Position Paper - GramMUN DISEC - USA

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Position Paper

Delegate Name: Abdullah Shah

Committee: DISEC
Topic: Revisiting the NPT with Emphasis to Article 5
Country: United States of America


The United States of America is dedicated to advancing international peace, security, and
disarmament as a member of the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC).
In order to ensure that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) remains
successful in tackling the challenges of the twenty-first century, we acknowledge the
significance of the NPT and the necessity to reassess its provisions, particularly Article 5.

Background and Importance of the NPT:

The NPT is a pillar of global efforts to promote disarmament, stop the spread of nuclear
weapons, and ease access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Since it came into existence in
1970, it has been crucial in preserving world peace and security.

Revisiting Article 5 of the NPT

Article 5 of the NPT states that:

"Each Party to the Treaty undertakes to take appropriate measures to ensure that, in
accordance with this Treaty, under appropriate international observation and
through appropriate international procedures, potential benefits from any peaceful
applications of nuclear explosions will be made available to non-nuclear-weapon
States Party to the Treaty on a non-discriminatory basis"

Since the NPT's ratification by various states, the worldwide security environment has
substantially changed, so it is essential to review Article 5 in order to address new issues and
effectively advance disarmament goals.

Strengthening the NPT Review Process

To strengthen the existing loopholes in NPT Review processes, to address accountability the
United States proposes the following measures:

Enhancing Verification Mechanisms:

Strengthening the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) role in verifying
compliance with the NPT and ensuring robust safeguards agreements are in place for all
states parties.

Universalization of the NPT:

Enhancing the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) responsibility for
confirming adherence to the NPT and making sure all state parties have strong safeguards
agreements in place.

Addressing Non-Compliance:
strengthening the systems in place to deal with NPT violations, notably by putting in
place a stronger enforcement framework.

Promoting Disarmament:
Encouraging all state parties to fulfill their duties to reduce their nuclear arsenals,
promote transparency, and take other confidence-boosting steps in order to comply with
Article VI of the NPT.

Engaging Non-State Actors:

Understanding the significance of involving non-state actors, such as Private Military and
Security Companies, in the NPT's implementation and advancing a disarmament and
non-proliferation culture.

Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Article 5

The United States recognizes the value of nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZs) in advancing
regional security and disarmament efforts. In order to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and
advance the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, we advocate the creation and upkeep of NWFZs.
As for Article 5 and NWFZs, the United States encourages states parties to NWFZs to ensure
that their treaties are consistent with the provisions of the NPT. This includes adhering to non-
proliferation commitments, working with the IAEA, and effectively implementing safeguards

The US is dedicated to collaborating with all DISEC members to review the NPT and resolve the
issues raised by Article 5. We think that a world free from the threat of nuclear weapons may be
achieved through bolstering the treaty and its review process, encouraging disarmament, and
cooperating with all parties.

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