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Quarter 1

Name :________________________________________ Score:_______________

Section: __________________________
MELC: Evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout,
graphic, and visual message design

I. Modified True or False.

Carefully analyze each statement and write “AGREE” if you agree on the statement
and “DISAGREE” if otherwise. Write also the web principle describing the statement.
Answers will be written on the space provided before each number. Two points for each
answer. Choose your answer inside the box

Example: Agree – Simplicity

__________________ 1. Use of several fonts and colors make the webpage

More visually attractive and easy to understand.
__________________ 2. In making a webpage, one needs to understand that
“Less is More”.
__________________ 3. Text that is clear and easy to read makes the
webpage less effective.
__________________ 4. According to eye-tracking studies, readers do not
follow a pattern in reading a text.
__________________ 5. A well-structured design makes the elements aligned
and the content more organized.
__________________ 6. A web designer always knows where to put emphasis
so that readers can easily grasp the most important
__________________ 7. A poor color combination attracts users while a perfect
combination can lead to distraction.
__________________ 8. Adjusting the image size can increase the website loading
__________________ 9. One of the reasons why web visitors easily get annoyed is
that they do not know how to browse the page.
__________________ 10. A website is more effective if it can only access through
laptops and personal computers.
Disagree – Consistency Agree – Simplicity
Disagree – Typography Disagree – F-shaped Pattern Reading
Agree – Grid-Based Layout Agree – Visual Hierarchy
Disagree – Color Palette and Imagery Agree- Easy loading
Agree – Easy Navigation Disagree – Mobile

II. Identification. Identify what online creation platforms these examples belong. Choose
your answer inside the box

___________________ 1 . Google Map & Openstreetmap  Mapping

___________________ 2. Wix & Google Site  Web Page Creation
___________________ 3. Facebook & YouTube  Social Media
 Cloud Computing
___________________ 4. Google Drive & Dropbox  Presentation/Visualization
___________________ 5. Prezi & Zoho Show

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