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The Chess Problems Book with more than 500 Checkmate Puzzles

Natalie Agapov
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Please note the information contained within this document is for
educational and entertainment purposes only. No warranties of any kind are
expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging
in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice.
“I don’t look at computers as opponents. For me it is much more interesting
to beat humans.”
Magnus Carlsen

Learning how to play chess and becoming good at it has been one of the
most amazing things that have ever happened in my life. Chess has allowed
me to compete in different countries since I was a youngster, win many
tournaments and have an outstanding performance at school/ college/ work.
I decided to create this updated book for you, dear chess player, to help you
improve tremendously at this game and have lots of fun while doing it.
How many times has a novice chess player reduced an opponent’s forces to
a lone King yet failed to checkmate? Or how many times has a more
experienced chess player failed to win a game by not seeing a simple
checkmate sequence?
Knowing how to execute a checkmate correctly is the first milestone in a
chess player’s development. A good positional move or a well-played
opening tend to give you a small advantage. However, the reward for a
tactical blow, such as mate, is of a different magnitude.
And that is exactly what the author expects the reader to achieve.
This instructional book is intended for players of all ages and the manner in
which the material is arranged makes it particularly well-suited for young
You will find a collection of positions where one player is about to
checkmate the other. There are more than 500 carefully selected exercises,
which are divided in three categories:
Mate in 1 problems (250), mate in 2 positions (154) and mate in 3 (106).
On top of that, there is an introduction to each of these sections in which the
author gives clear examples on how to write your answers and how you can
make it simple to find the solutions for all the puzzles.
What is more, you will also find a “Hall of Fame” section, which includes
6 exercises that are well-known for their high level of challenge and
Before getting started, I must give my personal opinion and say that solving
chess puzzles is one of the most fun and effective ways to get better at chess
and I am absolutely certain that after finishing this book your chess level
will be rocking! Good luck on your journey through “Chess Exercises for

Learning chess notation is learning the language of chess and it will be

useful for the rest of your life. Fortunately, it is very simple.
In this picture from white’s perspective, you can see that each square has its
own name (coordinate).
And each piece uses an abbreviation:

King=K, Queen=Q
Knight=N, Bishop=B
Rook=R, Pawn=No notation

The bishop moved to the c4 square.
So, the notation for this move is Bc4.

The pawn moved to the g3 square.

So, the notation for this move is g3.

They are recorded using the abbreviation of the piece, the letter “x” and the
square of the captured piece.


In this position the white player

wants to take the black pawn on d4
with the knight.

In this position the white player

wants to take the black pawn on d4
with the knight.
Pawn promotion

When the pawn makes it to the end of the board to promote a new piece,
add the symbol “=“ and the abbreviated letter of the promoted piece.

The white player wants to promote

the pawn that is in b7 by moving it to

So we write down the move like this:

Other symbols:
0-0: Castle King side
0-0-0: Castle Queen side
#: Checkmate
+: Check
+-: White wins
-+: Black wins


Checkmate (Mate) is a position in which a player’s King is in check

(threatened) and there is no way to avoid the threat. Checkmating wins the

Let’s look at some mate examples.

The move Rh2# is mate. It attacks the black King and the King cannot
move to a safe square, cover himself with another piece nor capture the
attacking piece.
The move Qb7# is mate. It attacks
the King and there is no safe place to

Qxb7# is mate. The King is attacked

and cannot move. The queen is
defended by the bishop, so the King
cannot take the queen.

Bb7# is mate. The bishop attacks the

king. And it cannot move to a safe
Before getting started we’re going to do a quick exercise: you will find 6
chess positions and you have to mention if the last move is checkmate or
not. This will help you make sure that you find the correct answers in the
future puzzles.

1. Is the last move Qb7+ checkmate?

Why/why not?

2. Is the last move Rd8+ checkmate?

Why/ why not?
3. Is the last move Nf7+ checkmate? 4. Is the last move Qxf7+ checkmate?

5. Is the move Qh5+ mate? 6. Is the move g7 mate?

1. The move Qb7+ is not
checkmate. The black King can
move to the d8 square.

2. Rd8# is checkmate. The black

King cannot move to a safe square

3. Nf7# is checkmate. The knight

attacks the King and it cannot
move to a safe square.
4. The move Qxf7+ is not
checkmate. The knight on h6 can
capture the queen.

5. The move Qh5# is mate. The

black King cannot capture the
queen because the bishop defends
and there is no safe square to

6. The move g7 is not checkmate

because it does not attack the black
King. This is “stalemate”.

Time to practice!
You will find 250 positions where you have to find the one move that
checkmates the opponent.

Write down your answer using chess notation.

Double check your answers before looking at the solutions at the
Work at your own pace, there is no need to rush.
Be consistent, solve exercises every day.

1. +- clic to see answer 2. +- clic to see answer

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97. +- clic to see answer 98. +- clic to see answer

99. +- clic to see answer 100. + clic to see answer-

A quick moment of appreciation…

Many thanks and congratulations for deciding to purchase this book! We

hope you are really enjoying it. If you are, would you consider taking a
minute to write an Amazon review? Reviews are the lifeblood of our small
family’s publishing endeavors- leaving a positive review would mean the
world to us. We hope to see you again soon!

Natalie Agapov
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“Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to
forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by.”
Garry Kasparov

You will now find chess positions where you have to find the sequence of
two moves that checkmate the opponent.
Let’s look at some examples before getting started

In this position, white moves. Can you find the sequence of moves that
mates the black player?

Therefore, from the original position, the answer is: 1. Qd8, Rxd8. 2.
1. Qd8!+ Check. Then, black has
only one possible move.
1… Rxd8. The black rook captures
the queen.

2. Rxd8# Checkmate. Now, there is

no way the black King can defend
In these two positions from black’s perspective, again find the sequence of
two moves that checkmates the player with the white pieces.
Position A

1... Bh3!+ Then, white has only one

possible move.

2. Kg1. The white King can only

move to that square.

2. Rxe1# Checkmate. Now, there is

no way the white King can defend
Therefore, from the original position, the answer is: 1... Bh3. 2. Kg1,

Position B

1... Rf2!+ Then, white has only one

possible move.

2. Kg1. The white King can only

move to that square.
2. Qe1# Checkmate.

Therefore, from the original position, the answer is: 1... Rf2. 2. Kg1, Qe1#
Final examples:
Position 1: From white’s perspective: can you find the 2 moves that
checkmate the black King?

Position 2: From black’s perspective: can you find the 2 moves that
checkmate the white King?
Position 1: 1. Qxh7! (the queen takes the pawn). 1…Bxh7 (only move to
save the King). 2. Rxh7# (Mate)

Position 2: 1…Nc3!+ (Double check with the rook and the knight at the
same time, white can only move to a1 now) 2. Ka1, Rb1# Checkmate.


Use chess notation for the two sequence of moves.

When you see +-: It’s from white’s perspective.
When you see -+: It’s from black’s perspective.
Double check your answers.

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403. +- clic to see answer

404. +- clic to see answer
“Playing chess has many aspects that can be useful in everyday situations
like planning, concentration and combinations. You learn to win but also to
lose and to be creative.”
Judit Polgar

In this section you will now find chess positions where you have to find the
sequence of three moves that checkmates the opponent.

Some examples before getting started:

In this position, black moves and checkmates the player with the white pieces
in 3 moves. Can you see it?
1…Rxd1!+ (or Qxd1!+). Rxd1.

2...Rxd1+ 3. Qxd1.
3…Qxd1# Checkmate
In this next position, there is mate in 3 moves:

White wins with a beautiful sacrifice of the queen. Can you see the winning
moves? Take your time.

Qxh7!+ (sacrificing the queen, but opening the file for the rook. 1…Kxh7. 2.
Rh4+, Kg8. 3. Rh8# Checkmate.
This is what the checkmate position looks like:
Therefore, you write the final answer like this: 1. Qxh7, Kxh7. 2. Rh4, Kg8.
3. Rh8#


Use chess notation. Make sure if the problem is from white or black’s
Calculate the answers mentally. This will help you improve a lot!
Double check your answers before looking at the solutions in the back.

Have fun!
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509. -+ clic to see answer

510. +- clic to see answer
1. Qxf7. 2. Qh5. 3. Ne7. 4. b7. BACK
5. Rb8. 6. Q(g7, g8, h1, h2) 7. Bg7.
8. Nc7.
9. e5. 10. Qg7. 11. Rd8. 12. Qh8. BACK
13. g3. 14. Nd4. 15. Qd8. 16. Qd6. BACK
17. Rb8. 18. Qd7. 19. Rhc7. 20. King
21. g7. 22. Qg7. 23. Rd8. 24. Qg8. BACK
25. Bf3. 26. Raf2. 27. Rd8. 28. Rc8. BACK
29. Ng6. 30. a8=Q,R 31. Rxd8. 32.
33. Qxe6. 34. Bg6. 35. Rxg8. 36.
37. Be3. 38. Qe8. 39. Qg5. 40. Qe5. BACK
41. Nf7. 42. Re8. 43. Qd3. 44. Qh7. BACK
45. Be3. 46. Qb5. 47. Qf7. 48. Qe5. BACK
49. Re7. 50. Qh8. 51. Re8. 52. Qxf7. BACK
53. Qd5. 54. Re8. 55. Bd6. 56. Qxf7. BACK
57. d5. 58. Qd8. 59. exf7. 60. Rh7. BACK
61. Qg4. 62. Rh7. 63. Ne6. 64. Bc1. BACK
65. Qg7. 66. Nb6. 67. Qxd7. 68.
69. Qa4. 70. Qg8. 71. Qd6. 72. R1g7. BACK
73. Rf8. 74. a8=Q,R. 75. Qg5. 76.
77. Ba6. 78. Rb6. 79. Qe8. 80. Bg6. BACK
81. Qf4. 82. Qh6. 83. Raxe6. 84.
85. Rb8. 86. Qh8. 87. Qg7. 88. Qf7. BACK
89. Rc7. 90. e4. 91. Qxg7. 92. Qxb6. BACK
93. Qe7. 94. hxg5. 95. Nd7. 96. Qh6. BACK
97. Rfxf7. 98. Bg6. 99. Qdg8. 100.
101. Qe5. 102. Bb5. 103. Qd8. 104.
105. Qd8. 106. Qe4. 107. Qxe8. 108.
109. Bd6. 110. Qd7. 111. Qh8. 112.
113. Qb7. 114. Rh5. 115. Qg6. 116.
117. h3. 118. Qe7. 119. Rxf8. 120.
121. Rxf8. 122. Rh8. 123. Qg7. 124.
125. Rh8. 126. Qg7. 127. f4. 128.
129. Qg7. 130. Qxg7. 131. Qd3. 132.
133. Bg6. 134. Nb6. 135. B(e4, d3,
c2, b1) 136. Qc8.
137. Qc6. 138. Rxd8. 139. Rf8. 140.
141. Qf6. 142. Qh7. 143. Qh7. 144.
145. Qh6. 146. hxg6. 147. Qh4. 148.
149. Rxe4. 150. Rxh7. 151. Rd8.
152. Qc8.
153. Qf6. 154. Qc1. 155. Qxh7. 156.
157. Qg5. 158. Ng7. 159. Rh7. 160.
161. Qf6. 162. Qg7. 163. Qf8. 164.
165. Qxf7. 166. Qxh7. 167. Qh3. BACK
168. Qxg7.
169. Bxf7. 170. Rc7. 171. Qf6. 172.
173. Bg5. 174. Qf7. 175. Rc8. 176.
177. g8=Q. 178. Qc7. 179. f5. 180.
181. Qe8. 182. Rh8. 183. Nf6(g5).
184. Qe8.
185. Rh8. 186. Qh6. 187. Bg7. 188.
189. Qxh6. 190. Qf7. 191. Qxg4.
192. Bg3.
193. Rxe8. 194. Bd6. 195. Qf4. 196.
197. Nd8. 198. Qxh3. 199. g4. 200.
201. Bcd7. 202. Rxh5. 203. Qf8. 204.
205. Qc4(Qb4). 206. Bc1. 207. Ba4.
208. Qxf7.
209. c3. 210. Rf4. 211. Bxd6. 212.
213. Qd5. 214. Qe6. 215. Rc6. 216.
217. Qe6. 218. Qc7. 219. Ne7. 220.
221. Nd4. 222. Rg3. 223. Qd3. 224.
Nf4(f5, g8)
225. Ne7. 226. Re8. 227. Qe7. 228.
229. Qb7. 230. h4. 231. Qh2. 232.
233. Qh8. 234. Qg3. 235. Nxe5. 236.
237. g4. 238. Qd6. 239. Qh5. 240. BACK
241. Nf7. 242. Nb6. 243. Qxh4. 244.
245. Nxc4. 246. Qh5. 247. Bd6. 248.
249. Qa3. 250. dxe6 (en passant). BACK
251. 1. Rd8, Re8. 2. Rxe8# BACK
252. 1. Qe8, Rxe8. 2. Rxe8# BACK
253. 1. Bd4, Qg7. 2. Bxg7# BACK
254. 1. Rf8, Rg8. 2. Rxg8# BACK
255. 1. Ra7, Kf8. 2. Rb8# BACK
256. 1. Rf(1, 2, …7), Kh8. 2. Rf8# BACK
257. 1. g7, Qxg7. 2. fxg7# BACK
258. 1. Rd8, Qxd8. 2. Rxd8# BACK
259. 1. hxg4, Kf4. 2. Rf6# BACK
260. 1. Bf6, Kh8. 2. Nh6# BACK
261. 1. Ng6, Re8. 2. Rg8# BACK
262. 1. f8=Q, Nxf8. 2. Rxf8# BACK
263. 1. d8=Q, Kh7. 2. Qdh4# BACK
264. 1…Ra2. 2. Kb1, Qb2# BACK
265. 1…Bd5. 2. Kf3, Rd3# (Rc3#) BACK
266. 1…Nf5. 2. h4, Ng3# (Ne3#) BACK
267. 1…Rxf1. 2. Kfx1, Rh1# BACK
268. 1. Qg6, Ke7. 2. Qf7# BACK
269. 1. Qxf6, Kd6. 2. Qxd8# BACK
270. 1. Ne7, Kb5. 2. Bd3# BACK
271. 1…Rg1. 2. Rf1, Rxf1# BACK
272. 1…Qg5. 2. Kh2, Qg1# BACK
273. 1. R1h7, Kg6. 2. Rg7# BACK
274. 1…Re3. 2. Kg4, Qxg3# BACK
275. 1. Qg8, Rg7. 2. Qxg7# BACK
276. 1…Kd3. 2. b6, e2# BACK
277. 1…Bf2. 2. Kd2, Qe3# BACK
278. 1. Rxf7, Qxf7. 2. Qd6# BACK
279. 1. Qh6, Nh5. 2. Be1# BACK
280. 1. Na6, Ka8. 2. Qb8# BACK
281. 1. Qxc3, Ke2. 2. Qe3# BACK
282. 1. g5, Kh5. 2. Qf3# BACK
283. 1…Bd5. 2. Qe4, Bxe4# BACK
284. 1. Rxc7, Kxc7. 2. Rxa7# BACK
285. 1…Rxf2. 2. Rxf2, Rh1# BACK
286. 1. Qf8, Ke6. 2. Rd6# BACK
287. 1. Bg5, Kc7. 2. Bd8# BACK
288. 1. Kd6, a4. 2. e7# BACK
289. 1…Qf3. 2. Ke1, Qe2# BACK
290. 1…Qxf2. 2. Kh1, Qh2# BACK
291. 1. Qe6, Kf8. 2. Qe8# BACK
292. 1…Qxh3. 2. Kg1, Qg2# BACK
293. 1. Qxe8, Qxe8. 2. Rxe8# BACK
294. 1. Qh5, g6. 2. Qxg6# BACK
295. 1. Qxf7, Kh8. 2. Qg7# BACK
296. 1. Rd8, Be8. 2. Rdxe8# BACK
297. 1…Nf3. 2. Kh1, Qxh2# BACK
298. 1…Rxg5. 2. Kh1, Qg2# BACK
299. 1. Qxg8, Bf8. 2. Qx7# BACK
300. 1. Qf4, g5. 2. Qf6# BACK
301. 1…Qe4. 2. Rd3, Qxd3# BACK
302. 1. Qg4, Kh6. 2. Qxh4# BACK
303. 1. b8=Q, Re8. 2. Qxe8# BACK
304. 1…Qg2. 2. Ke1, Qf1# BACK
305. 1…Rb2. 2. Kf3, Qf1#(d1,h1) BACK
306. 1. Qxf7, Kg4. 2. h3# BACK
307. 1…Qg5. 2. Kh1, Qg2# BACK
308. 1…f2. 2. Kf1, Bb5# BACK
309. 1. Qb7, Kd8. 2. Rc8# BACK
310. 1. Qf7, Kh8. 2. Qg7# BACK
311. 1...Bc2. 2. Kxc2, d1=Q# BACK
312. 1...g3. 2. Kh3, Qh1# BACK
313. 1. Rg7, Ke8. 2. Nf6# (1...Ke6,
314. 1...Qb8. 2. Ka6, Qb2# BACK
315. 1...b8=Q. 2. Ka4, Qa6# BACK
316. 1...Qxh3. 2. Nh2, Qg2# BACK
317. 1. Kg6, Kh8. 2. Qg7# (Qf8,
Qe8, Qd8, Qh7)
318. 1. Kf3, Kh1. 2. Qg2# BACK
319. 1...Bf5. 2. Kg2, Rg6# BACK
320. 1...Bg3. 2. Kh1, Qh2# BACK
321. 1...Qe2. 2. Kg1, Qg2# BACK
322. 1. Qxc7, Ka7. 2. Ra1# BACK
323. 1...Qxe1. 2. Qg2, Rf2# BACK
324. 1...Rb2. 2. Kf1, Qc1# BACK
325. 1. Re7, Kc8. 2. Qxc7# BACK
326. 1...Bxg5. 2. Qh3, Rxh3# BACK
327. 1. Rc7, Re8. 2. Re7# BACK
328. 1...Kb3. 2. Kb1, Rh1# BACK
329. 1...Rd1. 2. Kh2, Bxe5# BACK
330. 1...Qf4. 2. Ke1, Qf2# BACK
331. 1. Rdf7, Ke8. 2. Nd6# BACK
332. 1. Bg5, Ke7. 2. Qxe7# BACK
333. 1. Qxg6, Kh8. 2. Qh7# BACK
334. 1. Bg6, Kf8. 2. Qh8# BACK
335. 1. Rb1, Ka4. 2. Rc4# BACK
336. 1. Rd8, Nc8. 2. Rxc8# (Qxc8#) BACK
337. 1. Qg4, Kxe5. 2. Qf4# BACK
338. 1...Rc1. 2. Kb2, Rb1# BACK
339. 1...Qh4. 2. Kxf5. 2. Re5# BACK
340. 1...Rd1. 2. Kc2, Qb1# BACK
341. 1...Qe1. 2. Rg1, Qxg1#
342. 1. Qh7, Kf8. 2. Nd7# BACK
343. 1...a1=Q. 2. Kg2, Qg1# BACK
344. 1...Bd8. 2. Qb6, Bxb6# BACK
345. 1...Qf3. 2. Ke1, Qf2# BACK
346. 1...Nf1. 2. Kh3, Bxg2# BACK
347. 1...Qc1. 2. Rxc1, Nd2# BACK
348. 1. Qg8, Rxg8. 2. Nf7# BACK
349. 1...Ng2. 2. Kg5, Rg3# BACK
350. 1. Rf7, Kd8. 2. Qd7# BACK
351. 1...Qh4. 2. Kxg6, Qg5# BACK
352. 1. Qc8, Ke7. 2. Qd8# BACK
353. 1...Ng6. 2. Kh5, Rh3# BACK
354. 1. Qf7, Kh6. 2. Bf8# (Be3) BACK
355. 1. Qc2, Ka3. 2. Qa2# BACK
356. 1. Qg3, Kf7. 2. Qg7# BACK
357. 1...Rxg2. 2. Kh1, Nf2# BACK
358. 1. Qe6, Kf8. 2. Ng6# BACK
359. 1...Rb3. 2. Kd4, Be3# BACK
360. 1...Be3. 2. Kf1, Qf2# BACK
361. 1...Bd4. 2. Kh1, Qf3# BACK
362. 1...Nf5 (Nxf3). 2. Rh4, Rxh4# BACK
363. 1. Bb5, Qxb5. 2. Qxb5# (axb5) BACK
364. 1. Qxb6, Ka8. 2. Nc7# BACK
365. 1...Qa5. 2. Ba3, Qxa3# BACK
366. 1...Rg2. 2. Kh1, Rxf1# BACK
367. 1. Qg8, Nxg8. 2. Nf7# BACK
368. 1. g6, Kh6. 2. Rh8# BACK
369. 1...g1=Q. 2. Kh3, Qg3# BACK
370. 1. Rh8, Rh7. 2. Qf8# BACK
371. 1. Qxe8, Bf8. 2. Qxf8# BACK
372. 1...Be5. 2. Kh4, g5# BACK
373. 1...Rxg2. 2. Rxg2, Nf3# BACK
374. 1. Qf8, Rxf8. 2. Rxf8# BACK
375. 1. f4, Kxf6. 2. Re6# BACK
376. 1. Qh6, Kg8. 2. Qxg7# BACK
377. 1. Qf7, Kc6. 2. Nd8# BACK
378. 1...Qe3. 2. Qf3, Qxf3# BACK
379. 1. Qh7, Kf8. 2. Qxf7# BACK
380. 1...Qf1. 2. Kh2, Kg1# BACK
381. 1. Qf8, Kh7. 2. Rd7# BACK
382. 1. Qe6, Kf8. 2. Qf7# BACK
383. 1...Ba3. 2. Kb3, Qb5# BACK
384. 1. Qh8, Kf7. 2. Rh7# BACK
385. 1. Rg6, Kf7. 2. Qg7# BACK
386. 1...Nf1. 2. Kh3, Rg3# BACK
387. 1. Qh3, Qh5. 2. Qxh5# BACK
388. 1. Qxg6, Rxg6. 2. Rh4# BACK
389. 1. Qxh6, Kg8. 2. Nf6# BACK
390. 1. Re8, Rxe8. 2. Rxe8# BACK
391. 1. Qxc8, Qg8. 2. Qxg8# BACK
392. 1. Qe8, Rxe8. 2. fxe8=Q# BACK
393. 1. Nxf6, exf6. 2. Qg6# BACK
394. 1...Rc2. 2. Kb1, Rxc3# BACK
395. 1. g4, Kxf4. 2. Bd2# BACK
396. 1...Qh2. 2. Kf1, Qh1# BACK
397. 1...Rcf2. 2. Ke1, Rg1#. BACK
398. 1...Qe2. 2. Kg1, Qf2# BACK
399. 1. Nf5(Ng4), Kg8. 2. Qh7# BACK
400. 1...Qg6. 2. Qg4, f5# BACK
401. 1. gxh6, Kxh6. 2. Qg5# BACK
402. 1. Qf8, Rg8. 2. Qxh6# BACK
403. 1. Qxc6, bxc6. 2. Ba6# BACK
404. 1. Nd4, Qxb7. 2. Rg4# (1. Nd4,
Bxd4. 2. Qb1#) (1. Nd4, Qxd4. 2. BACK
Qxh7#) (1. Nd4, exd4. 2. Qxd5#)
405. 1. Rxd7, Qxd7. 2. Rxd7, Kf8. 3.
406. 1. Bd8, Kb8. 2. Qe5, Qc7. 3.
407. 1...f3. 2. Kh1, f2. 3. Kg2, f1=Q# BACK
408. 1...Qg2. 2. Kh4, Nf5. 3. Kg4,
409. 1. Rxe6, fxe6. 2. Qxe6, Kd8. 3. BACK
410. 1. Rg8, Kh6. 2. Rf6, Kh5. 3.
411. 1. Qh5, Kg7. 2. Qg6, Kh8. 3.
412. 1...Rc3. 2. Kb4, Qc5. 3. Ka4,
413. 1. Rd6, Qe6. 2. Rxe6, Kh5. 3.
414. 1. Be6, Kc7. 2. Rd7, Kc8. 3.
415. 1. Qxh7, Kxh7. 2. Bxf7 (Bf3),
Bh6. 3. Rxh6#
416. 1...h1=Q. 2. Ke2, Qd1. 3. Ke3,
417. 1. Rh7, Kg8. 2. Rh8, Kg7. 3.
418. 1...Rf2. 2. Kg1, Qg3. 3. Bg2,
419. 1. Re8, Kg7. 2. h6, Kf7. 3. g6# BACK
420. 1. e5, hxg4. 2. e6, g3. 3. e7# BACK
421. 1...Qxg4. 2. Kh1, Kf3. 3. Kh2,
422. 1. Re6, Kg7. 2. h6, Kg8. 3.
423. 1...Nh3. 2. Kh1, Qg1. 3. Rxg1,
424. 1...Rg1. 2. Kh3, Qf1. 3. Kh4,
Rg4# (hxg5#)
425. 1. Rf8, Kc7. 2. Rc8, Kb7. 3.
426. 1. Qh7, Ng7. 2. Rxg7, Ke6. 3.
Qf5#. (Or 1. Rg7, Nxg7. 2. Rxg7, BACK
Ke8. 3. Qh8#)
427. 1. fxe5, Kxe5. 2. Qg7, Ke6. 3. BACK
428. 1. Qd6, Ka5. 2. Qc7, b6. 3.
429. 1...Be8. 2. c6, Kf4. 3. cxb7,
430. 1. Re6, Kxh5. 2. Qh7, Kg4. 3.
Rd4# (1. Rd6, Kxh5. 2. Re5, Rg5, 3. BACK
431. 1. Qa8, Kd7. 2. Qd8, Kc6. 3.
432. 1. Qh8, Kxh8. 2. Ng6, Kg8. 3.
433. 1. Qa7, Kc8. 2. Rd8, Kxd8. 3.
434. 1. Qh4, Qh5. 2. Qxh5, Kg7. 3.
435. 1. Be3, Kf1. 2. Rh1, Rg1. 3.
436. 1. Rxh7, Kg8. 2. Rfg7, Kf8. 3.
437. 1...Bxg3. 2. Kxg3, Qh4. 3. Kg2,
Qh2# (1...Bxg3. 2. Qe3, g4. 3. Rf4, BACK
438. 1...Rxh2. 2. Kxh2, Qh4. 3. Kg2,
439. 1. Re8, Rf8. 2. Nh6, Kh8. 3.
Rxf8#. (1. Qxg7, Rxg7. 2. Nh6, Kf8. BACK
3. Re8#)
440. 1. g6, Re8. 2. Qh7, Kf8. 3. Qh8# BACK
441. 1...Re2. 2. Kf4, g5. 3. Kf5, Rf2# BACK
442. 1. Rxg7, Kg8. 2. Rh7, Kg8. 3.
443. 1...Qxb7. 2. Rg2, gxf5. 3. Kg1,
444. 1...Rxa2. 2. Ke1, Re2. 3. Kf1,
445. 1...Rf1. 2. Rxf1, Rxf1. 3. Rg1, BACK
Qxg1# (3...Rxg1#)
446. 1...Qxh2. 2. Kxh2, g1=Q. 3.
Kh3, Qg3#
447. 1. Bg6, Kg8. 2. Qh7, Kf8. 3.
448. 1...Qa1. 2. Re1, Qxe1. 3. Kg2,
449. 1. Bb7, Rxb7. 2. Rf8, Rb8. 3.
450. 1. e7, Be6. 2. Bxe6, Kh8. 3.
451. 1...Rh6. 2. Rh3, Rg2. 3. Kh1,
452. 1. Qf7, Kd6. 2. Nc4, Kc6. 3.
453. 1. Qd7, Kf6. 2. Qf7, Kg5. 3.
454. 1...Qa1. 2. Rb1, Qxb1. 3. Kh2,
455. 1. Qxh6, Kg8. 2. Qh7, Kf8. 3.
456. 1...Be2 (Bc4, Bb5, Ba6). 2. Kg1,
Nh3. 3. Kh1, Bf3#
457. 1. g5, Kh5. 2. Qh8, Qh7. 3.
458. 1...Rh1. 2. Kxh1, Qh3. 3. Kg1,
459. 1. Qxf6, exf6. 2. Bxf6, Kg8. 3.
460. 1. Bxh7, Kxh7. 2. Rh5, Kg8. 3.
461. 1. Qh5, Kf5. 2. Qh3, Kg6. 3.
Qh7#. (If 2...Ke4. 3. Qd3#)
462. 1. Ba6, Ka8. 2. Bb7, Kb8. 3.
463. 1. Qf7, Kd6. 2. Qd5, Ke7. 3. BACK
464. 1. Rd8, Rxd8. 2. cxd8=Q, Kb7.
3. a6# (Or 1. Ka6, Rh8. 2. Rd8, BACK
Rxd8. 3. cxd8=Q#)
465. 1. Rf8, Rxf8. 2. Qxf8, Rxf8. 3.
466. 1...Qxf2. 2. Kh1, Qg1. 3. Rxg1,
467. 1...Nf2. 2. Ke1, Nd3. 3. Kf1,
468. 1. Be6, Kxe6. 2. Qe8, Nge7. 3.
469. 1. c4, Kxb4. 2. Qb3, Ka5. 3.
470. 1...Rf2. 2. Kg3, Rg1. 3. Kh4,
Rxh2# (If 1...Rf2. 2. Qh3, Rxh2. 3. BACK
Kxg4, Rg1#)
471. 1...Rg2. 2. Kh1, Rg1. 3. Kh2,
472. 1. Qd6, Ke8. 2. Nc7, Kf7. 3.
473. 1. Qf7, Qxf7. 2. exf7, Kf8. 3.
474. 1. Bd3, Ne4. 2. Bxe4, Kf6. 3.
475. 1. Qd6, Ke8. 2. Qd7, Kf8. 3.
476. 1...Nxf3. 2. Kf1, Bd3. 3. Qxd3,
477. 1...Bc5. 2. Kxc5, Qb6. 3. Kd5,
478. 1. Bc4, Kxc4. 2. Qb3, Kd4. 3.
479. 1...Bf3. 2. Rxf3, Nef2. 3. Rxf2,
480. 1. Nc7, Kd8. 2. Nce6, Ke8. 3. BACK
481. 1. Nh6, Kh8. 2. Qg8, Rxg8. 3.
482. 1. Bg6, Kf8. 2. Qh8, Ke7. 3.
483. 1. Rh7, Kg8. 2. Rfg7, Kf8. 3.
484. 1. Rh8, Nxh8. 2. Qh7, Nxh7. 3.
485. 1. Qd7, Kf8. 2. Qe8, Kg7. 3.
486. 1...Rh8. 2. Kg4, Qe2. 3. Kg5,
Rh5# (3...Qg5#).
487. 1. Rh3, Kg5. 2. Qg3, Ng4. 3.
488. 1...Bf3. 2. Kg1, Nh3. 3. Kf1,
489. 1. Rb6, Ke7. 2. Ra7, Kd8. 3.
490. 1...Qh1. 2. Kf2, Rh2. 3. Ke3,
491. 1. Rc8, Rxc8. 2. Rxc8, Bxc8. 3.
492. 1. Na6, Ka8. 2. Nxc7, Kb8. 3.
493. 1. Bxb7, Rxb7. 2. Qc6, Rc7. 3.
494. 1. Rh3, Nh6. 2. Rxh6, gxh6. 3.
495. 1. Qc8, Kf7. 2. Qd7, Kf8. 3.
496. 1. Rf7, Kg5. 2. h4, Kh5. 3. Rf5# BACK
497. 1. exf6, Rg8. 2. Bg7, Rxg7. 3.
Qxg7# (fxg7#)
498. 1. Qg5, Kf8. 2. Nd6, Bf6. 3. BACK
499. 1...Ne3. 2. Kh3, Qf1, 3. Bg2,
Qxg2# (If 1...Ne3. 2. fxe3, Qf1#)
500. 1. Qf7, Nxf7. 2. Bxf7, Ke7. 3.
Nf5# (Re6#)
501. 1...Qh4. 2. Kf3, Qf2. 3. Kg4,
502. 1. Rb8, Ke7. 2. Bc5, Kf7. 3.
503. 1...Qxf4. 2. Kh5, Qg3. 3. h4,
504. 1. Nh7, Ke7. 2. Bg5, Bf6. 3.
505. 1. Bg6, Kxg6. 2. Rg4, Kf7. 3.
506. 1. Rg5, Kh7. 2. Rg7, Kh8. 3.
507. 1. Nb3, g5. 2. Nc5, g4. 3. Na6#
(Or 1. Nc2)
508. 1. Nc3, Ke6. 2. Bg4, hxg4. 3.
509. 1...Qxg2. 2. Kf4, Qh2. 3. Ke3,
510. 1. Qxg7, Qxg7. 2. Rxf8, Bg8. 3.

As a way to help you continue with your development in Chess. Here I am

sharing a link where you will be able to download unlimited score sheets to
record all your future games.

Happy checkmating!

Natalie Agapov

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