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Global Perspective - Research Questions

By: Abdullah Shah , 10-H

Belief Systems:

1. Can only Belief systems shape political ideologies and social constructs?

2. Is one’s perception of human rights, living standards, and basic necessities only
shaped by Belief Systems?

3. Are Belief systems better at the enforcement of laws and societal morals in
comparison with legal authorities?

Biodiversity and Ecosystem loss:

1. Is damage to aquatic ecosystems the only driver behind loss in biodiversity?

2. Are human beings the only reason behind extinction of endangered species?

3. Is the protection of endangered species in environments dedicated to replicating

natural ecosystems even effective?

Changing Communities:

1. Does globalization universally affect local cultures and traditions within


2. Does the marginalization of minor communities from the rest of the population
cause increased discrimination?

3. Does urbanization lead to changes in the social structure, traditions, and cultures
of communities?

Digital World:
1. Are the methods being employed by federal governments to protect privacy
enough to stop social media platforms from stealing the personal information of

2. Is it possible to develop an accountability mechanism for social media platforms

for promoting unlawful content without having it lead to state-censorship of

3. Is it possible for countries to identify harmful content which may be deemed as a

threat to national security without infringing upon the right to privacy of citizens?


1. Does a parent's participation in their child's education and extracurricular activities

significantly affect their child's social and academic development?

2. Do divorces negatively impact the mental health of adolescents?

3. Does a complicated family structure, i.e: joint family, influence the dynamics of
child-development and emotional wellbeing

Humans and other species:

1. Are illicit trafficking and trade of endangered species impacting existing efforts to
preserve wildlife?

2. Is lack of awareness in common people the only cause of endangerment and

extinction of wildlife species?

3. To what extent is Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis a significant

threat to wildlife?

Sustainable Living:

1. Is lack of regulation for industries and corporations the main hindrance in

achieving Sustainability for developing and third world countries?
2. Is it possible for countries to address the issues that arise in the cost-benefit
analysis when switching to greener methods, i.e: renewable energy?

3. Is the use of non-renewable resources on a large scale without any form of

external national or international accountability the main reason why sustainable
living is not being achieved?

Trade and Aid:

1. To what extent are the economies of third world countries dependent upon foreign
aid for their stability?

2. Does the control over international organizations granting aid to third world
countries by the developed nations lead to the formation of hegemony in the
international community, leading to the economies of the third world countries
being adversely impacted?

3. Should protected zones such as Antarctica be exploited for their resources, and
minerals, to serve the purposes of national governments and private corporations?

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