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Task 9

Product: EcoGlow solar lamp

Are you looking for an illumination beyond the ordinary? We present EcoGlow, the solar lamp that
illuminates your nights of sustainable way. With fast charge and automatic turn on at dusk,
EcoGlow not only beautifies your space, but also use the solar energy for a greener world. Make
the smart decision with EcoGlaw, lighting the way to a brighter future and sustainable.

Task 10

Recently, I found myself in a complicated situation with a friend because, in the past, my intense
study load didn’t let me spend time together. Now, with more time, my friend didn’t want to hang
out with me. I decided to be honest about my change of circumstances and how I appreciated our
friendship. I proposed activities that we could enjoy together. In the moment that each understand
the situation, we were able to reconcile. We learned to balance our schedules and we
strengthened our friendship. And like this I fixed my problem.

Task 11

Develop a mobile app implies some important steps. First, define the propose and audience of
your app. Then, realize a market research and make a detailed plan. Design an intuitive user
interface and attractive. Develop the app using a programming language compatible with mobile
platforms like Swith for IOS or Kotlin for Android. Integrate essential functions and realize
exhaustive tests for guaranteed quality. Then, register the app in the mobile app’s stores. Finally,
collect and use the user’s commentaries for make continuous improvements in the app.

Task 12

In (V)villa Linda, the problem of indiscriminate littering is affecting the quality of live. The streets
are contaminated, and the neighborhood aesthetic looks so bad. For(To) fix this problem, is
important implement effective solutions. Promote community awareness through educational
campaigns about the importance of keep clean the environment could be key. Establish accessible
places of recycling throughout the neighborhood will proper waste disposal. Besides, promote the
participation in community cleanup events can strengthened the sense of belonging and
responsibility. I propose the Villa Linda conservation Law, that demands significant fines for the
littering in places not designated. This legislation will support our community initiatives and will
guarantee the preservation of the Villa Linda beauty for the futures generations.

In addition to the Villa Linda Conservation Law, fostering collaborations with local businesses can
boost recycling initiatives. Creating a dedicated community task force for real-time litter
monitoring and corrective action will ensure a cleaner environment. Let's collectively commit to
transforming Villa Linda in a model of cleanliness and unity, demonstrating our dedication to
environmental stewardship for generations to come.

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