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INTRODUCTION OF Religions of the World:

1. Christianity
SPIRITUAL NURSING  Three main divisions:
a. Roman Catholic
Considerations: b. Eastern Orthodox
 Cultural sensitivity c. Protestant faiths
 Individuality  Largest religion in the world
 Open mindedness  2.3B total population
 Observe verbal and nonverbal cues  Bible-based practices
 Empathy and respect  Believes in 3 divine person:
a. God the Father,
Spirituality b. Son,
 Latin word “spiritus,” which c. and Holy Spirit
means “breath”  Issues of Concern:
 A search for what is sacred in life,  Birth: infants must be
one’s deepest values, along with a baptized soon after birth.
relationship with God, or a higher  Death is viewed as a
power, that transcends the self transition to a life with God
 Believe in eternal life
Religion  Sacrament/Anointing of
 Organizes the spiritual experiences the sick: administered by
of a group of people into a system the priest to patients who
of beliefs and practices are ill and conscious; may
 As a set of beliefs, rituals and also be performed after
practices, usually embodied within death
an institution or an organization  Birth control: natural
family planning is the only
Difference between religion and acceptable method of birth
spirituality: control
Religion Spirituality  Organ donation:
Community focused Individualistic donation and transplants
focused are acceptable
Observable, Less visible,  Sterilization is
measurable, measurable, forbidden unless for
objective subjective medical reasons
Formal, orthodox, Less formal,  Jehovah’s Witnesses
organized unorthodox believe that it is against
Behavior-oriented, Emotionally- God’s will to receive blood
outwarded practices oriented, inward and, therefore, they
directed refuse blood
“Good/evil” doctrine Non-doctrine transfusion, often even if
oriented it is their own blood.
Authority-directed Self-directed  Members of the Iglesia Ni
Religious practices Spiritual practices Cristo do not eat
such as prayer, such as meditating, “dinuguan” or food mixed
reading the listening to music, with blood because
Quran/Bible/Torah and hiking accordingly, the Lord God
prohibited His servants to
do so.
 Members Church of God
(MCGI)/Dating Daan
also bans going to the
movies and drinking
alcoholic beverages, and
women are prohibited from
wearing make-up, wearing
pants and tight shirts, and
cutting their hair.
 Seventh-day Adventists
refrain from eating pork
because God has revealed based are forbidden.
that it is not good for food. May recommend
They are distinguished by gelatin-free
its observance of Saturday, alternatives. If none
the seventh day of the are available, the drug
week in Christian and may be used but his
Jewish calendars, as the should be explained to
Sabbath. the patient to help
them make correct
2. Islam decisions.
 Second largest  Medications during
 1.9B population Ramadan:
 Believes only on one God,  Eye drops, ear drops,
Allah dental care - yes
 Emphasized equality of the  Inhalers, nebulizer
races and social classes and treatments, nasal
attempts to promote spray - yes
brotherhood for all  Immunization,
 Issues of Concern: insulin injections -
 Diet yes
 Only eats Halal foods  IV Fluids - no
(no animal fats, pork,  Donating Blood - no
byproducts of pork and  Oral medications -
any animals that have no
not been slaughtered  Privacy and Dress
according to Islamic  It is best that they be
custom) cared for by a
 During Ramadan. May healthcare professional
result to significant of the same gender. If
health problems this is impossible, a
(Diabetics) female staff or
 Refrain from full patient’s relative
observance due to should always be
their health status present.
 Family  Request permission
 Behavior and acts of before uncovering any
individual or family are part of the body.
greatly influenced by  Language
the spouse, children  Best practice is to have
and relatives. Arabic or Urdu
 They are often speaking professional
consulted in all in the hospitals, and
important decisions. should have Muslim
 Health VS Illness chaplains be made
 Taking care of one’s available anytime to
health is a religious patients.
duty  Other Considerations:
 Spiritual needs may  Cremation is forbidden.
take precedence over Organ donation is not
physical needs permitted.
 Muslim patients believe  Contraception is
illness, suffering, pain permitted. Abortion is
and dying as a test prohibited.
from God and  Privacy must be provided
perceives illness as a for prayer.
trial by which one’s  The QUR-AN should not
sins are removed. be touched by anyone
 Medications ritually unclean, and
 Medications that nothing must be placed on
contain alcohol, top of it. Muslim women
gelatin, and pork-
usually wear clothing that toilets to assist with
covers the entire body. washing
 Older Hindus may
3. Hinduism prefer to shower after
 1.1B population defecation
 Many are vegetarians  Oral hygiene usually
because most believe that done immediately after
eating meat involves harming a waking up but should
living creature also be informed of the
 Illness or disease is seen as benefit of brushing
the result of the misuse of the teeth after eating.
body or a consequence of sin
committed in a previous life 4. Buddhism
 Issues of Concern:  521M population
 Diet  Do not believe in healing
 Are strict vegetarians through faith
 They believe in non-  Believe spiritual peace and
violence which extends liberation from anxiety through
to animals following Buddha’s
 Cows are considered teachings are important in
sacred and pigs are promoting health and recovery
considered “unclean”  Believe that illness or disease is
 They do not eat from due to an imbalance in yin
plates or utensils that and yang
have previously been  Diet
used to serve meat.  Yin foods are those that
 Decision-making generate cold or cool
 Elder family members energy in the body such
have a strong influence as watermelon, bitter
on decision-making gourd, crab and most
related to health green vegetables
 Medication  Yang foods such as red
 May use a variety of meat, ginger, pepper and
“Ayurvedic garlic, generate warm or
medicines” hot energy
 World’s oldest holistic  Issues of Concern:
(whole body) healing  Post Mortem Care
 It is based on the  Body should not be
belief that health and moved for at least 72
wellness depend on a hours
delicate balance  Believes in rebirth or
between the mind, reincarnation
body, and spirit. Its  No prohibitions on
main goal is to healthcare practices
promote good health,  Believes in karma
not fight disease.  Believes that death is
 Eldest woman is their fate
considered the authority on  Contraception is
health and healing matters allowed but no
 Ayurvedic medicine condoms and other
follows principles of “hot” natural method
and “cold” to balance the
diet as needed for the
season and the disease
 Hygiene
 Patient may request
beaker of water be
made available when
they use bedpan and

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