LP4 Cities of The Future

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What does it look like? What is similar from today? What is different?
Imagine a city in the year 2222.

A/ A vision of the future in 1913
Harvey Wiley Corbett, City of the Future, 1913
Say what you can about this document and its author.
What does it represent?
Do you think it is realistic?
Why? Why not?
plan / project / walkway / pavement / sidewalk / feasible / futuristic / multilevel

B/ This elevator could shape the cities of the future

CNN Money (San Fransisco), http://money.cnn.com May 3, 2016
Explain the topic of the text
Highlight the technology being used.
Underline the advantages of this innovative system.
What do you think of this technology?
an advertisement / a painting / a photograph / a book cover
Say what you can see…
- in the background? - in the foreground?
A / Generating solar energy from New York City rooftops
Watch the video and find the following information.
→ General information:
Who? What?
→ Details:
What everyday construction feature will the new technology use?What will they be used for?
Therefore, what will there be less demand for?
B / Large windows may collect solar energy
Watch the video and find the following information.
→ General information:
Who? What?
C/ Types Of Energy
Match the definitions to the names of the types of energy.
Choose two types of energy that you would use in your city of the future. Explain your choice in your
Individual work
How do we do that?
What type of document is it?
A/ New York unusual parks
The High Line : The High Line is a 2,33 km long New York City linear park built in Manhattan on an
elevated disused New York Central Railroad. The High Line has been redesigned and planted as an
aerial park. It opened in 2009
A/ New York unusual parks
Quick Quiz : What can you remember from the text?
A/ New York unusual parks
QUESTIONS :① Present the document and describe the picture (colours, light, environment, type of
place, ...)
A/ New York unusual parks
QUESTIONS :② Give your definition of the Low Line project.
B/ New York City Lowline
Underline the answers in the text and write sentences in your copybook to present the document.
What? Where? When? Why?
Think about it : GOALS
Observe :
We would use bioluminescent bactery to light the road without electricity. There would be wind
turbines to make electricity.
Think :
Underline the goals (= the objectives). Circle the word which introduces the goals. What is the form of
the following verbs : infinitive / present / past / verbal stem
Conclude in French:
Pour exprimer le but en anglais, on peut utiliser ……………….. suivi d' ……………………………………………….

Think about it : CONDITIONAL
Observe :
① We‘d make bikes the mean of transportation number one because it would reduce pollution. ②
Using solar panel windows would increase the eco-firendly production of energy but wouldn’t be
enough to stop the use of fossil fuels.
Think :
Underline the verbs. Circle the words expressing conditional. Highlight contractions and negations.
Conclude in French:
Pour parler d’un futur hypothétique, on utilise l’auxiliaire modal ………………………………. suivi de
………………………………….. On peut le contracter. Il deviendra alors ……………………………….. La négation se
Practice :
a - We ………………………………….…... (locate) our city in the state of Louisiana because it
………………………………………….………….. (use) the energy of water mills on the Mississippi. b – The plants
from the park on the rooftop …………………………………………………….……………. (fall) on the side of the
building and …………………………………………...…………………….. (prevent / NOT) the light from getting
through the windows.
Complete the sentences using conditional.

A/ Building a city with your own hands
- Say what you can about the picture. - What have they done? Why?
B/ Starting young
a. What is the competition about? → Who did you see? → What are they showing? → What was their
b. What are the 5 conditions to compete with a model?
1/ ………………………………………………………………………………
2/ ………………………………………………………………………………
3/ ………………………………………………………………………………
4/ ………………………………………………………………………………
5/ ………………………………………………………………………………
B/ Starting young
c. What are the two teams’ visions for urban transport?
First team: When should the project take place? What is effortless and eco-friendly? How does the
contestant describe his project? How is it possible?
Second team: Where and when should the project take place? Transports should rely on … How will
they produce energy?
Watch the video and take notes (especially names and numbers)

Take the quiz !!
May the Force be with you
Find the title of the video.
What is the topic of the video?
Do you agree? Imagine what the problem could be.
Prepare !
ENGLISH MASTER matching Game
Match the words to their French translation(s). The English words are classified to help you (nouns,
adjectives, verbs)
Watch the video . Take notes in your copybook.
What? Who? (names? people?)Where ? When?
Can you add any details?
1/ List as many words as you can to talk about GEOGRAPHY.
2/ Observe the maps and describe 4 states.
3/ Choose the state where you would like to build your ideal city. Explain your choice
You participate to the Future City Contest.The theme this year is ‘a greener city’. With one partner,
you have to send your application form for the contest.
Final MISSION – My City of the futur
Create your city of the future and send your application to the Future Cities contest

You have to write:

p.1 - the general presentation of your city.
p.2 - the location of the city in the United States and explain your choice.
p.3 - the type(s) of energy you would use and explain your choice.
p.4 - the arrangements for the means of transportation and explain your choice.
p.5 - two green spaces and explain why you placed them where they are.
p.6 - the way waste is managed in your city and explain your choice.
p.7 - Any other point you would like to present about your city. (social and cultural life, or other) + Add
as many illustrations (drawings, projects, pictures) as you can / want

Watch the trailer 2 of Blade Runner 2049 :
p. 51 – What type of movie is this ?
Where and when is it ?
What are your first impressions while looking at this trailer ?
(desribe the atmosphere of the movie, use the vocabulary box)
Blade runner original novel, listen to the audio 35 on CD 1
WB p.77
What informations did you get about the main character ?
What details can you hear about the place he lives in ?
What will happen in the futur according to the character ?

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