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LP 1 - THE Conflict and its types

Technical Writing (Cagayan State University)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

English Grade 7
Prepared by: Faith Irene O. Tangonan

I. Objectives:
At the end of a 60-minute discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Define conflict;
b. Identify the conflict in a literary piece; and
c. Discover how a conflict can be resolved in a non-violent way.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: “Discover the Conflicts Presented in Literary Selections and the Need to Resolve
the Conflicts in Non-Violent Ways” (EN&LT-II-a-4)
English 7 Fourth Quarter Learning Activity Sheet

PPT presentation, images from google, Quizizz


III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Introduction
Good day everyone! Before we start with our Good Morning Ma’am
lesson, I want to introduce myself first. I am
your teacher Faith Irene Tangonan from
Bangan, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan, I am a
teacher intern or practice teacher from
Cagayan State University, currently taking up
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in
English. I am assigned to your class as your
practice teacher for English 7.

Before we start, let’s have a prayer first. Amen.

Again, good day class! Before we proceed,
may I check your attendance.

You have a perfect attendance today. That’s Yes ma’am

good, please maintain that practice!

B. Review
Okay, may we have a recap of the previous (sharing)

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topic presented? Anyone from the group who

wants to share?

Okay, very good! It seems that you interacted

well with your previous lesson and I hope
you’ll do the same today.
C. Motivation
Now class, look at this picture,
(Confused about which dircetion to take)

He is confused about which direction to

What does the character try to show? Or what
can you say about him?

Yes! Precisely! The boy is quite confused

about which direction he is going to take. He The boy is struggling with how he will
needs to choose between the those ways so he stop his parents from arguing.
has to make a decision.

How about this one? (Parents arguing)

The area is flooded

Yes! The child is confused and struggling

with how he will stop his parents from
arguing or fighting.

And, how about this?

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Absolutely! The area is flooded and the

civilians badly need help. Good thing, the PROBLEM
rescuers are there to help them.

Okay, so after seeing those 3 pictures, let’s
have some guessing game. You need to guess
these words and/or phrases that are
particularly associated with the pictures I OPPOSING FORCES
have shown a while back.

1. One word. Starts with the letter P,

ends with the letter M and consists of
7 letters. TENSION

2. One word. Starts with the letter S, CONFLICT

ends with the letter E, and consists of
8 letters.

3. A two-word phrase. Starts with O and

F, ends with G and S. First word
consists of 8 letters, and the second Problem, struggle)
word consists of 6.

4. One word. Starts with T and ends with

N with 7 letters.

Now, using these 3 words and 1 phrase, can

you sum them up to come up with only one
word? It begins with the letter C and ends
with T, consisting of 8 letters.

Yes! Very good! It’s CONFLICT and that will

be our lesson for today.

D. Discussion
So, what do we mean by CONFLICT?

Yes. Conflict, as one of the elements of a

story, is a STRUGGLE between two

When we say struggle, it is a forceful effort to

reach an objective. And when we say External conflict and Internal Conflict
opposing forces, it means, contradicting or

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According to, in literature, a

conflict provides crucial tension in any story
and is used to reveal deeper meaning in a
narrative while highlighting the character’s
motivations, values, and weaknesses.

Conflict is an important element in the study

of stories, novels, plays, movies, etc. And it
has two categories namely

Internal conflict is when a character struggles

with their own opposing desires or beliefs. It
happens within them, and it drives their
development as a character.

External conflict sets a character against

something or someone beyond their control.
External forces stands in the way of a
character’s motivations and create a tension
as the character tries to reach their goals.

What are the two categories of conflict again?

Yes. Take not class that when we say internal,

the conflict is happening inside the body and
if external, the conflict is outside the body.
For example, in this picture that I have shown
awhile back (parent arguing) since the
character is in conflict with the other
character, this fall on EXTERNAL

And in here, (picture of the undecided boy)

since the character is in conflict with himself,

Moreover, Literary Conflicts has 6 types.

1. Character vs. self, in which a
character faces an internal struggle.
Ex. Your friend offered an ice cream
and an apple yet you have to choose
only one among the two. Considering
that an apple is healthier because you
can gain vitamin and mineral from it,
Student N will enumerate
yet, since the wheater is hot, so you
also want to be refreshed by eating ice
cream. So, the conflict between
yourself is there. Your own thought is

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opposing within you.

2. Character vs. character, in which two
(or more) characters are in conflict.
This is a common type of conflict and
may be depicted as a straight-forward
fist-fight or if the character’s wants
and needs are in odd with another’s. In
here, the character is opposing with
another character. For example, in the
story of Romeo and Juliet. They
weren’t battled against their family, IC – character vs self
instead, they faught for their love by
getting married secretly.
3. Character vs. nature, in which the EC – character vs nature
conflict is rooted in a natural
phenomenon. This can mean the EC – character vs supernatural
weather, wilderness, or natural
4. Character vs. supernatural, in which a IC
character faces supernatural forces.
This can be against gods, ghosts, or IC
monster. For example, in the epic
poem. Beowulf wherein Beowulf EC – character vs supernatural
battled with the monstrous creature
named Grendel IC
5. Character vs. society, in which
conflict comes from an unjust social
climate. For example, in the story of EC – character vs character
The Bench where the white
discriminates the black. (racism)
6. Character vs. technology, in which the IC
conflict is rooted in science. It is when
a character is facing a machines or
robots and must prevail against the IC

So, that are the 6 types of Literary Conflicts.

Who can enumerate it all?

Now, who wants to share some conflicts you

encountered today and try to tell which type
of conflicts it belong?
Yes ma’am

E. Analysis None ma’am

Very good class! I am very pleased

with your active participation. Now let’s It is a struggle between two opposing
have some exercises for you to master more forces.
our topic.
The two categories of conflicts are the
Directions: Identify the following. Write IC” External and Internal conflict. External is
if it is an internal conflict and “EC” if it is an when the conflict happen outside the body

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external conflict and then identify what type and internal when the conflict happen
of conflict it is. outside the body.

____1. Patrick was uncertain if he should

choose the red team or the blue team for the

____2. I screamed as the tree crashed into the

roof and into my bedroom!

____3. The swarm of bees flew straight

towards Alex and he ran as fast as he could.

____4. Jamie knew that she should tell the

truth, but didn’t want to hurt her brother.

____5. Sam felt the pressure of doing his best

in the game and he became very nervous.

____6. The little girl was struggling to swim

and her head began to go under the water.

____7. Joe’s thoughts went towards

tomorrow’s test and he wondered if he should

____8. Katie slammed her books onto her

older brother’s fingers because he was teasing

____9. I am not sure whether to buy the blue

shoes or the pink jacket with my allowance.

____10. Tom’s mind began to raise as he

thought about all of the people he would let
down if he didn’t earn the money for the

Okay, let’s view the leaderboard.

Congratulations to student N for gaining the
highest score of __. And congrats also to
everyone for participating. You are all great!

F. Generalization
It seems that you have already understood it
well. Am I right, class?

Are you sure? Is there any questions

regarding our topic?

If that so, let’s have a wrap-up.

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Now, what do we mean by conflict again?

Yes, very good! It is a literary device

characterized by a struggle between two
opposing forces. And take note that conflict is
important in a lstory because for most of the
time, it makes the reader more interested
because of the tension it brought. It simply
hooked the readers as they discover which
character will prevail.

Lastly, conflict is an important element to any

stories for it not just make the plot exciting
and interesting, but also, it reveals opposing
beliefs and truths about life that readers can
relate to it.

In actually, conflict is not always bad and

does not have to result in violence. It is part
of everyday life and cannot be avoided.
However, whether a conflict escalates, ends
negatively, or resolved, it is entirely based on
the character’s choice. And that choice will
reveal the character’s belief, values, attitudes
and feelings. Most often than not, his/her
response to a conflict determines how a
situation end.

G. Application
Directions:Discover the problem in the
story, then identify the type of conflict.

1. After breaking her mother’s favorite vase,

Casey struggles to decide whether she
should tell her mother the truth or attempt
to hide her mistake and blame the family
Man vs. Self

2. Kiko is ninja warrior trained by Mountain

Master YohoMahrati. When Master
Mahrati was slain by Shan Bhutan of the
Lotus Clan in the most cowardly of
fashions, Kiko lays it all on the line to
avenge the death of his master. Will Kiko
overcome Shan Bhutan and the powerful
Lotus Clan?
Man vs. Man

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3. It’s the year 3030 and society is

completely dependent on computers and
robots. A young boy named Domino is
flying his hovering board to school when
all the machine starts attacking people
due to a powerful computer virus. What
will Domino do now that the machines
that are supposed to help him have turned
against him?
Man vs. Technology
4. Brian has the best dog in the world. In
fact, he has one of the only dogs in the
world. That’s because dogs are not
allowed in Brian’s world, where people
believe that dogs spread diseases. Brian’s
dog will be executed if he is caught. Soon
Brian learns a mysterious underground
dog owners club and joined, he fight to
legalize dogs. Can Brian and his new
friends prove to the world that dogs are
safe and friendly?
Man vs. Society

5. Janie is on a white-water-rafting trip

along a choppy river when their guide
suddenly has a heart attack. Now she and
the other passengers must learn to work
together to survive the treacherous rapids.
As if things weren’t bad enough, some of
the passengers have spotted a bear
following the confused rafters along the
shore. Will Janie make it home safely?
Man vs. Nature

6. Jimmy and Eric compete for the same

position on the baseball team.
Man vs. Man
7. Alexa caught her friend Jamie stealing
from a classmate. Now Alexa must
choose between keeping her friendship
with Jamie and doing the right thing.
Man vs. Self

8. Vanessa makes an art project protesting

police brutality. Her art teacher loves the
project and tries to feature it in the town
art show, but the country commission
rejects her project. Now Vanessa and her

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art teacher are going to fight for the

freedom of expression.
Man vs. Society
9. Tara and her friends accept a dare to
sleepover in the old abandoned house in
the hill. They acted brave at first, but
when they started seeing ghosts they tried
to run.
Trapped in the haunted house, Tara and
her friends struggle to escape with their
Man vs. Supernatural
10. Bob is a salesman who never adapted to
the new ways of doing business. Now he
has a new boss who forces Bob to send
text messages and emails. Bob struggles to
use these technologies and fears that he
will lose his job. But maybe some help
from his youngest son will help Bob catch
up to the pace of business today.
Man vs. Technology

Directions: Look at these illustrations closely, then answer the following questions.

1. Which characters seem to have some trouble? Why?

2. What is the conflict as shown in the pictures above? Explain.
3. What could have caused their trouble?
4. How will you solve this kind of conflict?
5. In life, when does the conflict arise?

DIRECTIONS: Read the following selection and answer the question that

Dan and Jess were best of friends. Both excelled in their academics. They always
help each other both in school and personal problems. Dan’s parents were rich while

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Jess’ are very poor that they had financial diffuclties in sending all their children to
school. But this doesn’t hinder Jess in pursuing his studies and doing his best.
However, one day, Dan’s parents told him to stop befriending Jess since he is just
after his money and whatever help he can give.

1. What do you think Dan will do?

2. What will Jess feel upon hearing this?
3. What type of conflict is presented in this scenario?
4. Write a simple dialogue between Dan and Jess as they work to peacefully resolve
the conflict.


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