the tangent.
3. Point of Tangency – the point of tangency where the curve meets the tangent.
4. Back Tangent – the tangent where the PC is located.
5. Forward Tangent – the tangent where the PT is located.
6. G1 and G2 – grades of the intersecting tangents. Grade of the tangent referred from the PC
is positive (G1 = +) if it is above the horizontal and negative (G2 = -) if below the
horizontal. If referred from the PT, G2 is positive while G1 is negative.
7. Length of the Vertical Parabolic Curve – the horizontal distance between the PC and the
8. Diameter of a Vertical Parabolic Curve – a line drawn from the vertex to the midpoint of
the horizontal distance of the curve from the PC to the PT.
9. Offset from the Tangent to a Point on the Vertical Parabolic Curve – the vertical distance
of the point from the Tangent which is parallel to the diameter.

A. Symmetrical Parabolic Curve:

Location of the Highest or Lowest Point on the Curve:
a) From the PC

S1 = __G1L__
G1 – G2

b) From the PT

S2 = __G2L__
G2 – G1

Assignment (November 26, 2022):

Draw the symmetrical parabolic curve, identify or label the different parameters and
derive the equation for the highest or lowest point of the curve. From the PC, S1 and from the PT,
Send your drawing and proper derivation of your equations on or before your allotted
time. Failure to submit, means absent.

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