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Vehicle rules

These rules are written for models at the 28mm scale.

Vehicle movement rules

A movement zone is an 8” x 8” square on the tabletop. A movement zone can only hold a single vehicle
model or 2 bike models. If a vehicle attempts to move into a movement zone occupied by another
vehicle a collision occurs.

Movement sequence

1. Each Driver rolls a priority check. The highest gets to move their vehicle first, reroll ties
2. The Driver performs their actions
3. Move the vehicle based on the

Vehicles Cards

Each vehicle will have a stats card that outlines what the vehicle is capable of.

 Top speed: How many speed bands it can reach

 Transport Capacity: How many passengers it can carry
 Open topped: Passengers can shoot out of the vehicle and can be shot at
 Jinkability: How easy it is to perform a Jink action, will be a positive, neutral or negative modifier
 Armour value: How strong its armour is
 Hull Points: How much damage it can take before it is destroyed
 Primary and secondary weapon ports: The number of weapons the vehicle will be armed with

Vehicle Stations

Vehicles will have at least 1 station and possibly many more which require crew. If the station is not
crewed, then its function cannot be fulfilled. It takes a Basic action to move to a station. A crewmember
can move between stations in their turn.

 Driver's Seat - needs to be crewed to make the vehicle move.

 Co-driver's seat – some larger vehicles will have a station that can be filled to support the driver
 Secondary Weapon – usually a single person station that allows a crew member to fire that gun
 Primary Weapon – some larger vehicles will have a station that is required to be filled to fire the
main gun
 Loader – some larger primary weapons require a second crew member to maintain a high rate
of fire

Driver Actions

 Simple Actions
o Start your engines: take a TA check to turn on the vehicle
o Maintain Speed: stay at current speed band
o Jam on the brakes: move down two range bands, Driver takes an Initiative test to
maintain control of the vehicle, if failed the vehicle has the out-of-control condition,
passengers take an Initiative test or go prone.
 Basic Actions
o Accelerate: move up one speed band
o Slow Down: move down one speed band
o Turn left or right 90 degrees
o Drift left or right: move one zone diaganlly left or right
 Double Actions
o Skid turn 180 degrees: double action, perform a TA check, -1 per level of speed above 2,
if failed vehicle out of control.
o Jink: Double Action: -1BS to be hit, Driver takes an Initiative test to maintain control of
the vehicle, passengers take an Initiative test or go prone
o Ram: Double Action – if there is another vehicle in your zone hit it. The driver takes an
Initiative test to maintain control of the vehicle, passengers take an Initiative test or go

Passenger Actions

 Basic Actions
o Shoot Secondary Armament
o Reload Primary Armament: Basic Action
o Co-driver assist: gain +1 modifier to any test the driver’s action requires.
 Double action
o Shoot Primary Armament
o Damage Control: take a TA check, if successful add 1 vehicle hull point back to the
vehicle’s maximum hull points. On a roll of a double 1 take off a vehicle hull point.

Shooting modifiers for passengers

 Driver Accelerated in their last turn: -1BS

 Driver Slowed Down in their last turn: +1BS
 Driver Jinked in their last turn -2BS
 Driver Rammed in their last turn -2BS

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