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Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

Práctica 05 – Inglés
The Present Simple Affirmative vs the Present Continuous
The Present Simple Affirmative

To state actions that habitually happen, are generally true, or fact.


He/She/It Plural Verb Spelling Rules

05 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

1 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022


• You study English every week.

• Peruvians play soccer and volleyball.
• The Earth revolves around the Sun.

The Present Continuous Affirmative

To state an action that is happening now.


Verb -ing Spelling Rules

Inglés 2
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022


• I am talking at the moment.

• You are listening now.

Key Words to Differentiate

Time Expression

Present Simple Present Continuous

Adverbs of Frequency

Present Simple
05 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

3 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

Stative Verbs

Present Simple

Exclamation Point!

Present Continuous

It is used to indicate surprise towards an action happening now.

Listen! John is playing the piano in the living room.

Inglés 4
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

I. Find the plural verbs in the word search.

05 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

5 Inglés
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

II. Find the -ing verbs in the word search.

Inglés 6
Ciclo Superintensivo 2022

III. Complete with the correct present simple affirmative or present continuous
affirmative form.

1. I ____________________ (run) in the mornings.

2. Look! The airplane ____________________ (fly) over us.

3. Japanese people ____________________ (wear) kimonos.

4. They _________________ (cut) the grass at the moment.

5. Robert never ____________________ (pay) with a credit card.

6. Frankie ____________________ (want) a bicycle for Christmas.

7. Ashley ____________________ (tidy) her room every weekend.

8. COVID-19 ____________________ (spread) through the respiratory route (both droplet

and aerosol), after an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

9. My mom always ____________________ (cry) in romantic movies.

10. Now, the students ____________________ (practice) the alphabet.

05 Ing Sup 22 1.pmd

7 Inglés

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