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PERIODIC TEST -I (2022-23)


General instructions -
1. Attempt all questions.
2.Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
3. Objective questions are for 1 mark each.
Q. 1. Study the information carefully and answer the questions that follow. ( 5 Marks )

1. Nikhil bought a pair of sneakers at the Sole Pleasure shoe shop. He was

i. a 30% discount ii. a 10% discount

iii. no discount iv. a mystery prize

2. Mr Tarun bought a fridge and an oven for his new home from Mega Electric
Store. However, he wasn’t given a free cordless phone because………….

i. he was the last shopper that day. ii. he didn’t purchase enough things.
iii. his purchases cost less than $900. iv. the store ran out of cordless phones.

3. Out of the three stores advertised, customers from…………..can qualify for the Mystery Prize.

i. only one store ii. only two stores

iii. all three stores iv. New Mail Department store

4. Shoppers should buy cakes and buns from the Sweet Tooth fairy cake shop
because their cakes are...............................................

5. . Sammy, along with his mom, purchased ladies shoes worth $350.They were
quite pleased because they got........................................

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Q.2 .Read the following passage carefully and give answer to the questions that follow:
( 1x5=5 marks)
One of the odd looking birds of the ocean is the penguin . It is well- fitted for sea life. It is found in
the cold regions of the Antarctic circle. Penguins can not fly. Their wings have been changed into
swimming flippers, which they use like oars .With the aid of the flippers they can dive to a depth of
thirty feet. Penguins spend no more time on land that is necessary for sleeping and rearing their youngs
.Their food consists of small creatures of the sea , which they catch by diving , often to great depths .
They use their feet not as paddlers but as rudders to guide them. Under their skin is a layer of fat It
helps them to withstand the icy water in which they live.
Some gather stones and sticks for a kind of nest ; others make no nest. The penguins make long
voyages along the Antarctic shores every year. They swim like the seal.
Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options -
i). Penguins are found in -
a) Desert b) Mountains
c) Antarctic d ) Plains
ii) . The food of penguins -
a) fish only b) small creatures of the sea
c) sea vegetation d) big creatures of the sea
iii) . They make their nest -
a) using plants b) using stones and sticks
c) using snow d) using sand
iv) Penguins can dive into water upto –
a)30 feet b) 50 feet
c) 20 feet d) 40 feet
v) . The synonym of ‘ essential’ in the above passage is –
a)withstand b) necessary
c) flippers d) voyage
Q 3. You are Amit / Amita of class VI, in K.V.No.1 Indore . You have lost your water bottle somewhere
in school campus. Write a notice for school notice board about it.
You are Tushar / Trisha , studyiing iin class VI in K.V. No. 1 , Indore . Write an application to the
Principal of your school for two days sick leave.
Q. 4 Do as directed ( 1X5=5 Marks)
Compete the following by selecting suitable option -
i)A __________ of ships. a) band b) bunch c) fleet
ii) A ___________of sticks. a) flock b) bundle c) herd
iii) Noun form of the word ‘ creative ’ is – a) creativety b) creativeness c) creativity
iv) Tick (√) the correct example of Abstract Noun. - a) old b) Lawrence c) Boy d) Love
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v) Tick (√) the correct example of proper Noun. a) girl b) fan c) silver d) Rahul
Q.5 Read the extract and answer the following questions: (1X5=5 Marks)
What is a house?
It’s brick and stone
and wood that’s hard.
Some window glass
and perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys
and tiles floors
and stucco and roof
and lots of doors
( i)Who wrote the poem?
(ii) What are the basic elements to build a house?
(iii) What are the accessories required for a house?
(iv) What materials are used to beautify it?
(v) Write the two rhyming words of glass….
Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it wasn’t a doll at
all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall hat much like
a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”
I) The elf was grabbed by a….
(ii) The elf was a ……….
(iii) Who yelled ‘Save me’?
(iv) What was elf wearing?
(v) Synonym of short trouser is…..
Q.6 : Answer the following questions : ( Any Three) (2X3=6 MARKS)
i) What did Patrick think his cat was playing ?
ii) Whom did the dog first choose as his master?
iii)) How did the two baby birds get separated?
iv)) Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
Q. 7 Answer the following questions : ( Any Three) (3X3=9 MARKS)
i)How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?
ii) Who did dog finally choose as his master and why?
iii) Who do you think did Patrick’s homework-the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.
iv) Did farmer’s wife repent her hasty action? How does she show her repentance?


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