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Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Listening
Focus(RI): Listening
Grammar/ Language Focus: Expressing degrees of likes and dislikes: e.g. I like/love/hate +
Content Standard: 1.2
Learning Standard: 1.2.2, 1.2.1
Learning Standard (RI):
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high-frequency target
language phonemes(Pre A1)
1.3.1 Understand the message the teacher or classmate is communicating by using visual
clues when they are speaking(Low A1)
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using visual clues when a teacher or
classmate is speaking (Mid A1)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts
2. Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. understand the phonemes. (Pre A1)
2. understand the phrases. (Low A1)
3. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can sing a song and talk about at least 2
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. listen and read at least 5 words. (Pre A1)
2. listen and read at least 5 phrases. (Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. Review/pre-teach the adjectives from page 93 Student’s book without introducing the
sports topic
Lesson development:
1. Write some topics for the song on the board, including the correct one ‘sports’, e.g.
Animals / Food / Sports / School.
2. Play the song (CD 2- Track 52) and ask pupils to listen to it to tell you what the topic of the
song is (sports). (21st CA)
3. Pupils listen to the song again and numbers 1-4 (Activity 1). (HOTS)
4. Divide pupils into three groups. (non-remedial)
5. Each group has its own verse. (non-remedial)
6. Play the song and pupils mime the sports and sing along. (CBA) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students in pairs. Picture cards are placed on the table, face up. Student A closes his/her
eyes. Student B reads a word. Student A listens, opens his/her eyes, and points to the word.
Students take turns listening and identifying all the words (Pre A1)
2. Students 2 groups. A student from Group A picks a phrase card and acts it out for team
members to guess. Give a time limit of 45 seconds. Then a student from Group B repeats.
The charade continues till all cards are used or till time permits. (Low A1,Mid A1)
1. Pupils do a speaking activity where they practise the sports vocabulary in pairs or small
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 1: Provide clear instruction of literacy components
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Language
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 1 Student’s Book (page 93) and Teacher’s Book
(pages 138 &139), RI Toolkit, Sound Hunt, Charades 2, Charades 3, Printable Resource #1 #2
Assessment: Presentation


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Speaking
Focus(RI): Listening
Grammar/ Language Focus: Expressing degrees of likes and dislikes: e.g. I like/love/hate +
Content Standard: 2.1, 2.2
Learning Standard: 2.1.1, 2.2.1
Learning Standard (RI):
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high-frequency target
language phonemes(Pre A1)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Explain and give reasons for basic opinions
2. Keep interaction going in short exchanges by using suitable words: (ii) to ask for
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. understand the phonemes. (Pre A1)
2. understand the phrases. (Low A1)
3. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can conduct a survey where they talk to each
other about the sports they like/dislike.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. listen and read at least 5 words. (Pre A1)
2. listen and read at least 5 phrases. (Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 10: SAY WHAT’S MISSING*- review sports vocabulary and adjectives from the
previous lesson.
Lesson development:
1. Direct pupils’ attention to the Grammar box and read sentences aloud. Explains.
2. Play the CD2 (Track 53). Pupils do the activity in pairs. (HOTS)
3. Pupils conduct a survey where they talk to each other about the sports they like/dislike.
(21st CA)
4. Then, get pupils to share their findings with the class. (CBA) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students in pairs. Picture cards are placed on the table, face up. Student A closes his/her
eyes. Student B reads a word. Student A listens, opens his/her eyes, and points to the word.
Students take turns listening and identifying all the words (Pre A1)
2. Students 2 groups. A student from Group A picks a phrase card and acts it out for team
members to guess. Give a time limit of 45 seconds. Then a student from Group B repeats.
The charade continues till all cards are used or till time permits. (Low A1,Mid A1)
1. ‘Sing the next line’ activity.
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Language
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 2 Student’s Book (page 93) and Teacher’s Book
(pages 138 &139), RI Toolkit, Phonics Wheel, Printable Resource #7 #8 #9 #10
Assessment: Presentation


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Reading
Focus(RI): Vocabulary
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 3.2
Learning Standard: 3.2.2, 3.2.1
Learning Standard (RI): -
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
2. Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. understand the words. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1))
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can compare people and sports.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. spell at least 5 words. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. Present the new vocabulary using flashcards. Pupils listen, point and repeat for
Vocabulary (CD 2– Track 54) in the Student’s Book. Say the words in random order and have
pupils repeat and point.
Lesson development:
1. Pupils listen to the CD (CD2 – Track 55) and read (Activity 1).
2. Ask pupils to discuss in groups the best title for this story. Extend by asking them to give
reasons for their answer. (21st CA)
3. Pupils read again and act out the story in group (Activity 2). (CBA)
4. Pupils look at the grammar box. Read the sentences/words and have pupils repeat them.
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Memorising games:
Students in pairs. Using My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1),
students take turns looking at a word and saying it out loud, covering the word and writing
the word in their exercise book. Students exchange exercise books to check the spelling of
the words from My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1)
2. Against the Clock:
Student 1 in both groups is given 2 minutes to memorise the words in My words 2 and
whispers it to the next student, who whispers it to the next student until it reaches the last
student. The last student of each group writes the words on a piece of paper. Groups
exchange worksheets to check if all the words are spelled correctly. The group that
completes first with all correct answers wins. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
1. Play a mime game to review vocabulary and concepts covered in this lesson. (HOTS)
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Language
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activities 1 & 3 Student’s Book (page 94) and Teacher’s
Book (pages 140 & 141), Flash cards, RI Toolkit, My words 1, My words 2, My words 3,
Printable Resource #14 #15 #16
Assessment: Role Play


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Writing
Focus(RI): Grammar
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 4.2
Learning Standard: 4.2.2, 4.2.5
Learning Standard (RI): -
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Make and respond to simple offers and invitations
2. Connect sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic coordinating conjunctions and
reference pronouns
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. use Prepositions of place correctly. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. use Present continuous statements (be + -ing) correctly. (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can plan a fun mini competition
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. answer at least 3 questions about Prepositions of place. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. answer at least 3 questions of Present continuous statements (be + -ing) (Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 7: BEAT THE TEACHER- To create interest in the lesson.
Lesson development:
1. Pupils plan fun mini competitions/challenges for a class ‘activities day’ in groups (e.g. to
see who can make the tallest tower out of books). (21st CA)
2. Ask pupils to give a name to their activity.
3. Show pupils the model invitation to support them in writing their own invitations to their
classmates to take part in their competition(s).
4. The competitions take place and pupils work in groups to organise their findings and
prepare a very short report on them (in a short paragraph). (CBA) (non-remedial)
5. Collect the reports and provide feedback. (HOTS) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Student in pairs. Each gets a ‘Spot On’ Sheet 1A & 1B (Pre A1)/ Spot On’ Sheet 2A & 2B
(Low A1)/ Spot On’ Sheet 3A & 3B(Mid A1) with missing information Student A asks Student
B (Where is the ball?). Student B looks at his/her sheet and answers. Students take turns to
complete the activity.
1. Reviews recent learning and asks pupils to reflect on their learning in this sequence of
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 1: Provide clear instruction of literacy components
RI 3. Embed visual and verbal resources in lessons to support student learning
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids: Develop some materials or bring some resources to this lesson. A model
invitation, A model report, RI Toolkit, Spot On 1 A & 1 B, Spot On 2A & 2B, Spot On 3A & 3B,
Printable Resource #20 #21 #22
Assessment: Simple Project


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Listening
Focus(RI): Listening
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 1.2, 4.3
Learning Standard: 1.2.2, 4.3.3
Learning Standard (RI):
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of very simple phrases and
sentences (Pre A1)
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple sentences (Low A1)
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts (Mid
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts
2. Produce a plan or draft of one paragraph for a familiar topic and modify this appropriately
in response to feedback
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. Understand at least 5 very simple phrases and sentences (Pre A1)
2. Understand at least 5 simple sentences (Low A1)
3. Understand the short simple texts (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can write a paragraph about a sport they like
or dislike.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. read aloud at least 5 simple phrases/sentences/texts. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 6: FINGER-WRITING- to review sports vocabulary.
Lesson development:
1. Pupils listen to the three interviews (CD2 – Track 56) and complete the activity in the
book. (HOTS)
2. Review the language in the Grammar Box in the Student’s Book on pages 93 and 95. Show
an example of a paragraph to describe a sport you like or dislike using these adjectives.
3. Ask pupils to write a paragraph about a sport they like or dislike. Encourage pupils to use
the language in the Grammar Box. (CBA)
4. Pupils read to the class. (21st CA) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students in 2 groups. Phrases are placed in various sections of the class (or pasted on the
walls). Students in each group take turns reading a phrase, run back to the team and
whisper it to the scribe (another student) to write it down. The student who has read the
phrase becomes the scribe while another student read the next phrase. The game continues
till all phrases are read and written or till time permits. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
1. Offer feedback on pupils’ writing and on the process of self-editing.
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 1: Provide clear instruction of literacy components
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 4 Student’s Book (page 95) and Teacher’s Book
(pages 140 & 141), A sample paragraph about a sport you like or dislike, RI Toolkit, Running
Dictation & Whisper 1,2,3, Printable Resource #4 #5 #6
Assessment: Exercise Book


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Speaking
Focus(RI): Phonics
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 2.1, 1.2
Learning Standard: 2.1.5, 1.2.2
Learning Standard (RI):
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high-frequency target
language phonemes(Pre A1)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Describe people, and objects using suitable statements
2. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. Understand and read aloud the /ɔ:/ (or) words (Pre A1)
2. Understand and read aloud the /əʊ/ (o_e) words(Low A1)
3. Understand and read aloud the /nt/ (nt)words (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can compare people and sports.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. read aloud at least 5 /ɔ:/ (or) words (Pre A1)
2. read aloud at least 5 /əʊ/ (o_e) words(Low A1)
3. read aloud at least 5 /nt/ (nt)words (Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. Review adjectives from previous lessons and review/introduce their superlative forms in a
game such as a matching activity.
Lesson development:
1. Review the reading lesson text. (HOTS)
2. Listen to the CD2 (Track 57) and play the memory game (Activity 5).
3. Draw pupils’ attention to the change from sport to person (high jump – high jumper;
windsurfing – windsurfer; javelin – javelin thrower). (21st CA) (CBA)
4. Add other characters in the story for this game, e.g. Greg and Carlos.(non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students roll the dice and read the words that correspond to the number on the dice. (Pre
A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
1. TASK 3: TEST MY FRIENDS- To review topic vocabulary or language
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Language
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 5 Student’s Book (page 95) and Teacher’s Book
(page 141), RI Toolkit, Roll and Read ‘or’, Roll and Read ‘o_e’, Roll and Read ‘nt', Printable
Resource #11 #12 #13
Assessment: Exercise Book


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Speaking
Focus(RI): Vocabulary
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 3.2
Learning Standard: 3.2.2, 3.2.1
Learning Standard (RI):
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high-frequency target
language phonemes(Pre A1)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
2. Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. understand the words. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can talk about sport and sport equipment.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. spell at least 5 words (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 5: SIT DOWN, STAND UP- To review topic vocabulary.
Lesson development:
1. Tell pupils they will read about three sports. Put the pictures on the board and elicit what
pupils already know about them. (HOTS)
2. Pupils listen to the CD (CD2 – Track 59) and read.
3. Check detailed understanding by asking comprehension questions following the relevant
instructions in the Teacher’s Book for Activity 1.
4. Pupils check their answers and respond to a gist question. (CBA)
5. Ask pupils for their experiences and opinions of these three sports. (21st CA) (non-
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Memorising games:
Students in pairs. Using My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1),
students take turns looking at a word and saying it out loud, covering the word and writing
the word in their exercise book. Students exchange exercise books to check the spelling of
the words from My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1)
2. Against the Clock:
Student 1 in both groups is given 2 minutes to memorise the words in My words 2 and
whispers it to the next student, who whispers it to the next student until it reaches the last
student. The last student of each group writes the words on a piece of paper. Groups
exchange worksheets to check if all the words are spelled correctly. The group that
completes first with all correct answers wins. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 3. Embed visual and verbal resources in lessons to support student learning
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Global Sustainability
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 1 Student’s Book (page 96) and Teacher’s Book
(page 142), Pictures of the sports in the texts, Sports flashcards, Sports equipment, RI
Toolkit, My words 1,2,3, Printable Resource #14 #15 #16
Assessment: Exercise Book


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Speaking
Focus(RI): Vocabulary
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst
Content Standard: 3.2
Learning Standard: 3.2.2, 3.2.1
Learning Standard (RI):
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high-frequency target
language phonemes(Pre A1)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
2. Understand the main idea of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. understand the words. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can talk about sport and sport equipment.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. spell at least 5 words (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 5: SIT DOWN, STAND UP- To review topic vocabulary.
Lesson development:
1. Tell pupils they will read about three sports. Put the pictures on the board and elicit what
pupils already know about them. (HOTS)
2. Pupils listen to the CD (CD2 – Track 59) and read.
3. Check detailed understanding by asking comprehension questions following the relevant
instructions in the Teacher’s Book for Activity 1.
4. Pupils check their answers and respond to a gist question. (CBA)
5. Ask pupils for their experiences and opinions of these three sports. (21st CA) (non-
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Memorising games:
Students in pairs. Using My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1),
students take turns looking at a word and saying it out loud, covering the word and writing
the word in their exercise book. Students exchange exercise books to check the spelling of
the words from My words 1(Pre A1)/ My words 1(Low A1)/ My words 3(Mid A1)
2. Against the Clock:
Student 1 in both groups is given 2 minutes to memorise the words in My words 2 and
whispers it to the next student, who whispers it to the next student until it reaches the last
student. The last student of each group writes the words on a piece of paper. Groups
exchange worksheets to check if all the words are spelled correctly. The group that
completes first with all correct answers wins. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 3. Embed visual and verbal resources in lessons to support student learning
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Global Sustainability
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 1 Student’s Book (page 96) and Teacher’s Book
(page 142), Pictures of the sports in the texts, Sports flashcards, Sports equipment, RI
Toolkit, My words 1,2,3, Printable Resource #14 #15 #16
Assessment: Exercise Book


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Writing
Focus(RI): Grammar
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / the most + adjective
Content Standard: 4.2,3.2
Learning Standard: 4.2.4, 3.2.2
Learning Standard (RI): -
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Describe people and objects using suitable statements
2. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. use Prepositions of place correctly. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. use Present continuous statements (be + -ing) correctly. (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can write about a sport which is popular in
their school.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. answer at least 3 questions about Prepositions of place. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. answer at least 3 questions of Present continuous statements (be + -ing) (Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 7: BEAT THE TEACHER- To create interest in the lesson.
Lesson development:
1. Pupils plan fun mini competitions/challenges for a class ‘activities day’ in groups (e.g. to
see who can make the tallest tower out of books). (21st CA)
2. Ask pupils to give a name to their activity.
3. Show pupils the model invitation to support them in writing their own invitations to their
classmates to take part in their competition(s).
4. The competitions take place and pupils work in groups to organise their findings and
prepare a very short report on them (in a short paragraph). (CBA) (non-remedial)
5. Collect the reports and provide feedback. (HOTS) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students in pairs. Each gets a Noughts & Crosses sheet. Students take turns selecting a
picture card and describing it. For each correct description, they cross (x) or circle (o) the
Noughts & Crosses sheet until they complete a row. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
1. Reviews recent learning and asks pupils to reflect on their learning in this sequence of
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 1: Provide clear instruction of literacy components
RI 3. Embed visual and verbal resources in lessons to support student learning
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Patriotism
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 2 Student’s Book (page 97) and Teacher’s Book
(page 143), Sports flashcards, True/false memory quiz, RI Toolkit, Picture Cards 1,2,3,
Noughts & Crosses Sheet, Printable Resource #23 #24 #25
Assessment: Quiz


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 9 Get Active!
Focus: Writing
Focus(RI): Grammar
Grammar/ Language Focus: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / the most + adjective
Content Standard: 4.2,3.2
Learning Standard: 4.2.4, 3.2.2
Learning Standard (RI): -
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
1. Describe people and objects using suitable statements
2. Understand specific information and details of simple texts of one or two paragraphs
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils will be able to:
1. use Prepositions of place correctly. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. use Present continuous statements (be + -ing) correctly. (Mid A1)
Success Criteria:
By the end of the lesson, pupils can: 1. Pupils can write about a sport which is popular in
their school.
By the end of the lesson, the RI pupils can:
1. answer at least 3 questions about Prepositions of place. (Pre A1,Low A1)
2. answer at least 3 questions of Present continuous statements (be + -ing) (Mid A1)
Teaching and Learning Activities:
1. TASK 7: BEAT THE TEACHER- To create interest in the lesson.
Lesson development:
1. Pupils plan fun mini competitions/challenges for a class ‘activities day’ in groups (e.g. to
see who can make the tallest tower out of books). (21st CA)
2. Ask pupils to give a name to their activity.
3. Show pupils the model invitation to support them in writing their own invitations to their
classmates to take part in their competition(s).
4. The competitions take place and pupils work in groups to organise their findings and
prepare a very short report on them (in a short paragraph). (CBA) (non-remedial)
5. Collect the reports and provide feedback. (HOTS) (non-remedial)
15-Minutes Remedial Lesson Instructions:
1. Students in pairs. Each gets a Noughts & Crosses sheet. Students take turns selecting a
picture card and describing it. For each correct description, they cross (x) or circle (o) the
Noughts & Crosses sheet until they complete a row. (Pre A1,Low A1,Mid A1)
1. Reviews recent learning and asks pupils to reflect on their learning in this sequence of
Remedial Instruction Strategy:
RI 1: Provide clear instruction of literacy components
RI 3. Embed visual and verbal resources in lessons to support student learning
RI 4: Encourage peer-assisted learning opportunities
RI 7: Encourage collaborative small-group learning opportunities
Remedial: Pupils do activities with guidance.
Reinforcement: Worksheet for reinforcement.
Enrichment: Worksheet for enrichment.
Cross-Curricular Element: Patriotism
Teaching Aids: Get Smart Plus 4 Activity 2 Student’s Book (page 97) and Teacher’s Book
(page 143), Sports flashcards, True/false memory quiz, RI Toolkit, Picture Cards 1,2,3,
Noughts & Crosses Sheet, Printable Resource #23 #24 #25
Assessment: Quiz


_____ / 5 pupils achieved the learning objectives and were given enrichment exercises.
_____ / 15 pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and given
reinforcement exercises.
_____ / 9 RI pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives. Pupils who were not able
to achieve the learning objectives will give remedial exercises.

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