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Nama : I Made Aditya Rukma Nugrah

No: 02
Kls : XI Mipa 2


Nowadays, many people want everything instantly.

Like wanting to eat but not wanting to cook. Want to eat but don’t want to
wash the dishes. Therefore, currently many restaurants are busy.
Moreover, restaurants with cheap prices but high quality. That’s why
restaurants are busy nowadays because it’s simple and Instant.

Firstly, by eating out we don’t need to cook. Sometimes people want to

eat but are lazy to cook. The reason is because I can’t cook or am lazy to
cook. So by eating out we just have to order and wait for our food to
come. With that you only need to eat it. Because it has been cooked by a
restaurant chef and it usually has a distinctive taste. Therefore, nowadays
many restaurants are busy because they are simple and instant.

Second, by eating out you can also choose the food you want to eat. We
just have to order it and wait for it. Eating out also has a variety of menus
so you don’t need to be good at cooking to eat it.
Eating out also means we don’t have to wash the plates because they have
been washed by the restaurant waiter. You just need to come order and
pay. Therefore, people like to eat out because they have a varied menu
and don’t need to cook

Eating out means we don’t have to cook. Because it has been cooked by a
restaurant chef. We also get a variety of menus that we can try without
having to pay and wait for the food to arrive.

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