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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) HTML DOCUMENTS – must start with a document declaration <!DOCTYPE html>
- standard language in creating Web pages. HTML HEADINGS – defined with the <h1> to <h6>
- Consists of a series of elements - <h1> most important heading
- Represented by tags - <h2> least important heading
Tim Berners – Lee invented HTML HTML BASIC TAGS
HTML TAGS <p>…</p> - HTML paragraphs
<br> - beginning of the next line, empty element (without closing tag)
- element names surrounded by angle brackets. <hr> - horizontal line, empty element
- Not case sensitive (i,e. <H1>….<h1>) &nbsp; - non-breaking space or space character
<b>…</b> - bold
<i>…</i> - italic
<u>…</u> - underlined text
<sup>…</sup> - lift text and makes it smaller
Opening tag Closing tag (with forward slash -/-)
<sub>…</sub> - lowers text and makes it smaller
EDITORS – Web pages can be created and modified by HTML Editors <strike>…</strike> - strikes a line through text
Such as Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime, etc) <em>…</em> - makes text italic
WEB BROWSERS – read and display HTML documents <strong>…</strong> - makes text bold

STEPS IN CREATING WEB PAGE HTML elements can be “nested” (Elements can contain elements)
1. Create a folder “FIRST IN, LAST OUT” - mnemonic in writing nested html elements
2. Open Text Editor
( )– parenthesis or round brackets
3. Write the HTML codes
4. Save the html code and use the extension name .html and .htm { } – braces
5. View the HTML page in the web browser < > - angle brackets
<title>Page title</title>
(Web Content)
<font>…</font> - specifies the font face, font size, and font color <img> - images , empty element as it contains attributes only

ATRRIBUTES of font tag: src – attribute specifies the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the image

a. Size – font size SYNTAX: <img src=”url”>

b. Color – font color
To insert an image, make sure the actual image is located inside your created folder
c. Face – Font face
➢ WebPage Folder
I,e. <font face=”arial” color=”red” size=”18”>sample</font>
➢ Images Folder
Lists – used to present information in an easy to read fashion. Image1.jpg
- Can be bulleted, numbered, or printed without bullets and numbers
• <UL>…</UL> - unordered list (uses bullets)
▪ <ul type=”value”> Alt – alternative text for an image
Width – width of the image
Value: Circle, Square, Disc Height – height of the image
• <li>…</li> - lists items ➢ SYNTAX: <img src=”url” alt=”img description” wodth=”100px” height=”100px”>
Align – alignment either left or right
• <OL>…</OL> - ordered lists (uses numbers)
<center>…</center> - center the image and can be use between the <img> tag
▪ <ol type=”value”> ➢ I,e. <center> <img src=”url”></center>
➢ <ol start=”3”> , start attribute: (ONLY applicable to ordered lists) To add background image on the webpage, USE the attribute style in the <body>

• <DL>…</DL> - definition lists (no numbers or bullets) tag, then add the background-image property.

✓ <dt>…</dt> - definition term ➢ SYNTAX: <body style=”background-image:url(images/bg1.jpg)”>

✓ <dd>…</dd> - definition description
For background color: <body style=”background-color: Blue;”>
<table>…</table> - tag for creating table in the web page HYPERTEXT REFERENCE (href) – destination or reference that the link refers to.

- Basically, this is where the user will be taken if they wish to click a link.
Elements of <table>…</table> tag:
Hypertext references can be:
▪ <tr>…</tr> - table row
▪ <th>…</th> - table header a. Global – links to other domains outside of your site h
o <a href=>Connect to Yahoo</a>
▪ <td>…</td> - table data/cell
b. Internal link – sends the browser to another section on the current page (Page
Colspan – use to make a cell span more than one column , <th colspan=”2”>Column 2 & 3
o <a name=”linkname”>Text</a> *assign a name of a portion on your page
o <a name=”#linkname”>Text</a> *allows the browser to jump to the
Rowspan – use to make a cell span more than one row , <th rowspan=”2”>Col 1, row 1 & 2
c. Local link – Links to other pages within your domain
TABLE ATTRIBUTES o <a href=”filename.html”>Text</a> *jumps to other webpage of your
BORDER – size of the table border website

Cellpadding – use to create more white space between cell contents and its border FORMS

Cellspacing – use to increase distance between cells - vital tool for the webmaster to receive information from the web surfer.
- Take input from the viewer and depending on your needs
Colspan – combine two or more cells from different columns - <form>…</form> tag to create a form in the web page.
Rowspan - combine two or more cells from different rows INPUT FIELDS:
Width, Height – determine the width and height
Type – determine what kind of input field it will be. (text, submit, password, etc)
Style – access advanced custom properties <Style=”Background-Color:”Red”;>
Name – assigns a name to the given field
LESSON 3 Size – sets the horizontal width of the field. The unit of measurement is in blank spaces.

LINKS – most fundamental part of World Wide Web. It is the links that tie it all together Maxlength – maximum number of characters that can be entered

- Link to another web page or website anywhere in the world Placeholder – specifies a short hint
- Link to a different page within your own website (linking a page to a home page)

PAGE JUMP – jump from section to section within the same web page h

ANCHOR TAG - <a>…</a> - creates a link to another document.

- An anchor can point to any resource on the web: HTML page, image, sound file,


- Input field for viewers to place their own comments


<textarea placeholder = “Comment Here…”></textarea>


- Cascading Style Sheet

- Style sheet language describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen
- Layout of HTML documents


- A CSS rule-consists of a selector and a declaration block


- <select>…</select> list itself

- <option>…</option> available choice for the user


<select name=”gender”>

<option value=”Male”>Male</option>

<option value=”Female”>Female</option>

METHODS OF APPLYING CSS TO HTML DOCUMENT BACKGROUND ATTACHEDMENT – specifies whether background images should scroll or be
1. In-line (attribute style)
*<body style=”background-color:#FF0000;”> BACKGROUND SHORTHAND
2. Internal (tag style)
*<style type:”text/css”> 1. Background-color
Body { 2. Background-image
Background-color:#FF0000, 3. Background-repeat
} 4. Background-attachment
</style> 5. Background-position
3. External link (link to a style sheet)
- A text file with the extension .css
- Link from the HTML document(default.html) to the style sheet (style.css) can be
created with one line of HTML code:
o <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”
- The line of code must be inserted in the header section of the HTML code.
o i.e. between the <head> and </head> tags

✓ One CSS file can be used to control the layout of many HTML documents

Colors are specified using predefined color names, RBG vales, or HEX values

o Color Values:
▪ Rgb (255, 0, 0) (RGB values)
▪ #FF0000 (hex values)
▪ Red (predefined color name)

BACKGROUND COLOR – set background color for HTML elements

TEXT COLOR – set the color for text

BORDER COLOR – set the color of borders for HTML elements

BACKGROUND IMAGE – specify an image to use as the background element

BACKGROUND REPEAT – repeat the background-image both horizontally and vertically

o (repeat-x, repeat-y, and no repeat)

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