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The Phenomena of Biotechnology

-We live in wondrous world of inventions created by humans to make our lives better. (machines,
devices, gadgets, electronics). These inventions came about as a result of using the materials found in
nature through the understanding of the laws of physics. Using laws of nature particularly those of
physical science to create devices is called technology.

- Technology began when humans picked up stones and sticks for use as crude implements to dig in the
earth or to use as weapons.

- Later they learned that the sticks and stones could be altered and shaped to provide a sharper edge or
a better handle.

- Somewhere in time, they began to study why matter and energy behaved in particular manner. This
began the study of the laws of physics.( fire, gravity, friction, electricity, heat, leverage and inertia)

- Physical laws were put into use by combining materials and energy in the right way to produce
different devices and machines.

- There are still many facets about physics that we do not understand, but humans have been able to
make tremendous use of the laws we understand and even many of those we do not.

- Just as we pondered, studied and understood the laws of physics, we are now in the age of beginning
to understand the laws of biology.

- The laws of physics have been used more by scientists to create changes in the living organisms. Much
of the reason for this is that higher- ordered living organisms are tremendously more complicated than
machines governed by the laws of physics.

- It is impossible for most people to comprehend how these devices operate. Yet even the most
advanced computer and network applications are simplistic compared to the operation of the body of a
mammal or the functions of all the systems of a corn plant.

- The principles behind the most simple of bodily functions have eluded the understanding of research
scientists for many years. (Animals breed to produce young and seeds are planted to obtain new crops,
young animals, resembled their parents.)

- However, until relatively recent times, people had no idea how this process worked. Although many
theories were formulated, it was simply referred to as “the great miracle of life”.

- In the middle 1800s, Gregor Mendel developed the first theory of gene transfer that was usable to

- Over the years, the theory was used to make advances in plants and animals used in agriculture. Yet it
was not until the latter part of the twentieth century that scientists began to understand how the
process of gene transfer functioned.

- Scientists are just now unlocking the secrets of nature- and we are still far from completely
understanding how living organisms operates.

- Unlocking the secrets of living organisms has been extremely difficult for several reasons- A. )They
must begin with the systems that already operate in a tremendously complicated manner. B.) Many
times, each bodily function of an organism must rely on other functions to operate properly. Example:
nutrient metabolism directly impacts everything from growth and energy to reproduction.
- Through biotechnology, scientists and engineers work to improve agricultural systems, health care and
environmental sustainability.

- In order to harness biological systems and living organisms for the purposes, scientists have learned to
modify basic processes inside cells through genetic engineering.

Defining Biotechnology
- is the manipulation of living organisms or parts of organisms to make products useful to
humans. (Generally includes working with a whole plant or animal and all the systems that make
up an organism.)
- it is using knowledge of cells to modify their activities in order to make living organisms more
effective in serving people. (cells of plants or animals and may even include cells of organisms,
such as viruses that are neither plant nor animals.)
- it deals with the manipulation of the genes of organisms to alter their behavior, characteristics,
or value. (biotechnology is by far the one with the most potential and is by far the most

Reasons the development of biotechnology has been so difficult

a. Scientists use living organisms that grow and reproduce.
b. In the case of higher- ordered animals, the care and welfare of the animals have to be taken into
c. The public is very hesitant to accept organisms that were produced through means they
consider to be unnatural.

- A large part of what is described as biotechnology is that of cell and gene technology used to produce
new characteristics in plants or animals.

- The traditional breeding of plants and animals takes a tremendous amount of time because scientists
have to wait for each new generation of plants or animals in order to observe the results.

- With genetically engineered organisms, scientists can place the particular gene that controls the
desired characteristic in the precise place on the chromosome. In this way, the anticipated result can be
achieved in the next generation of plant or animals.

Bioinformatics is the use of information technology to store, analyze, sort, label, and share the many
DNA sequences, generated by genome sequencing projects.


- Today, there are over 6 billion people in the world.
- Projections are that by the year 2050, would population could approach 10 billion people.
- Most of the increase in the worlds population will come from the developing countries do not
have an adequate supply of food, lacking the caloric intake needed to sustain body weight, fight
infection and disease or carry out light activities.
- Currently, the major portion of the projected population growth is expected to take place in the
major cities in these countries, where there is no opportunity for people to grow in portion of
their own food supply.
- During the past 50 years, tremendous advances have been made in the efficiency with which we
grow food.
- Much of the increase in food productivity began in the 1970s, with what was termed the Green
- Since about the mid- 1990s, statistics have shown that the yearly rate of increase of crops is

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