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Contribution to Society

The Igorot people are an indigenous group in the Philippines, primarily residing in the mountains of
northern Luzon. They are known for their traditional religion and way of life, which they have kept until
Actually, Igorot people have made significant contributions to Philippine society, including their expertise
in agriculture, particularly in rice terrace farming. They are also known for their metalworking skills in
iron and brass, weaving, and animal sacrifice. Igorot people believe in spirits, including those of
ancestors, and have complex rituals to propitiate them.

The Igorot People of Benguet: Their Traditions and Religion. Igorot people of Benguet possess rich
traditions and a unique religious belief system. Known for their strong sense of community, they maintain
customs passed down through generations. Their intricate rituals and reverence for ancestral spirits shape
their identity and provide insight into the vibrant cultural heritage of the Igorot people.

From their unique clothing to their love for music and dance, the Igorot have much to share about their
way of life. In this blog, we will explore the customs, beliefs, and rituals of the Igorot people, giving you
a glimpse into their fascinating world. So, come along on this journey and discover the vibrant culture of
the Igorot people.

The Igorot people are one of the indigenous communities of the Philippines. Their cultural traditions are
deeply rooted in their way of life, beliefs, and practices. The Igorots have a fascinating history and culture
that spans over thousands of years. Every aspect of their lives is interwoven with the customs and
traditions. These have been passed down from one generation to another.

From their clothing, housing, and food, to their rituals and ceremonies. Each element of their culture
represents their uniqueness as a people. The Igorots are known for their resilience, creativity, and
resourcefulness. It is evident in how they live and contribute to society.

They have a rich cultural tradition of clothing and attire. Their traditional clothing consists of hand-woven
garments made of materials such as abaca and cotton. The men wear a bahag, a cloth that covers the
lower half of their bodies. The women wear a tapis, a skirt-like garment that covers the lower body. Both
genders also wear a bakget, a woven cloth used as a blanket or shawl.

The Igorot people are known for their intricate beadwork and designs. They are often incorporated into
their clothing. These garments not only provide protection from the elements, but they also serve as a
symbol of the Igorot people’s cultural identity.

The Igorot people have a rich cultural heritage when it comes to music and dance forms. And, it has been
passed down through generations. Their traditional dances usually involve a rhythmic pounding of their
wooden gongs called “kulintang.” Igorot music and dance forms are spiritual in nature. They are often
performed during sacred rituals or festivities.

One popular dance is the Banga dance, which mimics the movements of women carrying pots of water on
their heads to the river. The Tadek dance is an all-male dance that signifies bravery, agility, and precision.
The Igorot people’s cultural traditions of music and dance continue to thrive and are celebrated to this
The Arts and Crafts of the Igorot People showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines. As one of
the indigenous groups in the country, they are known for their exceptional handiwork such as weaving,
woodcarving, and beadwork. These handicrafts not only serve as a source of livelihood for the Igorot
community. It also reflects their deep spirituality and connection to nature.

The distinctive patterns and designs of the traditional textiles such as the Tapis, Loincloths, and G-String
are a testament to the Igorot’s resourcefulness. The intricate wood carvings of animals and mythical
creatures are a reminder of their reverence for nature. Also, their belief in the spirits that inhabit it.
Indeed, the Arts and Crafts of the Igorot People are not just objects of beauty but symbols of their culture
and traditions that have stood the test of time.

Religious beliefs and practices play a vital role in the lives of the Igorot people of Benguet, a
mountainous province in the Philippines. This indigenous group has a rich cultural heritage that is steeped
in tradition, and their spirituality is an integral part of their way of life. The Igorot people believe that by
maintaining a harmonious relationship with the natural world and their ancestors, they can achieve
balance and prosperity in their lives.

A significant aspect of this is the animistic worldview wherein everything on earth has a spirit or soul.
They believe that their ancestors helped create the natural world and therefore honor and worship them
through rituals and offerings. Various elements of nature, such as mountains, forests, and rivers, also hold
spiritual significance to them.

This belief in animism and ancestral worship shapes their way of life and is an integral part of their
identity. Despite the influence of modernization, many Igorot people still uphold and practice these
beliefs, giving insight into the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines.

Igorot People of Benguet in the Philippines follow a set of unique rituals and ceremonies that are integral
to their religious beliefs. These practices are rooted in animism, where they believe that spirits inhabit the
natural environment around them. The Igorot people have various ceremonies and rituals for different
aspects of their lives, such as agricultural practices, weddings, and funerals.

One of the most notable ceremonies is the ‘cañao,’ a ritual where they offer rice wine to their gods as a
sign of gratitude and make offerings of pigs or chickens. These practices represent the strong connection
the Igorot people have with their culture and traditions and serve as a reminder of the importance of
valuing one’s heritage.

They have a deep-rooted relationship with nature and the environment that is closely tied to their religious
beliefs and practices. For them, nature is not simply a resource to exploit, but a sacred entity that must be
respected and nurtured. They regard mountains, rivers, forests, and other elements of the environment as
vital sources of life and spirit, and as such, they have developed a distinct system of environmental
management that seeks to maintain a sustainable balance between humans and nature.

This involves a variety of practices, such as the ritual cleaning of communal spaces and water sources, the
assessment of the ecological impact of hunting and farming, and the establishment of sacred sites to honor
the spirits of the land. Despite the modernization and urbanization of some parts of the Philippines, the
Igorot people continue to view their relationship with nature as a fundamental aspect of their identity and

The Igorot people of Benguet have a long-standing and rich tradition that speaks volumes about their
unique culture. It’s a remarkable history that dates back thousands of years. This has been passed down
through generations. Their religious beliefs, customs, and practices have been integral to their way of life,
shaping their perspective and worldview.

It is impressive how they have managed to preserve their culture despite modernization challenges. Their
practices, such as rice terracing and weaving, have garnered worldwide acclaim, making them a
significant attraction in the Philippines. The Igorot people of Benguet are a testament to the vibrancy of
Philippine culture and the strength of community and tradition.

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