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Mayana, Jagna, Bohol

Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS)

Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
Quarter 2 Diocese of Tagbilaran MRS. CEBIDAN
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Score: ____________________
Grade/Section: Grade X- St. Michael the Archangel Date: _____________________
Subject: Mathematics X
Activity Type: Active Learning Control No. 5
Activity Title : Identifying and Describing Terms Related to Circle
Learning Competency: Derives inductively the relations among chords, arcs, central angles and inscribed angles
Learning Target : To identify and describe terms related to circle.
References : Learner’s Material for Mathematics Grade 10

What difficulty do you think would you experience without circles? Have you ever thought of the importance of circles in the field of
transportation, industries, sports, navigation, carpentry, and in your daily life?
As you go through this lesson, think of this important question: “ How do the relationships among chords, arcs, and central angles of a
circle facilitate finding solutions to real-life problems and making decisions?”

Know My Terms and Conditions...

Use the figure below to identify and name the following terms related to ⊙ A. Write your answer(s) on the space provided.

____________________1. A radius ________________5. A minor arc

____________________2. A diameter ________________6. A major arc
____________________3. A chord ________________7. 2 central angles
____________________4. A semi-circle ________________8. 2 inscribed angles

Terms Related to Circles Description

1. radius
2. diameter
3. chord
4. semicircle
5. minor arc
6. major arc
7. central angle
8. inscribed angle

School Philosophy: San Miguel Academy is a member of Bohol Association of Catholic Schools that aims for the holistic development of the students, teachers, and staff guided by strong foundation of moral and spiritual
values for the welfare of the school and the community.
School Vision: We envision San Miguel Academy as Christ- centered Catholic Institution recognized for its diversity and academic excellence of each individual in becoming faithful servants in the school and in the
School Mission: San Miguel Academy is committed to educate students in all faith in a Christ- centered Catholic environment and uplift variety of skills according to the needs of the students.
Core Values: Christ- Centered, perseverance, patriotism, diversity

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